Class Calendar
The calendar control allows the user to pick a date.
public class Calendar : CustomDateEdit, IBaseObjectWithId, IDisposableObject, IBaseObject, ISupportInitialize, IFocusable, ITextProperty, IComponent, IControl, IDisposable, IWin32Window, INotifyDataErrorInfo
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Calendar()
Initializes a new instance of the Calendar class.
- Calendar(Control)
Initializes a new instance of the Calendar class.
- DefaultSequentalMonthSelect
Gets or sets default value for the SequentalMonthSelect property. Default is True.
- DefaultShowHolidays
Gets or sets default value for the ShowHolidays property. Default is True.
- DefaultShowWeekNumbers
Gets or sets default value for the ShowWeekNumbers property. Default is False.
- DefaultUseGeneric
Gets or sets whether to use generic or native platform calendar by default. Default is True.
- SetThemeWhenHandleCreated
Gets or sets whether to apply theme colors after native calendar control is created (true) or to use the default colors (false). Default is True.
- BackgroundColor
Gets or sets the background color for the control.
- ControlKind
Returns control identifier.
- FirstDayOfWeek
Gets or sets the day that is considered the beginning of the week.
- Font
Gets or sets the font of the text displayed by the control.
- ForegroundColor
Gets or sets the foreground color for the control.
- HasBorder
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control has a border.
- HeaderColorBg
Gets or sets the background color of the header part of the calendar control.
- HeaderColorFg
Gets or sets the foreground color of the header part of the calendar control.
- HighlightColorBg
Gets or sets the background highlight color.
- HighlightColorFg
Gets or sets the foreground highlight color.
- HolidayColorBg
Gets or sets the background color currently used for holiday highlighting.
- HolidayColorFg
Gets or sets the foreground color currently used for holiday highlighting.
- IsBold
Gets or sets whether font style override is bold.
- MarkDateAttr
Gets or sets the ICalendarDateAttr attributes for the marked days.
- NoMonthChange
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable the month (and, implicitly, the year) changing. Not implemented on all platforms.
- SequentalMonthSelect
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use alternative, more compact, style for the month and year selection controls.
- ShowHolidays
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to highlight holidays in the calendar
- ShowSurroundWeeks
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the neighbouring weeks in the previous and next months. (only generic, always on for the native controls)
- ShowWeekNumbers
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show week numbers on the left side of the calendar.
- UseGeneric
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use generic calendar or native calendar.
- Value
Gets or sets the currently selected date.
- CreateDateAttr(CalendarDateBorder)
Creates ICalendarDateAttr instance.
- CreateHandler()
Creates a handler for the control.
- GetAttr(int)
Returns the ICalendarDateAttr attributes for the given day or
- HitTest(PointD)
Returns one of Calendar.HitTestResult constants.
- Mark(int, bool)
Marks or unmarks the day.
- MarkAll(bool)
Marks or unmarks all days in the month.
- OnDayDoubleClick(EventArgs)
Called when a day was double clicked in the calendar.
- OnDayHeaderClick(EventArgs)
Called when the user clicked on the week day header (fired only in generic calendar).
- OnHandleCreated(EventArgs)
Called when the conrol's handle is created.
- OnPageChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the selected month (and/or year) changed.
- OnSelectionChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the selected date changed.
- OnWeekNumberClick(EventArgs)
Called when the user clicked on the week of the year number (fired only in generic calendar).
- RaiseDayDoubleClick(EventArgs)
Raises DayDoubleClick event and calls OnDayDoubleClick(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseDayHeaderClick(EventArgs)
Raises DayHeaderClick event and calls OnDayHeaderClick(EventArgs) method.
- RaisePageChanged(EventArgs)
Raises PageChanged event and calls OnPageChanged(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseSelectionChanged(EventArgs)
Raises SelectionChanged event and calls OnSelectionChanged(EventArgs) method
- RaiseWeekNumberClick(EventArgs)
Raises WeekNumberClick event and calls OnWeekNumberClick(EventArgs) method.
- ResetAttr(int)
Clears any attributes associated with the given day.
- ResetAttrAll()
Clears any attributes associated with the days.
- SelectToday()
Changes Value property to the today date.
- SetAttr(int, ICalendarDateAttr?)
Sets the ICalendarDateAttr attributes for the given day.
- SetColorThemeToAuto()
Sets colors used in the control to the auto theme (takes colors from the system colors).
- SetColorThemeToLight()
Sets colors used in the control to the light theme.
- SetHeaderColors(Color, Color)
Sets values for HeaderColorBg and HeaderColorFg properties.
- SetHighlightColors(Color, Color)
Sets values for HighlightColorBg and HighlightColorFg properties.
- SetHoliday(int)
Marks the specified day as being a holiday in the current month.
- SetHolidayColors(Color, Color)
Sets values for HolidayColorBg and HolidayColorFg properties.
- SetRange(DateTime, DateTime)
Sets possible date range in the native control.
- UpdateThemeIfRequired()
Called from constructor and after handle is created. Updates theme colors if SetThemeWhenHandleCreated is True.
- DayDoubleClick
Occurs when a day was double clicked in the calendar.
- DayHeaderClick
Occurs when the user clicked on the week day header (fired only in generic calendar).
- PageChanged
Occurs when the selected month (and/or year) changed.
- SelectionChanged
Occurs when the selected date changed.
- WeekNumberClick
Occurs when the user clicked on the week of the year number (fired only in generic calendar).