Table of Contents

Enum CursorType


Specifies the built in cursor types.

public enum CursorType


Arrow = 1

A standard arrow cursor.

Char = 4

Rectangular character cursor.

Cross = 5

A crosshair cursor.

Hand = 6

A hand cursor.

IBeam = 7

A text I-Beam cursor (vertical line).

LeftButton = 8

Represents a mouse with the left button depressed.

MiddleButton = 10

Represents a mouse with the middle button depressed.

NoEntry = 11

A no-entry sign cursor.

None = 0

A value indicating that no cursor should be displayed.

QuestionArrow = 16

An arrow and question mark.

RightButton = 17

Represents a mouse with the right button depressed.

SizeNESW = 18

A cursor with arrows pointing northeast and southwest.

SizeNS = 19

A cursor with arrows pointing north and south.

SizeNWSE = 20

A cursor with arrows pointing northwest and southeast.

SizeWE = 21

A cursor with arrows pointing west and east.

Sizing = 22

A general sizing cursor.

Wait = 24

An hourglass cursor.

Watch = 25

A watch cursor.