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Enum RichTextHandlerFlags


Enumerates known flags for the save and load operations in the rich text box control.

public enum RichTextHandlerFlags


ConvertFacenames = 256

Convert the more common face names to names that will work on the current platform in a larger document.

IncludeStylesheet = 1

Include style sheet when loading and saving.

NoHeaderFooter = 128

Don't write header and footer (or BODY, HEAD, HTML tags), so we can include the fragment in a larger document.

SaveImagesToBase64 = 64

Save images as inline base64 data in HTML handler.

SaveImagesToFiles = 32

Save images to files in HTML handler.

SaveImagesToMemory = 16

Save images to memory file system in HTML handler.

UseCss = 4096

Use CSS where possible in the HTML handler, otherwise use workarounds that will show in internal html viewer.


You can use these flags in order to customize save and load operations.