Struct ScrollBarInfo
Contains information about the scrollbar position and range.
public struct ScrollBarInfo : IEquatable<ScrollBarInfo>
- Implements
- ScrollBarInfo()
Initializes a new instance of the ScrollBarInfo struct.
- ScrollBarInfo(bool)
Initializes a new instance of the ScrollBarInfo struct with the specified value of the immutable state.
- ScrollBarInfo(int, int, int)
Initializes a new instance of the ScrollBarInfo struct.
- Default
Gets default value for the ScrollBarInfo structure.
- IsVisible
Gets whether scrollbar is visible.
- PageSize
Gets or sets the size of the page size in scroll units. This is the number of units the scrollbar will scroll when it is paged up or down. Often it is the same as the thumb size.
- Position
Gets or sets the position of the scrollbar in scroll units.
- Range
Gets or sets the maximum position of the scrollbar.
- Visibility
Gets or sets scrollbar visibility.
- Assign(ScrollBarInfo)
Assigns all properties from the specified object to this object.
- Clone()
Creates clone of this object.
- Equals(object?)
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
- GetHashCode()
Serves as the default hash function.
- SetImmutable()
Marks the object as immutable.
- ToString()
Returns a string that represents the current object.
- WithPageSizeAndRange(int, int)
Returns a copy of this object with the new page size and range values.
- WithPosition(int)
Returns a copy of this object with the new position value.
- WithVisibility(HiddenOrVisible)
Returns a copy of this object with the new visibility value.
- operator ==(ScrollBarInfo, ScrollBarInfo)
Compares two ScrollBarInfo objects. The result specifies whether the values of the properties of the two ScrollBarInfo objects are equal.
- operator !=(ScrollBarInfo, ScrollBarInfo)
Compares two ScrollBarInfo objects. The result specifies whether the values of the properties of the two ScrollBarInfo objects are unequal.