Class DataObject
Implements a basic data transfer mechanism.
public class DataObject : IDataObject
- Inheritance
- Implements
- DataObject()
Initializes a new instance of DataObject class.
- DataObject(object)
Initializes a new instance of DataObject class with the specified data in this data object, automatically converting the data format from the source object type.
- DataObject(string, object)
Initializes a new instance of DataObject class with the specified data, along with one or more specified data formats. The data format is specified by a string.
- Empty
Gets an empty DataObject.
- ContainsBitmap
Gets a value indicating whether the data object contains data in the Bitmap format.
- ContainsFiles
Gets a value indicating whether the data object contains data in the Files format.
- ContainsText
Gets a value indicating whether the data object contains data in the Text format.
- DeserializeDataObject(Stream)
Deserializes data object from the specified stream. This method is called when deserialization with Serializable format is performed.
- GetBitmap()
Retrieves bitmap data from the data object in the Bitmap format.
- GetData(string)
Retrieves a data object in a specified format; the data format is specified by a string.
- GetDataPresent(string)
Determines whether data stored in this instance is associated with, or can be converted to, the specified format.
- GetFiles()
Retrieves an array of file names from the data object in the Files format.
- GetFormats()
Returns a list of all formats that data stored in this instance is associated with or can be converted to.
- HasFormat(ClipboardDataFormatId)
Indicates whether there is data on the Clipboard that is in the specified format.
- HasFormat(string)
Indicates whether there is data on the Clipboard that is in the specified format.
- SerializeDataObject(Stream, object)
Serializes data object to the specified stream. This method is called when serialization with Serializable format is performed.
- SetBitmap(Image)
Adds a bitmap to the data object in the Bitmap format.
- SetData(object)
Stores the specified data in this data object, automatically converting the data format from the source object type.
- SetData(string, object)
Stores the specified data in this data object, along with one or more specified data formats. The data format is specified by a string.
- SetFiles(params string[])
Adds an array of file names to the data object in the Files format.
- SetText(string)
Adds a text string to the data object in the Text format.
- SetText(string, TextDataFormat)
Stores text data in this data object. The format of the text data to store is specified with a member of TextDataFormat.
- ToDebugString()
Gets this object properties formatted for debug purposes.
- ToDebugString(IDataObject)
Gets object properties formatted for debug purposes.
- GlobalDeserializeDataObject
Occurs when DataObject is deserialized from the stream using Serializable format.
- GlobalSerializeDataObject
Occurs when DataObject is serialized to the stream using Serializable format.