Namespace Alternet.UI
- AbstractCharValidator
Abstract implementation of the ICharValidator interface
- AbstractControl
Defines the base abstract class for controls, which are components with visual representation.
- AbstractControl.AlignedPosition
Contains location and size calculated by the align method.
- AbstractControl.ControlCollection
Represents a collection of AbstractControl objects.
- AbstractEnumMapping<TSource, TDest>
Abstract class which defines methods allowing to map values of
enum type toTDest
enum type.
- AbstractTwoWayEnumMapping<TSource, TDest>
Abstract class which extends AbstractEnumMapping<TSource, TDest>. It defines methods and properties allowing to map values of
enum type to/fromTDest
enum type.
- ActionUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to Action, Func<TResult> and their versions with additional parameters.
- ActionsListBox
Implements list box control with list of actions. When item is double clicked, associated action is executed.
- AdvDictionaryCached<TKey, TValue>
Implements dictionary with GetValueOrDefaultCached(TKey, TValue) and GetOrCreateCached(TKey, Func<TValue>) methods. These methods speed up work with dictionary if same item is accessed more than once continiously.
- AdvDictionary<TKey, TValue>
Adds additional functionality to the ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>.
- AlignUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to the layout and align.
- AllControlDefaults
Contains default property values for all the controls in the library.
- AllPlatformDefaults
Contains platform related default property values.
- AllStateColors
Contains foreground and background colors for all the states.
- AnimationPlayer
This is a static control which displays an animation. This control is useful to display a (small) animation while doing a long task (e.g. a "throbber").
- App
Provides methods and properties to manage an application.
- AppUtils
General application utility methods.
- Application
Provides methods and properties to manage an application.
- ApplicationContext
Specifies the contextual information about an application thread.
- ArrayUtils
Contains static methods related to arrays.
- AssemblyUtils
Contains Assembly, PropertyInfo and Type related static methods.
- AsyncUtils
Contains methods and properties related to async execution and tasks.
- AttributesFactory
Factory with static methods which alow to create custom attributes.
- AutoResetAttribute
Specifies whether field or property can be reset automatically.
- BaseAttribute
Base attribute class. All other attributes descend from BaseAttribute.
- BaseBoolAttribute
Base attribute with boolean parameter.
- BaseCancelEventArgs
Base class with properties and methods common to all Alternet.UI CancelEventArgs descendants.
- BaseControlActivity
Base class for all control activities.
- BaseControlHandler
Contains methods and properties which help to implement custom control handler.
- BaseControlItem
Base class with properties and methods common to all control items like TreeViewItem, ListViewItem and ListControlItem.
- BaseEventArgs
Base class with properties and methods common to all Alternet.UI EventArgs descendants.
- BaseEventArgs<T>
Extends BaseEventArgs with parameter of
- BaseException
Base class for the exception descendants in the library.
- BaseFocusEventArgs
Provides additional data for the LostFocus and GotFocus events of the AbstractControl.
- BaseMemory
Contains static methods to work with native memory buffers.
- BaseObject
Base class with properties and methods common to all Alternet.UI objects.
- BaseObjectWithAttr
Extends BaseObjectWithId with custom attributes. This includes Tag, CustomFlags, CustomAttr, FlagsAndAttributes properties and other related to custom attributes features.
- BaseObjectWithId
Extends BaseObject with UniqueId and id related features.
- BaseOwnedObject<T>
Base class with properties and methods common to all child objects.
- BasePrintDialog
Base class for all print dialogs.
- BaseThreadExceptionEventArgs
Provides data for the ThreadException event.
- BaseTypeConverter
Base class for all TypeConverter descendants in the library.
- BaseValueAttribute<T>
Base attribute which has some value.
- Border
Draws a border, background, or both around another control.
- BorderSettings
Specifies Border drawing settings.
- BorderSideSettings
Specifies Border drawing settings for the individual side.
- Button
Represents a button control.
- ButtonBase
Implements the basic functionality common to button controls.
- ByteFromUserParams
Contains properties which allow to customize dialog box which asks a byte value from the user.
- Calculator
Calculator control with buttons and display.
- Calendar
The calendar control allows the user to pick a date.
- CardPanel
Allows to switch child controls, so only one of them is visible and other are hidden.
- CardPanelItem
Individual page of the CardPanel
- Caret
A caret is a blinking cursor showing the position where the typed text will appear. Text controls usually have their own caret but Caret provides a way to use a caret in other controls.
- CaretInfo
Contains methods and properties which help to work with internally painted caret.
- CharValidator
Default implementation of the ICharValidator interface.
- CheckBox
Represents a check box control.
- CheckListBox
Represents a control to display a list of items with checkboxes. Please consider using VirtualCheckListBox instead of this control as it is faster.
- Clipboard
Provides methods to place data on and retrieve data from the system clipboard.
- ClipboardUtils
Contains static properties and methods related to the clipboard.
- CodeGeneratorUtils
Provides static methods related to dynamic assembly generation.
- ColorComboBox.DefaultColorItemPainter
Default item painter for the ColorComboBox items.
- ColorDialog
Displays a dialog window from which the user can select a color.
- ColorListBox.DefaultItemPainter
Default item painter for the ColorListBox items.
- ColorPicker
Represents control that displays a selected color and allows to change it.
- ColumnDefinition
Defines column-specific properties that apply to Grid controls.
- ComboBox
Represents a combo box control.
- ComboBox.DefaultItemPainter
Default item painter for the ownerdraw ComboBox items.
- ComboBoxAndButton
Implements ComboBox with additional buttons.
- ComboBoxAndLabel
Implements ComboBox with attached label.
- ComboBoxItemPaintEventArgs
Provides data for the Paint(ComboBox, ComboBoxItemPaintEventArgs) event.
- Command
Allows an application author to define a method to be invoked.
- CommandConverter
Converter class for converting between a string and the ICommand.
- CommandLineArgs
Allows to parse command line arguments and get argument values as different types. Example of the supported command line arguments: -r=download Url="http://localhost/wxWidgets.7z" Path="e:/file.7z"
- CommonDialog
Specifies the base class used for displaying standard system dialog windows on the screen.
- CommonUtils
Contains static methods common to Alternet.UI and Alternet.UI.CommonUtils
- ComponentDesigner
Default IComponentDesigner implementation.
- ConsoleUtils
Methods related to Console.
- ContainerControl
Base class for all container controls.
- ContentAttribute
This item supports the framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
- ContextMenu
Represents the context menu.
- ContextMenuStrip
Defined in order to make library more compatible with the legacy code.
- Control
Control handled by the operating system.
- ControlActivities
Contains control activities.
- ControlAndButton
Base abstract class for control with side buttons.
- ControlAndButtonClickEventArgs
Provides data for the ButtonClick event.
- ControlAndControl
Parent class for ControlAndButton and ControlAndLabel<TControl, TLabel> controls.
- ControlAndLabel<TControl, TLabel>
Implements labeled control.
- ControlCategoryAttribute
Specifies the category in which the control will be displayed in a tool box.
- ControlColorAndStyle
Defines color and style settings for dark and light themse.
- ControlDefaults
Contains default property values for the control.
- ControlFactory
Implements static methods and properties which are related to the controls creation.
- ControlNotification
An empty implementation of the IControlNotification interface.
- ControlSet
Allows to perform group operations on the controls.
- ControlStateBorders
Specifies a set of BorderSettings for different control states.
- ControlStateBrushes
Specifies a set of Brush for different control states.
- ControlStateColors
Specifies a set of IReadOnlyFontAndColor for different control states.
- ControlStateImageSets
Specifies a set of ImageSet for different control states.
- ControlStateImages
Specifies a set of Image for different control states.
- ControlStateObjects<T>
Specifies a set of objects for different control states.
- ControlStatePens
Specifies a set of Pen for different control states.
- ControlStateSettings
Specifies sets of objects (images, colors, borders, pens, brushes) for different control states.
- ControlSubscriber
Implements subscriber to the control events. You can pass it to the AddNotification(IControlNotification?) and AddGlobalNotification(IControlNotification) methods.
- ControlUtils
Contains static methods and properties which are AbstractControl related.
- ConversionUtils
Contains helper properties and methods for the value conversion.
- CpuUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to processor.
- CreatePropertyEventArgs
Provides data for the create property event in PropertyGrid.
- Cursor
A cursor is a small bitmap usually used for denoting where the mouse pointer is, with a picture that might indicate the interpretation of a mouse click.
- CustomDateEdit
Base class for date editors.
- CustomEventArgs
Extends BaseEventArgs with custom attributes. This includes Tag, CustomFlags, CustomAttr, FlagsAndAttributes properties and other related to custom attributes features.
- CustomKeyEventArgs
Base class for KeyEventArgs and PreviewKeyDownEventArgs classes.
- CustomTextBox
Base class for text editors.
- DataFormats
Provides static, predefined Clipboard and Drag and Drop format names. Use them to identify the format of data that you store in an IDataObject.
- DataObject
Implements a basic data transfer mechanism.
- DateTimePicker
Represents control that displays a selected date and allows to change it.
- DebugUtils
Contains static methods related to the debug process.
- DebugUtils.DebugTraceListener
TraceListener descendant for the debug purposes.
- DefaultFileSystem
Implements default provider for the IFileSystem.
- DefaultLayoutEventArgs
Provides data for the GlobalOnLayout event.
- DefaultPreferredSizeEventArgs
Provides data for the GlobalGetPreferredSize event.
- DeferredContentAttribute
This item supports the framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
- DialogFactory
Contains static methods which call standard dialogs.
- DialogWindow
A dialog box is a Window descendant with a title bar and sometimes a system menu, which can be moved around the screen. It can contain controls and other windows and is often used to allow the user to make some choice or to answer a question.
- DisableDpiAwarenessAttribute
DisableDpiAwarenessAttribute tells to disable DpiAwareness in this application for controls.
- Display
Determines the sizes and locations of displays connected to the system.
- DisposableObject
Provides a mechanism for releasing managed and unmanaged resources.
- DisposableObject<T>
Extends DisposableObject with Handle property of the
- DotNetUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to the DotNet platform.
- DoubleUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to double handling.
- DownloadUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to file download using http protocol.
- DpiChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the DPI changed events of a form or control.
- DragEventArgs
Provides data for the DragDrop, DragEnter, or DragOver events.
- DragStartEventArgs
Provides data for the DragStart event.
- DrawItemEventArgs
Provides data for the draw item events.
- DrawingUtils
Contains static methods related to drawing.
- DummyActionSimulatorHandler
Implements dummy user interface action simulator which does nothing.
- DummyTimerHandler
Implementation of the ITimerHandler which does nothing.
- ElapsedEventArgs
Provides data for the Elapsed event.
- EnumImages<TKey>
Contains small and large images indexed by the enum type.
- EnumMapping<TSource, TDest>
Allows to map source enum values to the destination enum values.
- EnumUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to enums.
- EnumerableUtils
Contains static methods related to IEnumerable.
- ErrorPictureBox
Descendant of the PictureBox which is initialized to show text validation or other errors.
- ErrorStatusEventArgs
Provides data for the ErrorStatusChanged and similar events.
- EventArgsUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to the event arguments.
- ExceptionCreatedEventArgs
Provides data for the ExceptionCreated event.
- ExceptionUtils
Contains methods and properties related to the exceptions.
- FileDialog
Displays a dialog window from which the user can select a file.
- FileListBox
VirtualListBox descendant which allows to browse folder contents.
- FileListBox.FileListBoxItem
Impements item of the FileListBox control.
- FileListBox.FolderInfoItem
Contains properties which allow to specify custom image and title for the file. Used in FolderInfo dictionary.
- FileListBox.NewItemInfo
Contains properties which allow to specify information useful when new item is added.
- FileMaskUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to the file masks.
- FileSystem
Contains static methods which allow to work with the file system. All calls are translated to the Default file system.
- FileUtils
Contains static methods related to files.
- FindReplaceControl
Implements main control of the Find and Replace dialogs.
- FlagsAndAttributesFactory
Factory with static methods which alow to create objects which implement IFlagsAndAttributes interface.
- FlagsAndAttributes<TKey, TValue>
Default implementation of the flags and attributes used in the library.
- FlagsFactory
Factory with static methods which alow to create custom flags.
- FontAndColor
Default IFontAndColor and IReadOnlyFontAndColor implementation. Also contains static properties to get system colors as IReadOnlyFontAndColor.
- FontAndColor.ControlDefaultFontAndColor
Allows to get font and color defaults for the control.
- FontAndColor.ControlStaticDefaultFontAndColor
Allows to get font and color default for the specified ControlTypeId.
- FontComboBox
ComboBox descendant for selecting font names.
- FontDialog
Displays a dialog window from which the user can select a font.
- FontListBox
ListBox descendant for selecting font names.
- Form
Defined in order to make library more compatible with the legacy code.
- FormUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to forms handling
- FrameworkElement
Base class for components that can be loaded from uixml.
- GenericControl
Implements generic control which is not handled by the operating system.
- GenericLabel
Implements generic label control.
- GenericTextControl
Implements simple text control which can paint text without new line characters and wrapping.
- GenericWrappedTextControl
Implements simple text control which can text with new line characters and wrapping.
- GetItemTextEventArgs
Provides data for the item text request events.
- GlobalFocusNextEventArgs
Provides event arguments for the GlobalFocusNextControl event.
- GotFocusEventArgs
Provides additional data for the GotFocus event of the AbstractControl.
- GraphicControl
Descendant of the UserControl which doesn't need to have focus. An example of GraphicControl is GenericLabel.
- Grid
Defines a flexible grid area that consists of columns and rows.
- GridColumnCollection
Provides access to an ordered, strongly typed collection of ColumnDefinition objects.
- GridDefinitionBase
Defines the functionality that is used by the GridColumnCollection and GridRowCollection classes. This is an abstract class.
- GridLengthConverter
GridLengthConverter - Converter class for converting instances of other types to and from GridLength instances.
- GridRowCollection
Provides access to an ordered, strongly typed collection of RowDefinition objects.
- GroupBox
Represents a control that displays a frame around a group of controls with an optional title.
- HScrollBar
Represents a standard horizontal scroll bar.
- HandledEventArgs
Provides data for the events which require Handled property.
- HandledEventArgsWithResult<TValue, TResult>
Extends HandledEventArgs<T> with the Result property.
- HandledEventArgs<T>
Extends BaseEventArgs with parameter of
- HandledObject<T>
Implements base class that pass calls to its handler. and other graphics objects.
- HandlerForDisposed
This is dummy handler used for the disposed controls in some cases.
- HeaderLabel
Implements label control that looks like header.
- HelpEventArgs
Provides data for the help request events.
- HelpInfo
Contains parameters for the Help file opening.
- HexEditorUInt32
Imlements hexadecimal uint editor with validation.
- HiddenBorder
This is the Border descendant which is initialized with the hidden border.
- HiddenWindow
This Window descendant is always hidden.
- HorizontalStackPanel
Arranges child controls into a single line that can be oriented horizontally.
- ImmutableObject
Extends DisposableObject with immutable feature, event PropertyChanged and other features. Allows to implement immutable objects with properties that can not be changed.
- ImmutableWithRecord<T>
Extends ImmutableObject with AsRecord property and other features.
- IndexedValues<TIndex, TValue>
Allows to get and set indexed values as fast as possible.
- InputBinding
Used to specify the binding between InputGesture and ICommand.
- InputGesture
Base class for individual input device gestures.
- InputUtils
Contains static methods and properties relater to the keyboard, mouse, touch and other input methods.
- IntPtrUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to nint.
- InteriorControlActivity
Implements mouse handling for the InteriorDrawable.
- InvalidateEventArgs
Provides data for the 'Invalidated' event.
- IsCsLocalizedAttribute
Specifies whether text property is localized or not.
- IsLocalizedAttribute
Specifies whether text property is localized or not.
- IsTextLocalizedAttribute
Specifies whether text property is localized or not.
- IsTitleLocalizedAttribute
Specifies whether text property is localized or not.
- IsToolTipLocalizedAttribute
Specifies whether text property is localized or not.
- KeyBinding
KeyBinding acts like a map for KeyGesture and commands. Most of the logic is in InputBinding and KeyGesture, this only facilitates user to add key and modifiers directly without going in KeyGesture path. Also it provides the type converter on the Gesture property.
- KeyConverter
TypeConverter descendant for converting between a string and Key.
- KeyEventArgs
Contains information about key presses and key states.
- KeyGesture
Contains key and key modifiers combination.
- KeyGestureConverter
Converter class for converting between a string and the KeyGesture.
- KeyInfo
Contains key information.
- KeyPressEventArgs
This class is used in the KeyPress event as event arguments.
- Keyboard
Represents the keyboard device.
- KeyboardEventArgs
Base class for the keyboard event arguments.
- KeysExtensions
Contains static methods and properties related to the keyboard input handling, implements extension methods for input related enums and classes.
- KnownAssemblies
Contains some of the known assembly references.
- KnownButtons
Contains text, image and other information for the known buttons.
- KnownButtons.Info
Contains text, image and other data for the KnownButton.
- KnownColorSvgImages
Allows to get known color svg images as ImageSet instances.
- KnownColorSvgUrls
Contains urls for color svg images that are included in Alternet.UI.dll resources.
- KnownMetrics
Contains known metrics.
- KnownProperties
Contains property information for some of the properties.
- KnownProperties.AbstractControlProperties
Contains property information for some of the AbstractControl properties.
- KnownShortcuts
Defines different key and modifier combinations.
- KnownShortcuts.FindReplaceControlKeys
Defines keys for the RichTextBox.
- KnownShortcuts.RichEditKeys
Defines additional keys for the RichTextBox.
- KnownSvgImages
Allows to get known svg images as ImageSet instances.
- KnownSvgUrls
Contains urls for svg images that are included in Alternet.UI.dll resources.
- KnownTypes
Contains refrences to some of the known types.
- Label
Represents a text label control.
- LayoutPanel
Arranges child controls using different methods.
- LazyStruct<T>
Provides support for lazy initialization. This is not thread-safe struct.
- LengthConverter
Converter class for converting instances of other types to and from coord representing length.
- LinkLabel
Represents a url label control.
- LinuxUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to Linux.
- LinuxUtils.NativeMethods
Contains native methods.
- ListBox
Represents a control to display a list of items. Please consider using VirtualListBox instead of this control as it is faster.
- ListBoxItemPaintEventArgs
Provides data for the Paint(object, ListBoxItemPaintEventArgs) event.
- ListControl
Descendant of the ListControl<TItem> with object items.
- ListControlEmptyItem
Implements an empty item which can be used as a spacer.
- ListControlItem
Custom item for ListBox, ComboBox and other list controls. This class has Text, Value and other properties which allow to customize look of the item.
- ListControlItemDefaults
Contains defaults used when ListControlItem is painted. Implements IListControlItemDefaults.
- ListControlItems<T>
Internal items container for list controls.
- ListControlSeparatorItem
Extends ListControlItem with horizontal separator painting.
- ListControlUtils
Contains static methods related to ListControl and its descendants like ListBox and ComboBox.
- ListControl<TItem>
Provides a common implementation of members for the ListBox, ComboBox and other controls.
- ListEditSource
Base abstract class which implements IListEditSource.
- ListUtils
Contains static methods related to arrays and lists.
- ListView
Represents a list view control, which displays a collection of items that can be displayed using one of several different views.
- ListViewColumn
Represents a column in a ListView control to be used in the DetailsView.
- ListViewColumnEventArgs
Provides data for the ColumnClick event.
- ListViewHitTestInfo
Contains information about HitTest(PointD) result for a ListView control.
- ListViewItem
Represents an item in a ListView control.
- ListViewItemCell
Represents a column cell of a ListViewItem.
- ListViewItemLabelEditEventArgs
Provides data for the BeforeLabelEdit and AfterLabelEdit events.
- LogListBox
ListBox descendant with log and debug related functionality.
- LogMessageEventArgs
Provides data for the log events.
- LogUtils
Contains static methods for log handling.
- LogUtils.LogItem
Implements log item.
- LongFromUserParams
Contains properties which allow to customize dialog box which asks a long value from the user.
- LongTapEventArgs
Provides event data for the long tap events.
- LostFocusEventArgs
Provides additional data for the LostFocus event of the AbstractControl.
- MacOsUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to macOs operating system.
- MacOsUtils.NativeMethods
Contains native methods.
- MainMenu
Represents the main menu structure of an application or a window.
- MeasureItemEventArgs
Provides data for the measure item events.
- Menu
Represents the base functionality for all menus.
- MenuItem
Represents an individual item that is displayed within a menu.
- MenuItemRole
Represents a menu item role.
- MenuItemRoleConverter
Converter class for converting between a string and the Type of a MenuItemRole
- MenuItemRoles
Provides a set of standard menu item roles.
- MessageBox
Displays a message window, also known as a dialog box, which presents a message to the user. It is a modal window, blocking other actions in the application until the user closes it. A MessageBox can contain text, buttons, and symbols that inform and instruct the user.
- MessageBoxInfo
Defines properties for the message box show handlers.
- MiniFrameWindow
A miniframe is a Window descendant with a small title bar.
- ModifierKeysConverter
Converter class for converting between a string and the ModifierKeys.
- Mouse
Represents the mouse device.
- MouseEventArgs
Provides data for the mouse events.
- MswUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to Windows operating system.
- MswUtils.NativeMethods
Contains native methods.
- MultilineTextBox
Implements multiline text editor.
- NameValue<T>
Represents a named value.
- NamedCommand
Implements named command which is executed using Execute(string, object?).
- NamedCommands
Contains static methods and properties which allow to execute and handle named commands.
- NonVisualControl
Base class for all non visual controls.
- NotifyIcon
Specifies a component that creates an icon in the notification area.
- NumericFromUserParams<T>
Contains properties which allow to customize dialog box which asks a numeric value from the user.
- NumericUpDown
Represents an up-down control (also known as spin box) that displays numeric values.
- OSUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to the operating system.
- ObjectPropertyChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the property change events.
- OpenFileDialog
Displays a standard dialog window that prompts the user to open a file.
- PageSetupDialog
Enables users to change page-related print settings, including margins and paper orientation. This class cannot be inherited.
- PaintActionsControl
UserControl descendant with PaintActions property. Extends it's ancestor with an ability to call custom paint actions.
- PaintEventArgs
Provides data for the Paint or other paint events.
- Panel
Used as a container for other controls.
- PanelFormSelector
Contains grouped listbox with the list of forms and "Open" button which creates and shows them. Use AddGroup(string) to add group and Add(string, Func<Window>) to add item.
- PanelListBoxAndCards
Implements panel with VirtualListBox on the left and CardPanel on the right separated with splitter.
- PanelMultilineTextBox
Implements panel with MultilineTextBox and toolbar with text edit buttons.
- PanelOkCancelButtons
Panel with Ok, Cancel and Apply buttons.
- PanelRichTextBox
Implements panel with RichTextBox and toolbar with text edit buttons.
- PanelSettings
Implements panel with settings. Each settings panel item is a labeled control which allows to edit individual setting. Items are declared using logical definitions (for example, boolean setting or string setting) and are not bound to the specific controls.
- PanelSettingsItem
Defines item of the PanelSettings.
- PanelTreeAndCards
Implements panel with TreeView on the left and CardPanel on the right separated with splitter.
- PanelWebBrowser
Implements panel with WebBrowser and toolbar with web navigation buttons.
- PanelWithToolBar
Implements panel with toolbar on top of it.
- PictureBox
Represents a picture box control for displaying an image.
- PlatformDefaults
Contains platform specific settings.
- PlatformKeyMapping<T>
Implements platform key to/from Key mapping.
- PlatformKeyboardHandler<T>
Abstract implementation of the IKeyboardHandler interface with mappings registration between platfrom keys and Key.
- PlessApplicationHandler
Implements IApplicationHandler interface which does nothing.
- PlessCalendarDateAttr
ICalendarDateAttr interface implementation that does nothing.
- PlessCaretHandler
Platform independent implementation of the ICaretHandler interface.
- PlessClipboardHandler
Implements internal IClipboardHandler which is not connected to the operating system clipboard.
- PlessContextMenuHandler
Implements dummy IContextMenuHandler provider.
- PlessControlHandler
Platformless implementation of the IControlHandler interface.
- PlessCursorFactoryHandler
Platformless implementation of the ICursorFactoryHandler interfaces.
- PlessCursorHandler
Implements dummy ICursorHandler object without any functionality.
- PlessDisplayFactoryHandler
Implements dummy IDisplayFactoryHandler provider.
- PlessDisplayHandler
Implements IDisplayHandler interface provider which does nothing.
- PlessKeyboard
Contains static methods and properties related to the keyboard.
- PlessKeyboardHandler
Implements dummy IKeyboardHandler provider.
- PlessMainMenuHandler
Implements dummy IMainMenuHandler provider.
- PlessMenuItemHandler
Implements dummy IMenuItemHandler provider.
- PlessMouse
Contains static methods and properties related to the platformless mouse implementation.
- PlessMouseHandler
Internal mouse handler not binded to the platform.
- PlessScrollBarHandler
Implements dummy IScrollBarHandler provider.
- PlessStatusBarHandler
Implements dummy IStatusBarHandler interface handler which does nothing.
- PlessSystemSettingsHandler
Implements internal ISystemSettingsHandler provider.
- PlessTextBoxRichAttr
Implements dummy ITextBoxRichAttr interface provider.
- PlessUtils
Static methods related to platformless control and application implementation.
- PlessWindowHandler
Implements dummy IWindowHandler provider.
- PopupCalendar
Popup window with Calendar control.
- PopupCheckListBox
Popup window with CheckListBox control.
- PopupColorListBox
Popup window with ColorListBox control.
- PopupControl
Implements popup control which is shown inside client area of another control.
- PopupListBox
Popup window with ListBox control.
- PopupListBox<T>
Popup window with ListBox control.
- PopupPictureBox
Popup window with PictureBox control.
- PopupPropertyGrid
Popup window with PropertyGrid control.
- PopupTreeView
Popup window with TreeView control.
- PopupWindow
Generic popup control.
- PopupWindow<T>
This class displays content in a separate window that floats over the current application window.
- PreviewFile
Allows to preview the file using one of the registered preview controls.
- PreviewFile.PreviewFileRegisterItem
Implements registered item for the preview control.
- PreviewFileSplitted
Implements preview control which splits its view into two docked panels and uses First and Second preview sub-controls there. When FileName is changed, preview sub-controls are also updated.
- PreviewInBrowser
Implements preview control which uses WebBrowser for the preview of the files.
- PreviewKeyDownEventArgs
Provides data for the key preview events.
- PreviewTextFile
Implements preview control which uses MultilineTextBox for the preview of the files.
- PreviewUixml
Preview control which can preview "uixml" forms. There is also PreviewUixmlSplitted class which allows to preview uixml together with its source code.
- PreviewUixmlSplitted
Implements Uixml preview control which splits it's view into two docked panels. In the first panel Uixml is previewed as text and in the second as form.
- PrintDialog
Lets users select a printer and choose which sections of the document to print from an Alternet.UI application.
- PrintPreviewDialog
Represents a dialog box form that contains a preview for printing from an Alternet.UI application.
- ProgressBar
Represents a progress bar control.
- PropInstanceAndValue.SavedPropertiesItem
Item which is used in PushChildrenEnabledMultiple(IEnumerable<AbstractControl>, bool, bool) and PopPropertiesMultiple(ConcurrentStack<SavedPropertiesItem>?, bool).
- PropertyGrid
Specialized grid for editing properties - in other words name = value pairs.
- PropertyGridAdapterBrush
Helper class for using Brush properties in the PropertyGrid.
- PropertyGridAdapterFont
Helper class for using Font properties in the PropertyGrid.
- PropertyGridAdapterGeneric
Base helper class for complex PropertyGrid items.
- PropertyGridAdapterPen
Helper class for using Pen properties in the PropertyGrid.
- PropertyGridColors
Defines all PropertyGrid colors.
- PropertyGridItem
Default implementation of the IPropertyGridItem interface.
- PropertyGridItemHandle
Handle of the PropertyGrid item.
- QueryContinueDragEventArgs
Provides data for the QueryContinueDrag event.
- QueryEncodingEventArgs
Provides data for the query encoding events.
- RadioButton
Enables the user to select a single option from a group of choices when paired with other RadioButton controls.
- RegexUtils
Contains static methods and properties which are related to the regular expressions.
- RegistryUtils
Contains static methods related to Windows registry.
- ResourceLoader
Loads resources compiled into the application binary.
- RichTextBox
Implements rich text editor functionality.
- RichToolTip
Allows to show a tool tip with more customizations than a standard tooltip. Additionally to the tooltip message RichToolTip allows to specify title, image and other options.
- RowDefinition
Defines row-specific properties that apply to Grid controls.
- SR
Allows to read strings from the resources.
- SRDescriptionAttribute
Extends DescriptionAttribute with the Replaced property. Allows to specify description by its id and description id replacement to text.
Contains static properties which identify string resource names.
- SaveFileDialog
Prompts the user to select a location for saving a file.
- ScrollBar.AltPositionInfo
Contains information about the scrollbar position and range in the alternative format.
- ScrollBar.CustomThemeMetrics
Custom scrollbar theme without any properties.
- ScrollBar.MetricsInfo
Contains properties which specify different scrollbar metrics.
- ScrollBar.MetricsInfo<T>
Contains properties which specify different scrollbar metrics.
- ScrollBar.ThemeInitializeArgs
Provides data for the scrollbar theme initialization events.
- ScrollBar.ThemeMetrics
Contains themes colors and metrics for the scrollbar parts.
- ScrollBarUtils
Contains static methods and properties which are related to the scrollbars and control scrolling.
- ScrollEventArgs
Provides data for the
- ScrollViewer
Represents a scrollable area that can contain other visible elements.
- SelectDirectoryDialog
Displays a dialog window from which the user can select a directory.
- SerializeDataObjectEventArgs
Event arguments for GlobalSerializeDataObject and GlobalDeserializeDataObject events.
- ShortcutInfo
Contains information about the shortcut.
- SideBarPanel
Implements side bar panel with header.
- SimpleSoundPlayer
Controls playback of a sound from a audio file. This player supports only wav files. On Linux requires package osspd.
- SkiaImageHandler
Implements IImageHandler interface provider for the SKBitmap.
- Slider
Represents a slider control (also known as track bar).
- SoundUtils
Contains static methods for playing sounds.
- Spacer
Used for the layout purposes to occupy some space. Doesn't perform any painting.
- SpeedButton
Implements speed button control.
- SpeedColorButton
Implements SpeedButton for editing of the Color values.
- SpeedTextButton
SpeedButton descendant which by default shows text and no image.
- SplittedControlsPanel
Descendant of SplittedPanel control with additional features.
- SplittedPanel
Implements panel with top, bottom, left, right sub-panels and splitters.
- SplittedTreeAndCards
Implements splitter panel with TreeView or VirtualListBox on the left and CardPanel on the right.
- Splitter
Provides resizing of docked elements. You can dock some control to an edge of a container using Dock property, and then dock the splitter to the same edge. The splitter resizes the control that is previous in the docking order.
- SplitterEventArgs
Provides data for a splitter events.
- StackPanel
Arranges child controls into a single line that can be oriented horizontally or vertically.
- StatusBar
Represents a status bar control.
- StatusBarPanel
Represents an individual item that is displayed within a status bar.
- StreamFromUrlEventArgs
Provides data for url to Stream convertion events.
- StreamOverStream
Implements stream which calls events after read/write operations. This class can be used for the debug purposes.
- StreamReadWriteEventArgs
Provides data for the read/write events in StreamOverStream class.
- StreamUtils
Contains Stream related static methods.
- StringConverters
Contains properties and methods related to IObjectToString.
- StringConverters.BaseToStringConverter
Base IObjectToString interface implementation.
- StringConverters.BooleanToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from bool.
- StringConverters.ByteToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from byte.
- StringConverters.CharToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from char.
- StringConverters.DBNullToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from DBNull.
- StringConverters.DateTimeToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from DateTime.
- StringConverters.DecimalToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from decimal.
- StringConverters.DoubleToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from double.
- StringConverters.EmptyToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from Empty.
- StringConverters.Int16ToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from short.
- StringConverters.Int32ToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from int.
- StringConverters.Int64ToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from long.
- StringConverters.ObjectToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from object.
- StringConverters.SByteToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from sbyte.
- StringConverters.SingleToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from float.
- StringConverters.StringToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from string.
- StringConverters.TypeConverterAdapter
IObjectToString interface implementation which uses TypeConverter for the conversion.
- StringConverters.UInt16ToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from ushort.
- StringConverters.UInt32ToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from uint.
- StringConverters.UInt64ToStringConverter
Implements IObjectToString interface for the conversion from ulong.
- StringSearch
Implements different search methods in IReadOnlyStrings.
- StringUtils
Contains string related static methods.
- StringUtils.ComparerUsingToString<T>
Implementation of IComparer<T> interface that compares two objects using ToString() methods.
- SvgColors
Contains declarations of the known svg colors.
- SynchronizationContext
SynchronizationContext subclass used by AlterNET UI.
- SystemFonts
Gets standard system fonts.
- SystemInformation
Provides information about the current system environment.
- SystemSettings
SystemSettings allows the application to ask for details about the system. This can include settings such as standard colours, fonts, and user interface element sizes.
- SystemSound
Represents a system sound type.
- SystemSounds
Retrieves sounds associated with a set of operating system sound-event types. This class cannot be inherited.
- TabControl
Represents a control that manages a related set of tab pages.
- TabControlCancelEventArgs
Provides data for the 'Selecting' and 'Deselecting' events of TabControl or other control.
- TabControlEventArgs
Provides data for the 'Selected' and 'Deselected' events of a TabControl control.
- TabPage
Represents a single tab page in a TabControl.
- TabPageChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the selected tab change routed events.
- TemplateControl
Root control for the templates.
- TemplateControls
Contains useful template controls declarations.
- TemplateControls.BoldText<TLabel>
Sample template control with text which has a middle part with bold font.
- TemplateControls.RichToolTipTemplate
Sample template control with text which has a middle part with bold font.
- TemplateUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to the control templates.
- TextBox
Represents a control that can be used to display or edit unformatted text.
- TextBoxAndButton
Implements TextBox with side buttons.
- TextBoxAndLabel
Implements TextBox with attached label.
- TextBoxInitializeEventArgs
Contains event arguments for the CustomTextBox initializer methods.
- TextBoxUtils
Contains static methods related to the TextBox and RichTextBox controls.
- TextFromUserParams
Contains properties which allow to customize dialog box which asks a text value from the user.
- ThreadExceptionWindow
Implements a window that is displayed when an exception occurs in the application.
- ThrowExceptionEventArgs
Provides data for the exception related events.
- Timer
Implements a timer that raises an event at user-defined intervals. This timer is optimized for use in AlterNET UI applications and must be used in a GUI environment instead of any other timers.
- TimerUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to the timers.
- TokenizerHelper
Allows to split string into tokens.
- ToolBar
Implements generic toolbar control.
- ToolBarSet
Implements multiple ToolBar controls.
- ToolBarUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to the toolbars.
- ToolStripDropDownClosedEventArgs
Provides data for the drop down control 'Closed' event.
- ToolStripMenuItem
Defined in order to make library more compatible with the legacy code.
- ToolStripRenderEventArgs
Provides data for the ToolStrip rendering methods and events.
- ToolStripSeparator
Implenents horizontal line in the menu which separate items.
- ToolTipFactory
Contains static methods and properties which allow to change tooltips behaviour.
- ToolboxBitmapAttribute
Allows you to specify an icon to represent a control in a container, such as a form designer.
- TouchEventArgs
Provides event data for the touch events.
- TreeView
Displays a hierarchical collection of labeled items with optional images, each represented by a TreeViewItem.
- TreeViewCancelEventArgs
Provides data for BeforeExpand, BeforeCollapse, ExpandedChanged anf other cancelable events.
- TreeViewEditEventArgs
Provides data for the BeforeLabelEdit and AfterLabelEdit events.
- TreeViewEventArgs
Provides data for ItemAdded, ItemRemoved anf other events.
- TreeViewHitTestInfo
Contains information about HitTest(PointD) result for a TreeView control.
- TreeViewItem
Represents an item (also known as a node) of a TreeView.
- TwoDimensionalBuffer<T>
Implements two dimensional buffer which has width and height. Items of this buffer can be accessed using X and Y indexes.
- TwoWayEnumMapping<TSource, TDest>
Defines methods allowing to map values of
enum type to/fromTDest
enum type.
- TypeUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to the object types handling.
- UIActionSimulator
UIActionSimulator is a class used to simulate user interface actions such as a mouse click or a key press. Common usage for this class would be to provide playback and record (aka macro recording) functionality for users, or to drive unit tests by simulating user sessions. This class currently doesn't work when using Wayland with Linux.
- ULongUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to ulong.
- UixmlLoader
Creates an object graph from a source UIXML stream or resource.
- UnsetValueType
Class representing the UixmlPortProperty.UnsetValue.
- UrlEventArgs
Provides data for the events that have an url argument.
- UsableDuringInitializationAttribute
This item supports the framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
- UserControl
Parent class for all owner draw controls.
- VScrollBar
Represents a standard vertical scroll bar.
- ValidationEventArgs
Provides data for the events that have an url argument.
- ValidationUtils
Static methods related to the value validation.
- ValueConvertEventArgs<TFrom, TResult>
Provides data for the value convertion events.
specifies type of the source data.TResult
specifies type of the destination data.
- ValueEditorByte
Imlements byte editor with validation.
- ValueEditorCustom
Base class for the custom value editors.
- ValueEditorDouble
Imlements double editor with validation.
- ValueEditorEMail
Imlements e-mail editor with validation.
- ValueEditorInt16
Imlements short editor with validation.
- ValueEditorInt32
Imlements int editor with validation.
- ValueEditorInt64
Imlements long editor with validation.
- ValueEditorSByte
Imlements sbyte editor with validation.
- ValueEditorSingle
Imlements float editor with validation.
- ValueEditorString
Imlements string editor with validation.
- ValueEditorUDouble
Imlements unsigned double editor with validation.
- ValueEditorUInt16
Imlements ushort editor with validation.
- ValueEditorUInt32
Imlements uint editor with validation.
- ValueEditorUInt64
Imlements ulong editor with validation.
- ValueEditorUSingle
Imlements unsigned float editor with validation.
- ValueEditorUrl
Imlements url editor with validation.
- ValueFromUserParams<T>
Contains properties which allow to customize dialog box which asks a value from the user.
- VerticalStackPanel
Arranges child controls into a single line that can be oriented vertically.
- VirtualCheckListBox
VirtualListBox descendant which has visible checkboxes next to the items. Please use ListControlItem with this control.
- VirtualListBox
Advanced list box control with ability to customize item painting. This control enables you to display a list of items to the user that the user can select by clicking. Works fine with large number of the items. You can add ListControlItem items to this control.
- VirtualListBoxItems
Items collection used in VirtualListBox.
- VirtualListControl
Advanced list control with ability to customize item painting.
- VirtualListControl.AddRangeController<TSource>
Implements controller for the add range operation which is performed in the background thread. It allows to continue work with the control while new items are added to it.
- WebBrowser
This control may be used to render full featured web documents. It supports using multiple backends, corresponding to different implementations of the same functionality.
- WebBrowserEventArgs
Provides data for the WebBrowser events.
- WebBrowserFindParams
Customization flags for text search operations in the WebBrowser control.
- WebUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to web.
- Window
Represents a window that makes up an application's user interface.
- WindowClosedEventArgs
Provides data for the Closed event.
- WindowClosingEventArgs
Provides data for the Closing event.
- WindowInfo
Contains window properties.
- WindowLogListBox
Window with LogListBox control inside.
- WindowPropertyGrid
Window with PropertyGrid control inside.
- WindowsCaretHandler
Implements caret on the Windows platform.
- WxApplicationHandler
Implementation of the IApplicationHandler for the WxWidgets library.
- WxApplicationHandler.AssertFailureException
Extends Exception with additional properties related to the assert failure error details.
- WxApplicationHandler.AssertFailureExceptionData
Contains properties that describe assert failure.
- WxGlobals
Contains static properties which allow to customize WxWidgest behavior.
- WxGlobals.Linux
Contains Linux related settings.
- WxGlobals.MacOs
Contains macOs related settings.
- WxGlobals.Msw
Contains MSW related settings.
- WxKeyboardHandler
Implements IKeyboardHandler interface provider for WxWidgets platform.
- XmlUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to the xml documents handling.
- XmlUtils.XmlStreamConvertParams
Specifies parameters for ConvertXml(Stream, XmlStreamConvertParams) method.
- ZoomControlActivity
Implements "Zoom in" and "Zoom out" using Ctrl+Shift+Plus and Ctrl+Shift+Minus keys. In order to use this activity correctly, set True to DefaultUseParentFont before creating any controls.
- AutoPinner
Allows to pin object so it will not be moved in the memory.
- BitArray64
Array of 64 bits.
- CommandSourceStruct
Helper structure that contains command and parameter. It can be used as a field in classes that need Command and CommandParameter properties in order to reuse the common functionality.
- DelayedEvent<TArgs>
Implements delayed event.
- EnumArray<TKey, TValue>
Defines structure with internal array which elements can be accessed using enum values as the indexes.
- GridLength
GridLength is the type used for various length-like properties in the system, that explicitely support Star unit type. For example, "Width", "Height" properties of ColumnDefinition and RowDefinition used by Grid.
- HVAlignment
Contains vertical alignment and horizontal alignment.
- MswUtils.NativeMethods.ConsoleCharInfo
Represents console character information.
- MswUtils.NativeMethods.ConsoleCharUnion
Represents unicode or ascii character value.
- MswUtils.NativeMethods.SmallPoint
Represents X and Y coordinates.
- MswUtils.NativeMethods.SmallRect
Represents small rectangle.
- ObjectUniqueId
Implements object unique id.
- PlessVariant
Implements variant structure which can contain data with different types.
- PropInstanceAndValue
Contains object instance, property information and property value.
- RowColumnIndex
Contains row and column indexes.
- ScrollBar.AltPositionInfo.Record
Defines all fields of the container class.
- ScrollBarInfo
Contains information about the scrollbar position and range.
- StringTokenizer
Allows to split string into tokens.
- SynchronousCompletionAsyncResult<T>
A task-like operation that is guaranteed to finish continuations synchronously, can be used for parametrized one-shot events
- Thickness
Thickness is a value type used to describe the thickness of frame around a rectangle. It contains four values each corresponding to a side: Left, Top, Right, Bottom.
- ValueContainer<T>
Value container structure that implements IValueSource<T> interface.
- WeakReferenceValue<T>
Contains WeakReference<T> field, methods and properties to manage it.
- FindReplaceControl.IFindReplaceConnect
Provides methods and properties for connection of the search/replace engine with the FindReplaceControl.
- IActionSimulatorHandler
Provides access to the user interface action simulator.
- IAnimationPlayerHandler
Provides methods and properties to control animation player.
- IApplicationHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to control platfrom behavior.
- IBaseObject
Provides methods and properties of the BaseObject.
- IBaseObjectWithId
Extends IBaseObject with UniqueId and id related features.
- IButtonHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to control button control.
- ICalendarDateAttr
ICalendarDateAttr is a custom attributes for a Calendar date.
- ICalendarHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with calendar control.
- ICaretHandler
Defines properties which allows to control caret.
- ICharValidator
Extends ICustomCharValidator. Contains methods and properties which allow to specify valid and invalid chars and chars categories for the input.
- ICheckBoxHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with checkbox control.
- ICheckListBox<TItem>
Interface to a control which displays a list of items with checkboxes.
- IClipboardHandler
Contains properties and methods which allow to work with clipboard.
- IColorDialogHandler
Allows to work with dialog which allow to select color.
- IComboBoxHandler
Provides access to methods and properties of the native combobox control.
- IComboBoxItemPainter
Contains methods which allow to implement custom painted items for the ComboBox control.
- ICommand
An interface that allows an application author to define a method to be invoked.
- ICommandSource
An interface for classes that know how to invoke a ICommand.
- IComponentDesigner
Connects AbstractControl and visual designer.
- IContextMenuHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with context menu.
- IControl
Provides access to the methods and properties of the control.
- IControlAndLabel
Contains Label and MainControl properties.
- IControlFactoryHandler
Contains methods which create controls of the different types.
- IControlHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with control.
- IControlNotification
Contains methods and properties which are called when control events are raised or control methods are called. Implement this interface or use ControlNotification descendant in order to extend control behavior.
- IControlStateObjectChanged
Contains methods which are called when properties of the specific control state object are changed.
- ICursorFactoryHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to create and manage cursors.
- ICursorHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to control cursor behavior.
- ICustomAttributes
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with attributes. Type of the identifier is string. Type of the value is object.
- ICustomAttributes<TKey, TValue>
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with attributes.
- ICustomCharValidator
Contains methods which allow to check whether the character (or it's category) is valid for the input.
- ICustomConsole
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with custom console.
- ICustomFlags
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with flags. Type of the flag identifier is string.
- ICustomFlags<TKey>
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with flags.
- ICustomIntAttributes
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with attributes. Type of the identifier is integer. Type of the value is object.
- ICustomIntFlags
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with flags specified using integer identifiers.
- ICustomListBox<TItem>
Interface for the custom list box control which extends IListControl<TItem> with multi-select and other features.
- ICustomTextBox
Provides access to the CustomTextBox methods and properties.
- ICustomTypeProvider
Represents an object that provides a custom type.
- IDataObject
Provides a format-independent mechanism for transferring data.
- IDateTimePickerHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with date/time picker.
- IDialogFactoryHandler
Contains methods and properties which create system dialogs.
- IDialogHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with system dialog window.
- IDisplayFactoryHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with displays.
- IDisplayHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to get display related information.
- IDisposableObject
Extends IDisposable with new events and properties.
- IDoCommand
Allows to execute named command with parameters.
- IEnumerableTree
Extends IEnumerable interface so tree-like structures can be enumerated.
- IEnumerableTree<T>
Exposes the enumerator, which supports a iteration over a collection with tree-like structure of a specified type.
- IFileDialogHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with open/save file dialog window.
- IFilePreview
Contains properties and methods which allow to work with custom preview control.
- IFileSystem
Contains methods which allow to work with custom file system.
- IFlagsAndAttributes
Contains methods which allow to work with flags and attributes. Type of the identifier is string. Type of the value is object.
- IFlagsAndAttributes<TKey, TValue>
Contains methods which allow to work with flags and attributes.
- IFocusable
Implements properties and methods related to focus change.
- IFontAndColor
Contains methods to get and set background color, foreground color and font.
- IFontDialogHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with the font dialog window.
- IImmutableObject
Contains properties and methods which allow to get and set immutable state of the object.
- IIntFlagsAndAttributes
Contains methods which allow to work with flags and attributes. Type of the identifier is integer. Type of the value is object.
- IKeyboardHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to access keyboard.
- ILinkLabelHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with link label control.
- IListBoxItemPainter
Contains methods which allow to implement custom painted items for the VirtualListBox control.
- IListControl
Provides access to some method and properties of the list controls.
- IListControlItemContainer
Contains methods and properties which allow ListControlItem to get information about it's container.
- IListControlItemDefaults
Gets default used when ListControlItem is painted.
- IListControlItems<T>
Contains methods and properties to work with the items of ListControl descendants.
- IListControl<TItem>
Common interface for the ListBox, ComboBox and other controls with items.
- IListEditSource
Defines properties and methods for use in the ListEditWindow collection editor.
- IListViewHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with the list view control.
- IMainMenuHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with main menu.
- IMemoryHandler
Contains methods which allow to perform operations with memory buffers.
- IMenuItemHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with menu item.
- IMouseHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to control the mouse behavior.
- INotifyIconHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with notify icon.
- IObjectToString
Contains different methods which convert object to string.
- IObjectToStringOptions
Defines properties which allow to specify value to string convertion options.
- IOpenFileDialogHandler
Extends IFileDialogHandler with properties related to the open file dialog window.
- IPlessVariantExtender
Contains methods which implement different operations with the PlessVariant structure. Use SetExtender(TypeCode, IPlessVariantExtender) in order to set custom variant extender for the specified variant type.
- IPropInfoAndInstance
Contains object and property information.
- IPropertyGrid
Specialized grid for editing properties - in other words name = value pairs.
- IPropertyGridChoices
Choices used in PropertyGrid items for enum and flags properties.
- IPropertyGridColors
Defines all PropertyGrid colors.
- IPropertyGridFactory
Contains static methods related to IPropertyGrid.
- IPropertyGridHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with property grid control.
- IPropertyGridItem
Item of the PropertyGrid.
- IPropertyGridNewItemParams
Defines customization parameters used when new IPropertyGridItem instances are created in PropertyGrid.
- IPropertyGridPropInfoRegistry
Contains PropertyGrid settings related to PropertyInfo.
- IPropertyGridTypeRegistry
Contains PropertyGrid settings related to Type.
- IPropertyGridVariant
Container for the property values in the PropertyGrid.
- IRadioButtonHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with radio button control.
- IReadOnlyAttributes<TKey, TValue>
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with readonly attributes.
- IReadOnlyFlagsAndAttributes<TKey, TValue>
Contains methods which allo to work with readonly flags and attributes.
- IReadOnlyFlags<TKey>
Contains methods and properties which allow to get readonly access to flags.
- IReadOnlyFontAndColor
Contains methods to get background color, foreground color and font.
- IReadOnlyStrings
Contains methods and properties which allow to access array of strings in read only mode.
- IRichTextBox
Provides access to the RichTextBox methods and properties.
- IRichToolTip
Allows to show, hide and customize tooltip.
- ISaveFileDialogHandler
Extends IFileDialogHandler with properties related to the save dialog window.
- IScrollBarHandler
Provides access to methods and properties of the native scrollbar control.
- ISelectDirectoryDialogHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with select directory dialog window.
- ISimpleRichTextBox
Provides access to the RichTextBox or TextBox methods and properties.
- ISliderHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with slider control.
- ISoundFactoryHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to create sound player and to play system sounds.
- ISoundPlayerHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to control sound player.
- IStatusBarHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with status bar control.
- ISystemSettingsHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to get different system settings.
- ITestProvideValueTarget
This item supports the framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
- ITestRootObjectProvider
This item supports the framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
- ITestUriContext
This item supports the framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
- ITextBoxHandler
Contains properties and methods which allow to work with text box control.
- ITextBoxRichAttr
Contains different text attributes for use with RichTextBox.
- ITextBoxTextAttr
Contains different text attributes for use with TextBox.
- ITextProperty
Gives access to the 'Text' property of the object.
- ITimerHandler
Contains properties which allow to work with timer.
- IToolTipFactoryHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to create and manage tooltips.
- IToolTipProvider
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with tooltips.
- ITreeViewHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with tree view control.
- IVListBoxHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with virtual list box control.
- IValidatorReporter
This interface is used when object is assigned to ValidatorReporter property and validation error is shown.
- IValueSource<T>
Provides access to the value of the specified type.
- IValueToString
Contains different methods which convert value to string.
- IWebBrowser
Declares methods and properties which allow to work with WebBrowser control.
- IWebBrowserFactoryHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to create and manage web browser control.
- IWebBrowserLite
Subset of the WebBrowser control's methods and properties.
- IWebBrowserMemoryFS
Interface for access to memory protocol scheme.
- IWin32Window
Defined in order to make library more compatible with the legacy code.
- IWindow
Provides access to the methods and properties of the window.
- IWindowHandler
Extends IControlHandler with properties and methods specific to the window.
- IndexedValues<TIndex, TValue>.ILockedItem
Contains properties, methods and events which allow to work with indexed value.
- AbstractControl.DefaultLayoutMethod
Enumerates known layout methods. This is for internal use only.
- AbstractControl.HandlerType
Enumerates known handler types. This is for internal use only.
- AbstractControl.SuspendFlags
Enumerates known suspend flags.
- AnchorStyles
Specifies how a control anchors to the edges of its container.
- AnimationPlayer.KnownHandler
Enumerates known AnimationPlayer drivers.
- AnimationType
Defines animation type.
- AppColorTheme
Enumerates different color themes an application can show.
- ArrowDirection
Enumerates arrow directions.
- AutoSizeMode
Specifies how a control will be sized by the control layout methods when its AutoSize setting is enabled.
- BaseObject.GenericStaticOptions
Enumerates static options which customize behavior of all BaseObject descendants.
- BitmapType
Enumerates known bitmap types.
- Border3DSide
Specifies the sides of a rectangle to apply a three-dimensional border to.
- BoundsSpecified
Specifies the bounds of the object to use when defining a its size and/or position. Supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
- ButtonBorderStyle
Specifies the border style for a button control.
- Calendar.HitTestResult
Possible return values from HitTest(PointD).
- CalendarDateBorder
Defines border types for a date in the calendar control.
- CheckState
Specifies the state of an item or a control, such as a check box, that can be checked, unchecked, or set to an indeterminate state.
- ClipboardDataFormatId
Enumerates known clipboard data format identifiers.
- ComboBox.OwnerDrawFlags
Enumerates possible owner draw flags.
- ComboBoxStyle
Specifies the combo box control style.
- ContentAlignment
Specifies alignment of content on the drawing surface.
- ControlBackgroundStyle
Enumerates control background painting styles.
- ControlBorderStyle
Border flags for the control.
- ControlDefaultsId
Defines ids for platform related default properties.
- ControlFlags
Internal control flags.
- ControlRefreshOptions
Defines how to refresh control after its visual state is changed.
- ControlRenderSizeVariant
Enumerates different rendering sizes of the control.
- ControlStyles
Specifies the style and behavior of a control.
- ControlTypeId
Defines ids for all controls in the library.
- CoordAlignment
Used to describe how an element is positioned or stretched within a parent's layout slot.
- CursorType
Specifies the built in cursor types.
- DatePickerStyleFlags
Defines flags for the date-time picker when it is in the date editing mode.
- DateTimePickerKind
Specifies whether to edit date part or time part of the DateTime value in the control.
- DateTimePickerPopupKind
Specifies type of the popup for the date-time picker control in the date editing mode.
- DialogResult
Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a dialog box.
- DockStyle
Specifies the position and manner in which a control is docked inside the container.
- DragAction
Specifies how and if a drag-and-drop operation should continue.
- DragDropEffects
Specifies the possible effects of a drag-and-drop operation.
- DrawItemState
Specifies the state of an item that is being drawn.
- DrawMode
Specifies how the elements of a control are drawn.
- FindReplaceControl.SearchScope
Enumerates all known search scopes.
- FocusState
Describes how an object obtained focus.
- FontDialogRestrictSelection
Flags restricting the font selection in the font dialog.
- GenericAlignment
Specifies content alignment.
- GenericControlAction
Enumerates some of the generic control related actions.
- GenericControlProperty
Enumerates generic control properties.
- GenericDeviceType
Enumerates the types of devices the app is running on, such as a desktop computer or a tablet.
- GenericDirection
Specifies content alignment or general direction.
- GenericOrientation
Specifies orientation (vertical, horizontal or both).
- GridUnitType
GridUnitType enum is used to indicate what kind of value the GridLength is holding.
- HelpNavigator
Specifies constants indicating which elements of the Help file to display.
- HiddenOrVisible
Enumerates visibility options of the visual element.
- HorizontalAlignment
Used to describe how an element is positioned or stretched horizontally within a parent's layout slot.
- ImageToText
Enumerates known layouts for image and text.
- ImeMode
Specifies a value that determines the Input Method Editor (IME) status of an object when the object is selected.
- InnerOuterSelector
Enumerates known inner/outer selector members.
- Key
An enumeration of all of the possible key values on a keyboard.
- KeyStates
Enumerates the states that keyboard keys can be in.
- Keys
Specifies key codes and modifiers.
- KnownButton
Enumerates known buttons.
- KnownInputType
Enumerates known text value types.
- KnownSvgColor
Enumerates known svg image color identifiers.
- LangDirection
This is the language layout direction used for RTL(right-to-left) languages support.
- LayoutStyle
Defines all supported layout styles of the children controls.
- ListBoxSelectionMode
Specifies the selection behavior of a list box.
- ListViewColumn.ColumnEventType
Enumerates known column events.
- ListViewColumnWidthMode
Specifies the list view column width behavior of a list view.
- ListViewGridLinesDisplayMode
Specifies the grid line display mode for a list view.
- ListViewHitTestLocations
Defines constants that represent areas of a list view control or list view item.
- ListViewItemBoundsPortion
Specifies a portion of the list view item from which to retrieve the bounding rectangle.
- ListViewSelectionMode
Specifies the selection behavior of a list view.
- ListViewSortMode
Specifies the sorting behavior of the control.
- ListViewView
Specifies how list items are displayed in a list view control.
- LogItemKind
Enumerates log item kinds.
- LogItemKindFlags
Enumerates possible log item kinds.
- LogUtils.LogFlags
Enumerates log related flags.
- MessageBoxButtons
Specifies constants defining which buttons to display on a message box.
- MessageBoxDefaultButton
Specifies identifiers to indicate the default button of a message box.
- MessageBoxIcon
Specifies an icon to display in a message box or any other places.
- MessageBoxOptions
Specifies options for a message box. Currently these options are ignored and are added for the compatibility.
- ModalResult
Specifies result of user interaction with a modal window.
- Modifiability
Enumerates possible modifiability kinds for the targeted value.
- ModifierKeys
The ModifierKeys enumeration describes a set of common keys used to modify other input operations.
- MouseButton
The MouseButton enumeration describes the buttons available on the mouse device.
- MouseButtonState
The MouseButtonState enumeration describes the possible states of the buttons available on the Mouse input device.
- MouseButtons
Specifies constants that define which mouse button was pressed.
- NetFrameworkIdentifier
Enumerates possible net framework identifiers.
- OperatingSystems
Enumeration flags with supported operating systems.
- PanelSettingsItemKind
Enumerates known kinds of the PanelSettingsItem.
- PopupControl.CloseReason
Enumerates known close popup reasons.
- ProgressBarOrientation
Specifies the orientation of a progress bar.
- PropertyGrid.StaticStateFlags
Defines static states for PropertyGrid class.
- PropertyGridApplyFlags
Defines all flags used in the property grid and other property editing controls when property value is applied back to object instance.
- PropertyGridCreateStyle
Defines create options for a property grid control.
- PropertyGridCreateStyleEx
Defines extended options which can be specified when property grid control is created.
- PropertyGridEditKindAll
Enumerates all possible property editor kinds in the property grid.
- PropertyGridEditKindColor
Enumerates all possible color property editor kinds in the property grid control.
- PropertyGridEditKindString
Enumerates all possible string property editor kinds in the property grid control.
- PropertyGridEditableState
Flags for save/restore of the editable state of the property grid control.
- PropertyGridFeature
Allows to turn on/off different features in the property grid control.
- PropertyGridItemAttrId
Defines supported property attributes for the items in the property grid control.
- PropertyGridItemFlags
Flags of the items in the property grid control.
- PropertyGridItemValueFlags
Defines flags used in different methods of the property grid control.
- PropertyGridIteratorFlags
Flags for the iterator functions in the property grid control.
- PropertyGridKeyboardAction
Keyboard actions used in
- PropertyGridKnownColors
Defines known color schemes in the property grid control.
- PropertyGridKnownEditors
Defines known property editors in the property grid control.
- PropertyGridSelectPropFlags
Specifies customization flags for the methods which select items in the property grid control.
- PropertyGridSplitterPosFlags
Specifies flags used when splitter position is set in the property grid control.
- PropertyGridValidationFailure
Specifies action which is performed on property value validation error.
- PropertyGridValueFormatFlags
Misc. argument flags used in the value format methods in the property grid control.
- RawModifierKeys
The RawModifierKeys enumeration describes a set of keys used to modify other input operations, including macOS-specific keys.
- Readability
Enumerates possible readability kinds for the targeted value.
- ResetColorType
Enumerates possible reset color methods.
- RichTextBoxScrollBars
Specifies the type of scroll bars to display in a control.
- RichTextFileType
File types in the rich text box control context.
- RichTextHandlerFlags
Enumerates known flags for the save and load operations in the rich text box control.
- RichTextInsertFlags
Flags for object insertion in the rich text box control.
- RichTextMoveCaretFlags
Enumerates flags used in move caret methods of the rich text box control.
- RichTextSetPropFlags
Enumerates property assign flags used in the rich text box control.
- RichTextSetStyleFlags
Enumerates flags used in set style methods of the rich text box control.
- RichToolTipKind
Enumerates tip kinds of the tooltip.
- RightToLeft
Specifies whether the text appears from right to left, such as when using Arabic or Hebrew fonts.
- RoutingStrategy
Enumerates known routing strategies.
- ScrollBar.KnownTheme
Enumerates known color and style themes for the ScrollBar.
- ScrollBarOrientation
Enumerates all possible scrollbar orientations.
- ScrollEventType
Specifies the type of action used to raise the scroll event.
- SelectionMode
Specifies the selection behavior of a list box or other controls.
- SetBoundsFlags
Possible flags for the methods that change bounds of the controls.
- SliderOrientation
Specifies the orientation of a slider control.
- SliderTickStyle
Specifies the location of tick marks in a slider control.
- SoundPlayFlags
Defines flags for the sound play methods.
- SpeedButton.KnownTheme
Enumerates known color and style themes for the SpeedButton.
- SpeedColorButton.ClickActionKind
Enumerates possible actions when the user clicks on the button.
- SplittedTreeAndCards.TreeKind
Enumerates possible kinds of the left control.
- SplitterPanelSplitMethod
Defines how the container control will be splitted.
- StackPanelOrientation
Defines the different orientations that a stack panel can have.
- StatusBarPanelStyle
Enumerates styles of the individual panel in the status bar.
- SystemColorMode
Enumerates known system color modes.
- SystemSettingsFeature
Possible values for SystemSettings.HasFeature parameter.
- SystemSettingsFont
Enumerates known system fonts.
- SystemSettingsMetric
Known system settings metric identifiers.
- SystemSoundType
Enumerates known system sounds.
- TabAlignment
Specifies the locations of the tabs in a tab control.
- TabAppearance
Specifies the appearance of the tabs in a tab control.
- TabControlAction
Defines values representing tab control events.
- TabSizeMode
Specifies how tabs in a tab control are sized.
- TextBoxOptions
Enumerates behavior and styling options for a text box control.
- TextBoxSetValueFlags
Enumerates flags used in set value methods of the text box and rich text box controls.
- TextBoxTextAttrAlignment
Gets or sets how text is aligned in the control.
- TextBoxTextAttrBulletStyle
Defines different bullet styles.
- TextBoxTextAttrEffects
Enumerates styles used when text effects are specified.
- TextBoxTextAttrFlags
Enumerates possible flags used to indicate which attributes are being applied.
- TextBoxTextAttrLineSpacing
Enumerates some of the line spacing values.
- TextBoxTextAttrUnderlineType
Enumerates underline styles that can be used when text attributes are set.
- TextBoxTextWrap
Specifies text wrap style fot the multiline controls.
- TextDataFormat
Specifies the formats used with text-related methods of the clipboard.
- TextEllipsizeType
Enumerates text replacement methods when the text width exceed the container's width.
- ToolBar.ItemKind
Enumerates all toolbar item kinds.
- ToolStripDropDownCloseReason
Specifies the reason that a drop down control was closed.
- TouchAction
Specifies constants that define which touch/mouse action took place.
- TouchDeviceType
Specifies constants that define which touch device was used.
- TouchEventsMask
Enumerates known touch events mask values. This is used when touch events are enabled/disabled in the controls.
- TouchInteractionKind
Specifies constants that define which touch/mouse event occured in the control.
- TreeViewCreateStyle
Defines visual style of the TreeView controls.
- TreeViewHitTestLocations
Defines constants that represent areas of a tree view control.
- TreeViewSelectionMode
Specifies the selection behavior of a tree view.
- TrimTextRules
Enumerates known text trimming rules.
- UIPlatformKind
Enumerates all supported UI platform kinds.
- UixmlLoader.Flags
Enumerates uixml load flags.
- UnhandledExceptionMode
Defines where an application should send unhandled exceptions.
- ValueInRangeResult
Specifies result of the 'value in range' operation.
- ValueValidatorKind
Enumerates possible validator kinds used when validator is created.
- ValueValidatorKnownError
Enumerates known validator errors.
- ValueValidatorNumStyle
Validation styles used by the numbers validator.
- ValueValidatorTextStyle
Enumerates possible behavior styles of a value validator.
- VerticalAlignment
Used to describe how an element is positioned or stretched vertically within a parent's layout slot.
- VirtualKeyboardClass
Enumerates virtual keyboard classes. Includes default keyboard and specialized keyboards, such as those for telephone numbers, emails, URLs and other.
- VirtualKeyboardFlags
Enumerates virtual keyboard option flags that controls capitalization, spellcheck, suggestion and other behavior. This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
- VirtualListBox.ItemClickFlags
Enumerates flast for the item click method.
- VirtualListBox.SetItemsKind
Enumerates supported kinds for SetItemsFast(VirtualListBoxItems, SetItemsKind) method.
- VisualControlState
Defines visual states of the element.
- VisualControlStates
Defines visual states of the element as flags. Supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
- WebBrowserBackend
All possible backends supported by the WebBrowser control.
- WebBrowserBackendOS
All possible OS supported by the WebBrowser control.
- WebBrowserEvent
Enumerates WebBrowser event types.
- WebBrowserHostResourceAccessKind
Kind of cross origin resource access allowed for host resources during download in the WebBrowser control.
- WebBrowserNavigationAction
Navigation action types for the WebBrowser control.
- WebBrowserNavigationError
Types of errors that can cause navigation in the WebBrowser control to fail.
- WebBrowserPreferredColorScheme
Preferred color scheme for the WebBrowser control.
- WebBrowserSearchFlags
Defines flags related to search operations in the web browser control.
- WebBrowserZoom
Zoom levels available in WebBrowser.
- WebBrowserZoomType
The type of zooming that the WebBrowser control can perform.
- WindowCloseAction
Enumerates known actions which can be performed when window is closed.
- WindowKind
Defines general window kinds.
- WindowRoundedCornerPreference
Flags used to specify the rounded corner preference for a window.
- WindowSizeToContentMode
Specifies how a window will size itself to fit the size of its content.
- WindowStartLocation
Specifies the initial location of a window.
- WindowState
Specifies how a window is displayed (normal, minimized or maximized).
- WxWidgetsKeyCode
Enumerates key codes for the WxWidgets platform.
- ActionRef<T>
Encapsulates a method that has a single parameter and does not return a value.
- ActionRef<T1, T2>
Encapsulates a method that has two parameters and does not return a value.
- ActionRef<T1, T2, T3>
Encapsulates a method that has three parameters and does not return a value.
- BaseThreadExceptionEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the ThreadException event of an application.
- Command.CanExecuteDelegate
Defines a delegate signature for CanExecute(object?) logic.
- Command.ExecuteDelegate
Defines a delegate signature for Execute(object?) logic.
- CreatePropertyEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the create property event in PropertyGrid.
- DpiChangedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle a DPI changed event of a form or control.
- DrawItemEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the draw item events.
- ElapsedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the Elapsed event of a Timer.
- ErrorStatusEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle ErrorStatusChanged and similar events.
- HelpEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the help request events.
- InvalidateEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the Invalidated event of a AbstractControl.
- KeyEventHandler
The delegate to use for handlers that receive KeyEventArgs.
- KeyPressEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the KeyPress event of a AbstractControl.
- MeasureItemEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the measure item events.
- MouseEventHandler
The delegate to use for handlers that receive MouseEventArgs.
- PaintEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle paint event.
- PanelSettings.ItemActionDelegate
Encapsulates a method that is invoked when item is clicked, changed or in the similar places.
- PanelSettings.ItemToControlDelegate
Encapsulates a method that is used when item is converted to the control.
- PanelSettings.RegisterConversionDelegate
Encapsulates a method that is used when convertion from item to control is registered.
- PreviewKeyDownEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the preview key down events.
- PropertyGridItemCreate
Represents the method that will handle creation of the property.
- QueryContinueDragEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the QueryContinueDrag event.
- ScrollEventHandler
Represents the method that handles the
event of the ScrollBar and other controls.
- SplitterEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the splitter events.
- TabControlCancelEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the 'Selecting' or 'Deselecting' event of TabControl or other control.
- TabControlEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the 'Selected' or 'Deselected' events of a TabControl control.
- TabPageChangedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the selected tab change events.
- ToolStripRenderEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the ToolStgrip rendering.
- TryParseNumberDelegate
Defines delegate type for the methods that convert the string representation of a number to its number equivalent.
- UrlEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle an event with UrlEventArgs event data.
- ValidationEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle an event with ValidationEventArgs event data.