Table of Contents

Class TemplateUtils


Contains static methods and properties related to the control templates.

public static class TemplateUtils



Gets or sets whether to show debug corners when control is painted.


CreateTemplateWithBoldText(string, string, string, IReadOnlyFontAndColor?, bool)

Creates template with text which has a middle part with bold font.

CreateTemplateWithBoldText<TLabel>(string, string, string, IReadOnlyFontAndColor?, bool)

Creates template with text which has a middle part with bold font.

GetTemplateAsImage(TemplateControl, Color?)

Gets template contents as Image.

GetTemplateAsImageSet(TemplateControl, Color?)

Gets template contents as ImageSet.

GetTemplateAsSKBitmap(TemplateControl, Color?)

Gets template contents as SKBitmap.

RaisePaintClipped(AbstractControl?, Graphics, PointD, bool)

Calls RaisePaintRecursive(AbstractControl?, Graphics, PointD) inside changed clip rectangle.

RaisePaintForChildren(AbstractControl?, Graphics)

Raises paint event for all children of the specified control and not the control itself. This method is used for template painting. Controls are painted only if UserPaint is true.

RaisePaintRecursive(AbstractControl?, Graphics)

Raises paint event for the control and for all its children. This method is used for template painting. Controls are painted only if UserPaint is true.

RaisePaintRecursive(AbstractControl?, Graphics, PointD)

Raises paint event for the control and for all its children at the specified point. This method is used for template painting. Controls are painted only if UserPaint is true.