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Enum DrawItemState


Specifies the state of an item that is being drawn.

public enum DrawItemState


Checked = 8

The item is checked. Only menu controls use this value.

ComboBoxEdit = 4096

The item is the editing portion of a combo-box control.

Default = 32

The item is in its default visual state.

Disabled = 4

The item is unavailable.

Focus = 16

The item has focus.

Grayed = 2

The item is grayed. Only menu controls use this value.

HotLight = 64

The item is being hot-tracked, that is, the item is highlighted as the mouse pointer passes over it.

Inactive = 128

The item is inactive.

NoAccelerator = 256

The item displays without a keyboard accelerator.

NoFocusRect = 512

The item displays without the visual cue that indicates it has focus.

None = 0

The item currently has no state.

Selected = 1

The item is selected.


This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.