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Enum PropertyGridEditKindString


Enumerates all possible string property editor kinds in the property grid control.

public enum PropertyGridEditKindString


Directory = 5

Uses TextBox with select directory dialog which allows to select path. It is possible to specify file masks, default path and dialog title in the property attributes.

Ellipsis = 2

Uses TextBox with ellipsis button. Use PropertyGrid.ButtonClick to handle button clicks.

FileName = 3

Uses TextBox with open file dialog which allows to select filename. It is possible to specify file masks, default path and dialog title in the property attributes.

ImageFileName = 4

Uses TextBox with open file dialog which allows to select image filename. It is possible to specify default path and dialog title in the property attributes. File mask is setup to supported image extensions.

Long = 1

Uses TextBox with dialog which allows to edit long string values.

Simple = 0

Uses simple TextBox.