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Enum PropertyGridCreateStyleEx


Defines extended options which can be specified when property grid control is created.

public enum PropertyGridCreateStyleEx


AlwaysAllowFocus = 1048576

Allows to take focus on the entire area (on canvas) even if control is not in a standalone mode.

AutoUnspecifiedValues = 2097152

Set this style to let user have ability to set values of properties to unspecified state. Same as setting PropAutoUnspecified for all properties.

DefaultStyle = 1048576

Default style.

EnableTlpTracking = 67108864

This enables top-level window tracking which allows control to notify the application of last-minute property value changes by user. This style is not enabled by default because it may cause crashes when wxPropertyGrid is used in with wxAUI or similar system. Note: If you are not in fact using any system that may change wxPropertyGrid's top-level parent window on its own, then you are recommended to enable this style.

HelpAsTooltips = 65536

Show property help strings as tool tips instead as text on the status bar. You can set the help strings using SetPropertyHelpString member function.

HidePageButtons = 16777216

Hides page selection buttons from toolbar.

InitNoCat = 4096
ModeButtons = 32768

Shows alphabetic/categoric mode buttons from toolbar.

MultipleSelection = 33554432

Allows multiple properties to be selected by user (by pressing SHIFT when clicking on a property, or by dragging with left mouse button down).

NativeDoubleBuffering = 524288

Allows relying on native double-buffering.

NoFlatToolbar = 8192

Extended window style that sets PropertyGridManager toolbar to not use flat style.

NoToolbarDivider = 134217728

Don't show divider above toolbar, on Windows.

ToolbarSeparator = 268435456

Show a separator below the toolbar.

WriteOnlyBuiltinAttributes = 4194304

If this style is used, built-in attributes (such as FloatPrecision and StringPassword) are not stored into property's attribute storage (thus they are not readable). Note that this option is global, and applies to all property containers.


This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.