Class CustomTextBox
Base class for text editors.
public abstract class CustomTextBox : Control, IBaseObjectWithId, IDisposableObject, IBaseObject, ISupportInitialize, IFocusable, ITextProperty, IComponent, IControl, IWin32Window, ICustomTextBox, IDisposable, IReadOnlyStrings, IValidatorReporter, IObjectToStringOptions, INotifyDataErrorInfo
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
- CustomTextBox()
Initializes a new instance of the CustomTextBox class.
- CustomTextBox(Control)
Initializes a new instance of the CustomTextBox class.
- AllowEmptyText
Gets or sets a value indicating whether empty string is allowed in Text.
- AutoShowError
Gets or sets whether error reporter is automatically shown/hidden when error state is changed.
- Context
Gets or sets ITypeDescriptorContext value which is used when text to/from value is converted using TypeConverter.
- Converter
Gets or sets IObjectToString provider which is used in value to string convertion.
- Culture
Gets or sets CultureInfo value which is used when text to/from value is converted using TypeConverter.
- DefaultErrorBackgroundColor
Gets or sets default Color that can be used as a background color for the TextBox in cases when application needs to report user an error in Text property.
- DefaultErrorForegroundColor
Gets or sets default Color that can be used as a foreground color for the TextBox in cases when application needs to report user an error in Text property.
- DefaultErrorUseBackgroundColor
Gets or sets whether to use DefaultErrorBackgroundColor when application needs to report user an error.
- DefaultErrorUseForegroundColor
Gets or sets whether to use DefaultErrorForegroundColor when application needs to report user an error.
- DefaultFormat
Gets or sets default format used in value to string convertion.
- DefaultResetErrorBackgroundMethod
Gets or sets default value for the ResetErrorBackgroundMethod property.
- DefaultResetErrorForegroundMethod
Gets or sets default value for the ResetErrorForegroundMethod property.
- DefaultText
Gets or sets default value for the Text property.
- DefaultValidatorErrorText
Gets or sets a text string that can be used as a default validator error message.
- EmptyTextValue
Gets or sets data value in cases when Text property is empty.
- FormatProvider
Gets or sets an object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.
- HasErrors
Gets a value that indicates whether this control or its child controls have validation errors.
- InputType
Gets or sets input type. Default is Null.
- InputTypeArgs
Gets or sets init arguments which are used when InputType property is assigned.
- IsHexNumber
Gets whether NumberStyles has HexNumber flag.
- IsMinValueNegativeOrNull
Gets whether MinValue is specified and negative.
- IsNullOrEmpty
Gets whether Text is null or empty.
- IsNullOrWhiteSpace
Gets whether Text is null or white space.
- IsRequired
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Text is required to be not empty. This is an opposite of AllowEmptyText property.
- IsSignedInt
Gets whether DataType specifies a signed integer number (int, long, sbyte, short). Additionally MinValue is also checked whether it allows negative numbers.
- IsSignedNumber
Gets whether DataType specifies a signed number. Additionally MinValue is also checked whether it allows negative numbers.
- IsUnsignedInt
Gets whether DataType specifies an unsigned integer number (uint, ulong, byte, ushort).
- MaxLength
Gets or sets the maximum number of characters the user can enter into the control.
- MaxValue
Gets or sets the maximum value that can be entered in the control.
- MinLength
Gets or sets the minimum number of characters the user must enter into the control.
- MinValue
Gets or sets the minimum value that can be entered in the control.
- NumberStyles
Gets or sets a bitwise combination of NumberStyles values that indicates the permitted format of the text.
- Options
Gets or sets flags which customize behavior and visual style of the control.
- ResetErrorBackgroundMethod
Gets or sets method which is used to clear error state if error backround color is used for reporting it.
- ResetErrorForegroundMethod
Gets or sets method which is used to clear error state if error foreground color is used for reporting it.
- Search
Gets or sets string search provider.
- TextAsNumber
Gets or sets Text property value as object of a number type.
- TextAsValue
Gets or sets Text as object using DataType, TypeConverter and other properties which define text to/from value conversion rules.
- TextAsValueError
Gets last error occured inside TextAsValue property getter or setter.
- TrimTextRules
Gets or sets text trimming rules used in TextAsValue setter and some other places.
- TypeConverter
Gets or sets TypeConverter used for the text to/from value conversion. You also need to specify UseTypeConverter in Options.
- ValidatorErrorText
Gets or sets a text string that can be used as validator error message.
- ValidatorReporter
Gets or sets validator reporter object or control.
- DataTypeIsNumber()
if DataType is a number type.
- GetErrors()
Gets the validation errors.
- GetErrors(string?)
Gets the validation errors for this control and its child controls.
- GetKnownErrorText(ValueValidatorKnownError)
Gets known error text.
- GetLineText(long)
Returns the contents of a given line in the text control, not including any trailing newline character(s).
- GetMinMaxRangeStr(string?)
Returns minimal and maximal possible values for the DataType as a range string and formats it using
- GetNumberOfLines()
Returns the number of lines in the text control buffer.
- GetRealMaxValue()
Gets "real" maxmimal value taking into account DataType and MinValue.
- GetRealMinValue()
Gets "real" minimal value taking into account DataType and MinValue.
- HasErrorEmptyText()
Gets 'Empty Text' error status if empty text is not allowed.
- HasErrorMaxLength()
Gets 'Max Length' error status if MaxLength is specified.
- HasErrorMinLength()
Gets 'Min Length' error status if MinLength is specified.
- InitErrorPicture(PictureBox)
Initializes PictureBox with error image and other options.
- IsValidInputChar(char)
Gets whether the specified character is valid for the input. This function allows to ignore unwanted characters in the input.
- ObjectToString(object?, TextBoxOptions?)
Converts the specified object to string using conversion rules specified in the control.
- ReportErrorBadNumber(Action<string>?)
Reports an error if DataType is a number type and TextAsNumber is
- ReportErrorEmptyText(Action<string>?)
Reports an error if Text property is empty and it is not allowed (AllowEmptyText is
- ReportErrorMinMaxLength(Action<string>?)
Reports an error if length of the Text property value is less than MinLength or greater than MaxLength.
- ReportErrorMinMaxValue(object?, Action<string>?)
Reports an error if
is less than MinValue or greater than MaxValue.
- ReportValidatorError(bool, string?, Action<string>?)
Reports text validation error.
- ResetInputSettings()
Resets fields and properties before editing new value with the different data type. You can call this method in order to reset members related to data type, formatting and value conversion.
- RunDefaultValidation(Action<string>?)
Runs default validation of the Text property.
- SetErrorText(ValueValidatorKnownError)
Sets ValidatorErrorText property to
- SetErrorTextFromDataType()
Sets ValidatorErrorText with default error text for the data type specified in DataType.
- SetTextAsByte(byte)
to string and assigns Text property with the converted value.
- SetTextAsDateTime(DateTime)
to string and assigns Text property with the converted value.
- SetTextAsDecimal(decimal)
to string and assigns Text property with the converted value.
- SetTextAsDouble(double)
to string and assigns Text property with the converted value.
- SetTextAsInt16(short)
to string and assigns Text property with the converted value.
- SetTextAsInt32(int)
to string and assigns Text property with the converted value.
- SetTextAsInt64(long)
to string and assigns Text property with the converted value.
- SetTextAsObject(object?)
to string and assigns Text property with the converted value.
- SetTextAsSByte(sbyte)
to string and assigns Text property with the converted value.
- SetTextAsSingle(float)
to string and assigns Text property with the converted value.
- SetTextAsUInt16(ushort)
to string and assigns Text property with the converted value.
- SetTextAsUInt32(uint)
to string and assigns Text property with the converted value.
- SetTextAsUInt64(ulong)
to string and assigns Text property with the converted value.
- SetValidator(Type?, bool)
Sets DataType to the specified type and and CharValidator to the appropriate validator provider.
- SetValueAndValidator(object?, bool)
Sets text as value (using SetTextAsObject(object?)) and assigns appropriate char and value validators.
- TextAsNumberOrDefault<T>(T)
Returns TextAsNumber or
if it isnull
- UseCharValidator<T>()
Sets DataType property to
and CharValidator to the appropriate validator provider.
- ErrorStatusChanged
Occurs when ReportValidatorError(bool, string?, Action<string>?) is called.
- GlobalStringToValue
Occurs when string is converted to value. This is static event and is called for all the editors.
- GlobalValueToString
Occurs when value is converted to string. This is static event and is called for all the editors.
- StringToValue
Occurs when string is converted to value in this control.
- ValueToString
Occurs when value is converted to string in this control.