Enum Key
An enumeration of all of the possible key values on a keyboard.
public enum Key
A = 29
The "A" key.
Accept = 185
The IME accept button or key.
Again = 242
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
AllApps = 309
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
AlphanumericSwitch = 236
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value. An alias for the LANG2 key on Japanese language keyboards from Apple.
Alt = 128
The "Alt" key on Windows and Linux or "Option" key on macOS.
AlternateErase = 199
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Ampersand = 139
The ampersand (38 0x26) key.
AppSwitch = 357
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Application = 241
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Assist = 387
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Assist Launches the global assist activity.
Asterisk = 142
The '*' (42 0x2A) key.
Attn = 247
Mappped from the correspoding Keys value.
B = 30
The "B" key.
Back = 1
Same as Backspace.
Backslash = 123
The "" key.
Backspace = 1
The "Backspace" key.
Backtick = 125
The ` key.
BrightnessDown = 388
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Adjusts the screen brightness down.
BrightnessUp = 389
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Adjusts the screen brightness up.
BrowserBack = 96
The "Browser Back" key.
BrowserFavorites = 101
The "Browser Favorites" key.
BrowserForward = 97
The "Browser Forward" key.
BrowserHome = 102
The "Browser Home" key.
BrowserRefresh = 98
The "Browser Refresh" key.
BrowserSearch = 100
The "Browser Search" key.
BrowserStop = 99
The "Browser Stop" key.
C = 31
The "C" key.
Calculator = 380
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Used to launch a calculator application.
Calendar = 378
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Used to launch a calendar application.
Call = 411
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Camera = 418
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Used to launch a camera application or take pictures.
CapsLock = 5
The "Caps Lock" key.
CircumflexAccent = 149
The '^' (94 0x5E) key.
Clear = 124
The "Clear" key.
ClearOrAgain = 201
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
CloseBracket = 121
The "]" key.
Colon = 144
The ':' (58 0x3A) key.
Comma = 116
The "," key.
CommercialAt = 148
The '@' (64 0x40) key.
Contacts = 377
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Used to launch an address book application.
Control = 127
The "Control" key.
Convert = 183
The IME convert button or key.
Copy = 211
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
CrSelOrProps = 202
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Cut = 210
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
D = 32
The "D" key.
D0 = 19
The "0" key.
D1 = 20
The "1" key.
D2 = 21
The "2" key.
D3 = 22
The "3" key.
D4 = 23
The "4" key.
D5 = 24
The "5" key.
D6 = 25
The "6" key.
D7 = 26
The "7" key.
D8 = 27
The "8" key.
D9 = 28
The "9" key.
Delete = 18
The "Delete" key.
DemoApp1 = 325
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
DemoApp2 = 326
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
DemoApp3 = 327
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
DemoApp4 = 328
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
DollarSign = 137
The '$' (36 0x24) key.
Down = 15
Same as DownArrow.
DownArrow = 15
The "Down Arrow" key.
DpadCenter = 417
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Directional Pad Center. May also be synthesized from trackball motions.
DpadDown = 414
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Directional Pad Down. May also be synthesized from trackball motions.
DpadDownLeft = 297
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
DpadDownRight = 299
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
DpadLeft = 415
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Directional Pad Left. May also be synthesized from trackball motions.
DpadRight = 416
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Directional Pad Right. May also be synthesized from trackball motions.
DpadUp = 413
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Directional Pad Up. May also be synthesized from trackball motions.
DpadUpLeft = 296
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
DpadUpRight = 298
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
E = 33
The "E" key.
End = 10
The "End" key.
Endcall = 412
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Enter = 3
The "Enter" key.
Equals = 115
The "=" key.
EraseEof = 248
Mappped from the correspoding Keys value.
Escape = 6
The "Esc" key.
ExSel = 203
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
ExclamationMark = 134
The '!' (33 0x21) key.
Execute = 188
The execute key or button.
F = 34
The "F" key.
F1 = 70
The "F1" key.
F10 = 79
The "F10" key.
F11 = 80
The "F11" key.
F12 = 81
The "F12" key.
F13 = 82
The "F13" key.
F14 = 83
The "F14" key.
F15 = 84
The "F15" key.
F16 = 85
The "F16" key.
F17 = 86
The "F17" key.
F18 = 87
The "F18" key.
F19 = 88
The "F19" key.
F2 = 71
The "F2" key.
F20 = 89
The "F20" key.
F21 = 90
The "F21" key.
F22 = 91
The "F22" key.
F23 = 92
The "F23" key.
F24 = 93
The "F24" key.
F3 = 72
The "F3" key.
F4 = 73
The "F4" key.
F5 = 74
The "F5" key.
F6 = 75
The "F6" key.
F7 = 76
The "F7" key.
F8 = 77
The "F8" key.
F9 = 78
The "F9" key.
FeaturedApp1 = 321
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
FeaturedApp2 = 322
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
FeaturedApp3 = 323
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
FeaturedApp4 = 324
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Final = 181
The Final symbol key-shift button.
Find = 213
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Focus = 409
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Used to focus the camera.
Function = 394
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Function modifier.
G = 35
The "G" key.
GamepadA = 155
The gamepad A button.
GamepadB = 156
The gamepad B button.
GamepadButton1 = 358
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 1.
GamepadButton10 = 367
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton11 = 368
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton12 = 369
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton13 = 370
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton14 = 371
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton15 = 372
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton16 = 373
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton2 = 359
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton3 = 360
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton4 = 361
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton5 = 362
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton6 = 363
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton7 = 364
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton8 = 365
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadButton9 = 366
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Generic Game Pad Button 2.
GamepadC = 392
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On a game controller the C button should be either the button labeled C or the third button on the bottom row of controller buttons.
GamepadDPadDown = 164
The gamepad d-pad down.
GamepadDPadLeft = 165
The gamepad d-pad left.
GamepadDPadRight = 166
The gamepad d-pad right.
GamepadDPadUp = 163
The gamepad d-pad up.
GamepadLeftShoulder = 160
The gamepad left shoulder.
GamepadLeftThumbstickButton = 169
The gamepad left thumbstick button.
GamepadLeftThumbstickDown = 172
The gamepad left thumbstick down.
GamepadLeftThumbstickLeft = 174
The gamepad left thumbstick left.
GamepadLeftThumbstickRight = 173
The gamepad left thumbstick right.
GamepadLeftThumbstickUp = 171
The gamepad left thumbstick up.
GamepadLeftTrigger = 161
The gamepad left trigger.
GamepadMenu = 167
The gamepad menu button.
GamepadRightShoulder = 159
The gamepad right shoulder.
GamepadRightThumbstickButton = 170
The gamepad right thumbstick button.
GamepadRightThumbstickDown = 176
The gamepad right thumbstick down.
GamepadRightThumbstickLeft = 178
The gamepad right thumbstick left.
GamepadRightThumbstickRight = 177
The gamepad right thumbstick right.
GamepadRightThumbstickUp = 175
The gamepad right thumbstick up.
GamepadRightTrigger = 162
The gamepad right trigger.
GamepadView = 168
The gamepad view button.
GamepadX = 157
The gamepad X button.
GamepadY = 158
The gamepad Y button.
GamepadZ = 393
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On a game controller the Z button should be either the button labeled Z or the third button on the upper row of controller buttons.
GreaterThanSign = 146
The greater than sign (62 0x3E) key.
H = 36
The "H" key.
Hangul = 179
The Hangul symbol key-shift button.
Hanja = 182
The Hanja symbol key shift button.
Headsethook = 408
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Used to hang up calls and stop media.
Help = 215
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Hiragana = 205
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value. An alias for the LANG4 key on Japanese language keyboards.
Home = 11
The "Home" key.
I = 37
The "I" key.
Insert = 17
The "Insert" key.
International1 = 218
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
International2 = 219
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
International3 = 220
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
International4 = 221
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
International5 = 222
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
International6 = 223
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
International7 = 224
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
International8 = 225
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
International9 = 226
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
J = 38
The "J" key.
JapaneseEisu = 382
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Japanese alphanumeric
JapaneseHenkan = 384
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Japanese conversion
JapaneseMuhenkan = 383
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Japanese non-conversion
JapaneseRo = 386
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
JapaneseYen = 385
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
JapaneseZenkakuHankaku = 381
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Japanese full-width / half-width
Junja = 180
The Junja symbol key-shift button.
K = 39
The "K" key.
K11 = 256
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
K12 = 257
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Kana = 179
The Kana symbol key-shift button
Kanji = 182
The Kanji symbol key-shift button.
Katakana = 204
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value. An alias for the LANG3 key on Japanese language keyboards.
KeyboardBacklightDown = 329
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
KeyboardBacklightToggle = 331
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
KeyboardBacklightUp = 330
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
L = 40
The "L" key.
Lang1 = 227
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Lang2 = 228
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Lang3 = 229
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Lang4 = 230
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Lang5 = 231
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Lang6 = 232
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Lang7 = 233
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Lang8 = 234
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Lang9 = 235
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
LanguageSwitch = 374
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Toggles the current input language such as switching between English and Japanese on a QWERTY keyboard.
LastChannel = 258
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
LaunchApplication1 = 112
The "Launch Application1" key.
LaunchApplication2 = 113
The "Launch Application2" key.
LaunchBrowser = 401
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Used to launch a browser application.
LaunchMail = 110
The "Launch Mail" key.
Left = 12
Same as LeftArrow.
LeftArrow = 12
The "Left Arrow" key.
LeftCurlyBracket = 151
The '{' 123 0x7B) key.
LeftParenthesis = 140
The '(' (40 0x28) key.
LessThanSign = 145
The less than sign (60 0x3C) key.
LineFeed = 243
Mappped from the correspoding Keys value.
LockingCapsLock = 206
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
LockingNumLock = 207
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
LockingScrollLock = 208
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
LowLine = 150
The '_' (95 0x5F) key.
M = 41
The "M" key.
MacCommand = 129
The "Command" key on Apple keyboard.
MacControl = 131
The "Control" key on Apple keyboard.
MacOption = 130
The "Option" key on Apple keyboard.
Macro1 = 337
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Macro2 = 338
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Macro3 = 339
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Macro4 = 340
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
MannerMode = 375
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Toggles silent or vibrate mode on and off to make the device behave more politely in certain settings such as on a crowded train.
Max = 424
Max enum value.
MaxWxWidgets = 154
Max supported enum value when library is running on WxWidgets platform.
MediaAudioTrack = 252
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
MediaClose = 422
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. May be used to close a CD tray for example.
MediaEject = 423
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Eject media. May be used to eject a CD tray for example.
MediaFastForward = 399
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
MediaNextTrack = 106
The "Media Next Track" key.
MediaPause = 421
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
MediaPlay = 420
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
MediaPlayPause = 109
The "Media Play Pause" key.
MediaPreviousTrack = 107
The "Media Previous Track" key.
MediaRecord = 424
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
MediaRewind = 398
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
MediaSkipBackward = 301
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
MediaSkipForward = 300
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
MediaStepBackward = 303
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
MediaStepForward = 302
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
MediaStop = 108
The "Media Stop" key.
MediaTopMenu = 255
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Menu = 133
The Microsoft "Menu" key.
Minus = 117
The "-" key.
ModeChange = 186
The IME mode change key.
Music = 379
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Used to launch a music player application.
Mute = 402
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Mutes the microphone unlike Android.Views.Keycode.VolumeMute.
N = 42
The "N" key.
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
The navigation accept button.
The navigation cancel button.
The navigation down button.
The navigation left button.
The navigation menu button.
The navigation right button.
The navigation up button.
The navigation up button.
Next = 9
Same as PageDown.
NoName = 250
Mappped from the correspoding Keys value.
NonConvert = 184
The IME nonconvert button or key.
NonUSBackslash = 217
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
NonUSPound = 240
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
None = 0
No key pressed.
Notification = 410
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Num = 407
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
NumLock = 94
The "Num Lock" key.
NumPad0 = 55
The "0" key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad1 = 56
The "1" key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad2 = 57
The "2" key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad3 = 58
The "3" key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad4 = 59
The "4" key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad5 = 60
The "5" key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad6 = 61
The "6" key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad7 = 62
The "7" key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad8 = 63
The "8" key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad9 = 64
The "9" key on the numeric keypad.
NumPadDot = 68
The "." key on the numeric keypad.
NumPadEqualSignAS400 = 214
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
NumPadLeftParen = 390
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Numeric keypad '('
NumPadMinus = 67
The "-" key on the numeric keypad.
NumPadPlus = 66
The "+" key on the numeric keypad.
NumPadRightParen = 391
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Numeric keypad ')'
NumPadSlash = 69
The "/" on the numeric keypad.
NumPadStar = 65
The "*" key on the numeric keypad.
NumberSign = 136
The '#' (35 0x23) key.
O = 43
The "O" key.
Oem8 = 244
Mappped from the correspoding Keys value.
OemCloseBrackets = 121
Same as CloseBracket.
OemOpenBrackets = 120
Same as OpenBracket.
OemPeriod = 118
Same as Period.
OemPipe = 152
The OEM pipe key on a US standard keyboard. The pipe symbol (|) resembles a vertical line. What is it exactly? Currently mapped as VerticalLine.
OpenBracket = 120
The "[" key.
Oper = 239
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Out = 238
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
P = 44
The "P" key.
Pa1 = 251
Mappped from the correspoding Keys value.
Packet = 246
Mappped from the correspoding Keys value.
PageDown = 9
The "Page Down" key.
PageUp = 8
The "Page Up" key.
Pairing = 254
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Paste = 212
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Pause = 4
The "Pause" key.
PercentSign = 138
The '%' (37 0x25) key.
Period = 118
The "." key.
Pictsymbols = 403
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Picture Symbols modifier. Used to switch symbol sets (Emoji Kao-moji).
PlusSign = 143
The '+' (43 0x2B) key.
Power = 216
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
PrintScreen = 16
The "Print Screen" key.
Prior = 8
Same as PageUp.
ProcessKey = 245
Mappped from the correspoding Keys value.
ProfileSwitch = 312
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Q = 45
The "Q" key.
QuestionMark = 147
The '?' (63 0x3F) key.
QuotationMark = 135
The '"' (34 0x220) key.
Quote = 122
The "'" key.
R = 46
The "R" key.
RecentApps = 336
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Return = 3
Same as Enter.
Right = 14
Same as RightArrow.
RightArrow = 14
The "Right Arrow" key.
RightCurlyBracket = 153
The '}' 125 0x7D) key.
RightParenthesis = 141
The ')' (41 0x29) key.
S = 47
The "S" key.
ScrollLock = 95
The "Scroll Lock" key.
Select = 187
The Select key or button.
SelectMedia = 111
The "Select Media" key.
Semicolon = 114
The ";" key.
Separator = 237
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Settings = 346
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Starts the system settings activity.
Shift = 126
The "Shift" key.
Slash = 119
The "/" key.
Sleep = 190
The sleep key or button.
Snapshot = 189
The snapshot key or button.
SoftSleep = 304
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Space = 7
The "Space Bar" key.
Stem1 = 293
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Stem2 = 294
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Stem3 = 295
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
StemPrimary = 292
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
StylusButtonPrimary = 332
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
StylusButtonSecondary = 333
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
StylusButtonTail = 335
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
StylusButtonTertiary = 334
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
SwitchCharset = 404
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Switch Charset modifier. Used to switch character sets (Kanji Katakana).
Sym = 400
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Symbol modifier Used to enter alternate symbols.
SysReqOrAttention = 200
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
T = 48
The "T" key.
TVAvrInput = 352
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On TV remotes switches the input mode on an external A/V Receiver.
TVAvrPower = 351
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On TV remotes toggles the power on an external A/V Receiver.
TVBookmark = 344
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On some TV remotes bookmarks content or web pages.
TVCaptions = 345
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Toggle captions. Switches the mode for closed-captioning text for example during television shows.
TVChannelDown = 397
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On TV remotes decrements the television channel.
TVChannelUp = 396
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On TV remotes increments the television channel.
TVGuide = 342
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On TV remotes shows a programming guide.
TVInfo = 395
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Common on TV remotes to show additional information related to what is currently being viewed.
TVInput = 348
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On TV remotes switches the input on a television screen.
TVPower = 347
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On TV remotes switches the input on a television screen.
TVProgBlue = 356
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Blue "programmable". On TV remotes acts as a contextual/programmable.
TVProgGreen = 354
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Green "programmable". On TV remotes actsas a contextual/programmable.
TVProgRed = 353
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Red "programmable". On TV remotes acts as a contextual/programmable.
TVProgYellow = 355
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Yellow "programmable". On TV remotes acts as a contextual/programmable.
TVStbInput = 350
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On TV remotes switches the input mode on an external Set-top-box.
TVStbPower = 349
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On TV remotes toggles the power on an external Set-top-box.
TVWindow = 341
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On TV remotes toggles picture-in-picture mode or other windowing functions.
Tab = 2
The "Tab" key.
ThreeDMode = 376
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. Toggles the display between 2D and 3D mode.
ThumbsDown = 311
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
ThumbsUp = 310
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Tilde = 154
The '~' 126 0x7E) key.
TvAntennaCable = 271
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvAudioDescription = 281
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvAudioDescriptionMixDown = 283
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvAudioDescriptionMixUp = 282
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvContentsMenu = 285
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvDataService = 259
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvDvr = 343
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On some TV remotes switches to a DVR mode for recorded shows.
TvInputComponent1 = 278
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvInputComponent2 = 279
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvInputComposite1 = 276
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvInputComposite2 = 277
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvInputHdmi1 = 272
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvInputHdmi2 = 273
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvInputHdmi3 = 274
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvInputHdmi4 = 275
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvInputVga1 = 280
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvMediaContextMenu = 286
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvNetwork = 270
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvNumberEntry = 263
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvRadioService = 261
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvSatellite = 266
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvSatelliteBs = 267
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvSatelliteCs = 268
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvSatelliteService = 269
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvTeletext = 262
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvTerrestrialAnalog = 264
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvTerrestrialDigital = 265
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvTimerProgramming = 287
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
TvViewLive = 419
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value. On TV remotes switches to viewing live TV.
TvZoomMode = 284
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
U = 49
The "U" key.
Undo = 209
Key mapped from UIKeyboardHidUsage enum value.
Up = 13
Same as UpArrow.
UpArrow = 13
The "Up Arrow" key.
V = 50
The "V" key.
VerticalLine = 152
The '|' 124 0x7C) key.
VideoApp1 = 313
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
VideoApp2 = 314
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
VideoApp3 = 315
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
VideoApp4 = 316
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
VideoApp5 = 317
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
VideoApp6 = 318
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
VideoApp7 = 319
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
VideoApp8 = 320
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
VoiceAssist = 260
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
VolumeDown = 104
The "Volume Down" key.
VolumeMute = 103
The "Volume Mute" key.
VolumeUp = 105
The "Volume Up" key.
W = 51
The "W" key.
Wakeup = 253
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
Windows = 132
The Microsoft "Windows Logo" key on Windows or "Command" key on macOS or "Meta" key on Linux.
X = 52
The "X" key.
Y = 53
The "Y" key.
Z = 54
The "Z" key.
Zoom = 249
Mappped from the correspoding Keys value.
ZoomIn = 405
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.
ZoomOut = 406
Mappped from the correspoding "Android.Views.Keycode" value.