Class AppUtils
General application utility methods.
public static class AppUtils
- Inheritance
- FirstWindowChildOrEmpty
Gets first child of the first window or an empty control.
- FrameworkIdentifier
Gets identifier for the net framework used in the application.
- CreateFirstWindowClone(bool)
Creates clone of the first window and optinally shows it on the screen.
- ExecuteApp(string, string, string?, bool, bool)
Executes application with the specified parameters.
- ExecuteTerminalCommand(string, string?, bool, bool)
Executes terminal command redirecting output and error streams to Log(object?, LogItemKind).
- GetMyTargetFrameworkName()
Gets this application target framework in the form like 'net8.0' or 'net462'.
- GetUIVersion()
Gets library version as string.
- OpenLogFile()
Opens log file LogFilePath in the default editor of the operating system.
- OpenTerminalAndRunCommand(string?, string?)
Opens terminal and runs command there.
- OpenTerminalAndRunEcho(string)
Opens terminal and runs 'echo' command with the specified text string there.
- OpenUrl(string)
Opens url in the default browser.
- ProcessStart(string, string?, string?)
Uses Process to start the application.
- ProcessStartEx(ProcessStartInfo)
Uses Process to start the application.
- RepeatAction(int, Action)
specified number oftimes
- SegmentAndQuoteCommandLine(string?)
Splits command line string into array and adds double quotes to the elements if they contain spaces.
- SegmentCommandLine(string?, bool)
Splits command line string into array.
- ShellExecute(string, string?, string?)
Uses Process to start the application.