Table of Contents

Enum KnownButton


Enumerates known buttons.

public enum KnownButton


Abort = 4

'Abort' button.

Add = 8

'Add' button.

AddChild = 11

'Add Child' button.

Back = 21

'Back' button.

Bold = 18

'Bold' button.

BrowserGo = 25

'Go' button (can be used in browser).

Cancel = 1

'Cancel' button.

Clear = 10

'Clear' button.

Forward = 22

'Forward' button.

Help = 7

'Help' button.

Ignore = 6

'Ignore' button.

Italic = 19

'Italic' button.

MoreItems = 12

'More items' button.

New = 13

'New' button.

No = 3

'No' button.

OK = 0

'Ok' button.

Open = 14

'Open' button.

Redo = 17

'Redo' button.

Remove = 9

'Remove' button.

Retry = 5

'Retry' button.

Save = 15

'Save' button.

Underline = 20

'Underline' button.

Undo = 16

'Undo' button.

Yes = 2

'Yes' button.

ZoomIn = 23

'Zoom In' button.

ZoomOut = 24

'Zoom out' button.