Class CharValidator
Default implementation of the ICharValidator interface.
public class CharValidator : AbstractCharValidator, IBaseObjectWithId, INotifyPropertyChanged, ICharValidator, ICustomCharValidator, IImmutableObject, IDisposableObject, IDisposable, IBaseObject
- Inheritance
- Implements
- AllowNativeDigitsInNumbers
Gets or sets whether to allow native digits in the numeric validators.
- AllowPlusInSignedNumbers
Gets or sets whether plus character is allowed in signed numeric validators.
- AlwaysValidChars
Gets or sets array of characters that are always valid and allowed in the input. By default it equals [127] (Delete key is allowed).
- AlwaysValidControlChars
Gets or set whether control characters (chars with codes 0..31) are always valid and allowed in the input. Default is True.
- CultureInfoOverride
Gets or sets override which is used instead of CurrentCulture when char validators are created.
- Culture
Gets used CultureInfo.
- Default
Gets ICustomCharValidator instance which allows any input.
- DigitsAndNegativeSignValidator
Gets or sets ICustomCharValidator instance which allows only digits and minus sign.
- DigitsAndSignValidator
Gets or sets ICustomCharValidator instance which allows only digits, plus and minus sign.
- DigitsValidator
Gets or sets ICustomCharValidator instance which allows only digits.
- NativeDigits
Gets native digits from the Culture settings.
- NegativeSign
Gets negative sign from the Culture settings.
- NumberDecimalSeparator
Gets number decimal separator from the Culture settings.
- NumberGroupSeparator
Gets number group separator from the Culture settings.
- PositiveSign
Gets positive sign from the Culture settings.
- SignedFloatValidator
Gets or sets ICustomCharValidator instance for the signed float validation.
- UnsignedFloatValidator
Gets or sets ICustomCharValidator instance for the unsigned float validation.
- UnsignedHexValidator
Gets or sets ICustomCharValidator instance which allows only hex digits.
- AllCategoriesValid(bool)
Sets all possible character categories (UnicodeCategory) as valid or invalid for the input.
- AllCharsValid(bool)
Sets all possible characters as valid or invalid for the input.
- CreateValidator(Type?)
Creates ICustomCharValidator instance for the specified type. Only numeric types are supported. Returns Null if type is Null.
- CreateValidator(TypeCode)
Creates ICustomCharValidator instance for the specified type code. Only numeric type codes are supported.
- IsValidCategory(UnicodeCategory)
Checks whether the specified char category is valid for the input.
- IsValidChar(char)
Checks whether the specified char is valid for the input. This method doesn't perform checks on char category, use IsValid(char) to check both char and it's category.
- Reset()
Resets object to the initial state.
- ValidCategory(UnicodeCategory, bool)
Sets the specified character category as valid or invalid for the input.
- ValidChar(char, bool)
Sets the specified character as valid or invalid for the input.
- QueryCharValidatorForType
Occurs when CreateValidator(Type?) is called.