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Enum TextBoxTextAttrFlags


Enumerates possible flags used to indicate which attributes are being applied.

public enum TextBoxTextAttrFlags


Alignment = 128

Apply "Alignment" attribute.

All = Character | Paragraph

All attributes flag.

AvoidPageBreakAfter = 1073741824

Apply "AvoidPageBreakAfter" attribute.

AvoidPageBreakBefore = 536870912

Apply "AvoidPageBreakBefore" attribute.

BackgroundColor = 2

Apply "BackgroundColor" attribute.

Bullet = BulletStyle | BulletNumber | BulletText | BulletName

Apply bullet attribute.

BulletName = 1048576

Apply "BulletName" attribute.

BulletNumber = 262144

Apply "BulletNumber" attribute.

BulletStyle = 131072

Apply "BulletStyle" attribute.

BulletText = 524288

Apply "BulletText" attribute.

Character = TextColor | BackgroundColor | CharacterStyleName | Url | Effects | Font

Apply character attributes.

CharacterStyleName = 16384

Apply "CharacterStyleName" attribute.

Effects = 8388608

Apply "Effects" attribute.

Font = FontFace | FontWeight | FontItalic | FontUnderline | FontEncoding | FontFamily | FontStrikethrough | FontSize

Apply font attributes attribute.

FontEncoding = 33554432

Apply "FontEncoding" attribute.

FontFace = 4

Apply "FontFace" attribute.

FontFamily = 67108864

Apply "FontFamily" attribute.

FontItalic = 32

Apply "FontItalic" attribute.

FontPixelSize = 268435456

Apply "FontPixelSize" attribute.

FontPointSize = 8

Apply "FontPointSize" attribute.

FontSize = FontPointSize | FontPixelSize

Apply font size attributes.

FontStrikethrough = 134217728

Apply "FontStrikethrough" attribute.

FontUnderline = 64

Apply "FontUnderline" attribute.

FontWeight = 16

Apply "FontWeight" attribute.

LeftIndent = 256

Apply "LeftIndent" attribute.

LineSpacing = 8192

Apply "LineSpacing" attribute.

ListStyleName = 65536

Apply "ListStyleName" attribute.

None = 0

No attrributes are applied.

OutlineLevel = 16777216

Apply "OutlineLevel" attribute.

PageBreak = 4194304

Apply "PageBreak" attribute.

ParaSpacingAfter = 2048

Apply "ParaSpacingAfter" attribute.

ParaSpacingBefore = 4096

Apply "ParaSpacingBefore" attribute.

Paragraph = Alignment | LeftIndent | RightIndent | Tabs | ParaSpacingAfter | ParaSpacingBefore | LineSpacing | ParagraphStyleName | ListStyleName | Bullet | PageBreak | OutlineLevel | AvoidPageBreakBefore | AvoidPageBreakAfter

Apply paragraph attributes.

ParagraphStyleName = 32768

Apply "ParagraphStyleName" attribute.

RightIndent = 512

Apply "RightIndent" attribute.

Tabs = 1024

Apply "Tabs" attribute.

TextColor = 1

Apply "TextColor" attribute.

Url = 2097152

Apply "Url" attribute.


This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.