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Enum SystemSettingsMetric


Possible values for SystemSettings.GetMetric index parameter.

public enum SystemSettingsMetric


BorderX = 2

Width of single border.

BorderY = 3

Height of single border.

CaptionY = 32

Height of normal caption area.

CaretOffMSec = 40

Time, in milliseconds, for how long a blinking caret should stay invisible during a single blink cycle before it reappears. If this value is zero, caret should be visible all the time instead of blinking. If the value is negative, the platform does not support the user setting.

CaretOnMSec = 39

Time, in milliseconds, for how long a blinking caret should stay visible during a single blink cycle before it disappears. If this value is zero, caret should be visible all the time instead of blinking. If the value is negative, the platform does not support the user setting.

CaretTimeoutMSec = 41

Time, in milliseconds, for how long a caret should blink after a user interaction. After this timeout has expired, the caret should stay continuously visible until the user interacts with the caret again (for example by entering, deleting or cutting text). If this value is negative, carets should blink forever; if it is zero, carets should not blink at all.

CursorX = 4

Width of cursor.

CursorY = 5

Height of cursor.

DClickMSec = 38

Maximal time, in milliseconds, which may pass between subsequent clicks for a double click to be generated.

DClickX = 6

Width in pixels of rectangle within which two successive mouse clicks must fall to generate a double-click.

DClickY = 7

Height in pixels of rectangle within which two successive mouse clicks must fall to generate a double-click.

DragX = 8

Width in pixels of a rectangle centered on a drag point to allow for limited movement of the mouse pointer before a drag operation begins.

DragY = 9

Height in pixels of a rectangle centered on a drag point to allow for limited movement of the mouse pointer before a drag operation begins.

EdgeX = 10

Width of a 3D border, in pixels.

EdgeY = 11

Height of a 3D border, in pixels.

FrameSizeX = 23

Width of the window frame for a wxTHICK_FRAME window.

FrameSizeY = 24

Height of the window frame for a wxTHICK_FRAME window.

HScrollArrowX = 12

Width of arrow bitmap on horizontal scrollbar.

HScrollArrowY = 13

Height of arrow bitmap on horizontal scrollbar.

HScrollY = 27

Height of horizontal scrollbar in pixels.

HThumbX = 14

Width of horizontal scrollbar thumb.

IconSpacingX = 17

Width of a grid cell for items in large icon view, in pixels. Each item fits into a rectangle of this size when arranged.

IconSpacingY = 18

Height of a grid cell for items in large icon view, in pixels. Each item fits into a rectangle of this size when arranged.

IconX = 15

The default width of an icon.

IconY = 16

The default height of an icon.

Max = 41

Max value in the SystemSettingsMetric enumeration.

MenuY = 33

Height of single-line menu bar.

MouseButtons = 1

Number of buttons on mouse, or zero if no mouse was installed.

NetworkPresent = 34

Equals 1 if there is a network present, 0 otherwise.

PenWindowsPresent = 35

Equals 1 if PenWindows is installed, 0 otherwise.

ShowSounds = 36

Non-zero if the user requires an application to present information visually in situations where it would otherwise present the information only in audible form; zero otherwise.

SmallIconX = 25

Recommended width of a small icon (in window captions, and small icon view).

SmallIconY = 26

Recommended height of a small icon (in window captions, and small icon view).

SwapButtons = 37

Non-zero if the meanings of the left and right mouse buttons are swapped; zero otherwise.

VScrollArrowX = 29

Width of arrow bitmap on a vertical scrollbar.

VScrollArrowY = 30

Height of arrow bitmap on a vertical scrollbar.

VScrollX = 28

Width of vertical scrollbar in pixels.

VThumbY = 31

Height of vertical scrollbar thumb.

WindowMinX = 19

Minimum width of a window.

WindowMinY = 20

Minimum height of a window.