Class WebBrowser
This control may be used to render full featured web documents. It supports using multiple backends, corresponding to different implementations of the same functionality.
public class WebBrowser : Control, IBaseObjectWithId, IDisposableObject, IBaseObject, ISupportInitialize, IFocusable, ITextProperty, IComponent, IControl, IDisposable, IWin32Window, INotifyDataErrorInfo, IWebBrowser, IWebBrowserLite
- Inheritance
- Implements
Here is how to declare a WebBrowser in UIXML:
And the corresponding event handler in the code-behind:
private void WebBrowser1_Navigated(object sender, WebBrowserEventArgs e)
UrlTextBox.Text = WebBrowser1.GetCurrentURL();
private void WebBrowser1_Loaded(object sender, WebBrowserEventArgs e)
if (!pandaLoaded)
pandaLoaded = true;
WebBrowser1.PreferredColorScheme = WebBrowserPreferredColorScheme.Light;
App.AddIdleTask(() =>
private void WebBrowser1_NewWindow(object sender, WebBrowserEventArgs e)
private void WebBrowser1_TitleChanged(object sender, WebBrowserEventArgs e)
HeaderLabel.Text = "Web Browser Control: " + e.Text;
Also, a WebBrowser can be created from code:
var wb = new Alternet.UI.WebBrowser();
Example of how a WebBrowser can look:
- WebBrowser()
Initializes a new instance of the WebBrowser class.
- WebBrowser(Control)
Initializes a new instance of the WebBrowser class.
- WebBrowser(string)
Initializes a new instance of the WebBrowser class.
- AboutBlankUrl
Gets "about:blank" url.
- AccessToDevToolsEnabled
Enables or disables access to developer tools for the user.
- Backend
Gets the current WebBrowser backend.
- CanCopy
Gets a value indicating whether the current selection can be copied, which allows the Copy() method to succeed.
- CanCut
Gets a value indicating whether the current selection can be cut, which allows the Cut() method to succeed.
- CanGoBack
Gets a value indicating whether a previous page in navigation history is available, which allows theGoBack() method to succeed.
- CanGoForward
Gets a value indicating whether a subsequent page in navigation history is available, which allows the GoForward() method to succeed.
- CanPaste
Gets a value indicating whether the current selection can be replaced with the contents of the Clipboard, which allows the Paste() method to succeed.
- CanRedo
Gets a value indicating whether the user can redo the previous operation in the control.
- CanUndo
Gets a value indicating whether the user can undo the previous operation in the control.
- CanZoomIn
Gets a value indicating whether the zoom factor of the page can be increased, which allows the ZoomIn() method to succeed.
- CanZoomOut
Gets a value indicating whether the zoom factor of the page can be decreased, which allows the ZoomOut() method to succeed.
- ContextMenuEnabled
Enables or disables the right click context menu.
- ControlKind
Returns control identifier.
- DefaultUrl
Gets default url (the first loaded url).
- Editable
Gets or sets whether the control is currently editable.
- Factory
Gets or sets IWebBrowserFactoryHandler used by the webbrowser control.
- Handler
Gets handler for the control.
- HasBorder
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control has a border.
- HasSelection
Gets a value indicating whether there is a current selection in the control.
- Is64Bit
Gets a value indicating whether the WebBrowser runs on a 64 bit platform.
- IsBusy
Gets a value indicating whether the control is currently busy (e.g. loading a web page).
- IsEdgeBackend
Gets whether backend is WebView2.
- IsEdgeBackendEnabled
Gets or sets whether Edge backend which uses WebView2 is available.
- MemoryFS
Contains methods related to the memory scheme WebBrowser protocol.
- PageSource
Gets the HTML source code of the currently displayed document or an empty string if no page is currently shown.
- PageText
Gets the text of the current page.
- PreferredColorScheme
Sets the overall color scheme of the WebBrowser.
- SelectedSource
Gets the HTML source code of the currently selected portion of the web page or an empty string if no selection exists.
- SelectedText
Gets a value indicating the currently selected text in the control.
- Source
Gets or sets the Uri of the current document hosted in the WebBrowser.
- Url
Gets or sets the URL of the current document hosted in the WebBrowser.
- UserAgent
Gets or sets the custom user agent string for the WebBrowser control.
- Zoom
Gets or sets the zoom level of the page.
- ZoomFactor
Gets or sets the zoom factor of the page.
- ZoomType
Gets or sets how the zoom factor is currently interpreted by the HTML engine.
- AddScriptMessageHandler(string)
Adds a script message handler with the given name.
- AddUserScript(string, bool)
Injects the specified script into the webpage's content.
- CanSetZoomType(WebBrowserZoomType)
Retrieve whether the current HTML engine supports a zoom type.
- ClearHistory()
Clear the history, this will also remove the visible page.
- ClearSelection()
Clears the current selection.
- Copy()
Copies the current selection in the control to the Clipboard.
- CreateHandler()
Creates a handler for the control.
- CrtSetDbgFlag(int)
Modifies the state of the debug flag to control the allocation behavior of the debug heap manager.
- Cut()
Moves the current selection in the control to the Clipboard.
- DeleteSelection()
Deletes the current selection.
- DoCommand(string, params object?[])
Executes a browser command with the specified name and parameters.
- DoCommandGlobal(string, params object?[])
Executes the browser command with the specified name and parameters. This is the static version of DoCommand(string, params object?[]).
- EnableHistory(bool)
Enables or disables the history.
- Find(string, WebBrowserFindParams?)
Finds a text on the current page and if found, the control will scroll the text into view and select it.
- FindClearResult()
Resets the search and the highlighted results.
- GetBackendVersionString(WebBrowserBackend)
Retrieve the version information about the browser backend implementation.
- GetCurrentTitle()
Get the title of the current web page.
- GetCurrentURL()
Get the URL of the currently displayed document.
- GetLibraryVersionString()
Retrieve the version information about the underlying library implementation.
- GetNativeBackend()
Returns pointer to the native backend interface.
- GoBack()
Navigates the control to the previous page in the navigation history, if one is available.
- GoForward()
Navigates the control to the subsequent page in the navigation history, if one is available.
- InvokeScriptAsync(string, IntPtr, params object?[])
Executes the given JavaScript function asynchronously and returns the result via a ScriptResult event.
- IsBackendAvailable(WebBrowserBackend)
Allows to check if a specific WebBrowser backend is currently available.
- LoadURL(string?)
Loads a web page from a URL.
- LoadUrlOrSearch(string?)
Loads a web page from a URL if it is in a valid format. Otherwise opens passed URL in the Google search.
- Navigate(string)
Loads the document at the specified Uniform Resource Locator (URL) into the WebBrowser control, replacing the previous document.
- Navigate(Uri?)
Loads the document at the location indicated by the specified Uri into the WebBrowser control, replacing the previous document.
- NavigateToStream(Stream)
Navigate to a Stream that contains the content for a document.
- NavigateToString(string, string?)
Sets the displayed page source to the contents of the given string.
- ObjectToJSON(object?)
Converts the value into a JSON string. It is a simple convertor. It is better to use System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize method.
- OnBeforeBrowserCreate(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Called when BeforeBrowserCreate event is raised.
- OnDocumentTitleChanged(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Called when DocumentTitleChanged event is raised.
- OnError(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Called when Error event is raised.
- OnFullScreenChanged(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Called when FullScreenChanged event is raised.
- OnLoaded(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Called when Loaded event is raised.
- OnNavigated(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Called when Navigated event is raised.
- OnNavigating(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Called when Navigating event is raised.
- OnNewWindow(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Called when NewWindow event is raised.
- OnScriptMessageReceived(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Called when ScriptMessageReceived event is raised.
- OnScriptResult(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Called when ScriptResult event is raised.
- OnSizeChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the SizeChanged event.
- Paste()
Replaces the current selection in the control with the contents of the Clipboard.
- PrepareFileUrl(string)
Prepends filename with "file" url protocol prefix.
- Print()
Opens a print dialog so that the user may change the current print and page settings and print the currently displayed page.
- RaiseBeforeBrowserCreate(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Raises the BeforeBrowserCreate event and OnBeforeBrowserCreate(WebBrowserEventArgs) method.
- RaiseDocumentTitleChanged(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Raises the DocumentTitleChanged event and OnDocumentTitleChanged(WebBrowserEventArgs) method.
- RaiseError(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Raises the Error event and OnError(WebBrowserEventArgs) method.
- RaiseFullScreenChanged(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Raises the FullScreenChanged event and OnFullScreenChanged(WebBrowserEventArgs) method.
- RaiseLoaded(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Raises the Loaded event and OnLoaded(WebBrowserEventArgs) method.
- RaiseNavigated(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Raises the Navigated event and OnNavigated(WebBrowserEventArgs) method.
- RaiseNavigating(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Raises the Navigating event and OnNavigating(WebBrowserEventArgs) method.
- RaiseNewWindow(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Raises the NewWindow event and OnNewWindow(WebBrowserEventArgs) method.
- RaiseScriptMessageReceived(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Raises the ScriptMessageReceived event and OnScriptMessageReceived(WebBrowserEventArgs) method.
- RaiseScriptResult(WebBrowserEventArgs)
Raises the ScriptResult event and OnScriptResult(WebBrowserEventArgs) method.
- Redo()
Redos the last edit operation in the control.
- Reload()
Reloads the document currently displayed in the control by downloading for an updated version from the server.
- Reload(bool)
Reloads the document currently displayed in the control using the specified refresh option.
- RemoveAllUserScripts()
Removes all user scripts from the WebBrowser.
- RemoveScriptMessageHandler(string)
Remove a script message handler with the given name that was previously added using AddScriptMessageHandler(string).
- RunScriptAsync(string, IntPtr?)
Runs the given JavaScript code asynchronously and returns the result via a ScriptResult event.
- SelectAll()
Selects the entire page.
- SetBackend(WebBrowserBackend)
Sets the backend that will be used for the new WebBrowser instances.
- SetBackendPath(string, bool)
Sets path to a fixed version of the WebView2 Edge runtime.
- SetDefaultFSNameArchive(string)
Sets the default protocol name for the archive file system that will be used for the new WebBrowser instances.
- SetDefaultFSNameMemory(string)
Sets the default protocol name for the memory file system that will be used for the new WebBrowser instances.
- SetDefaultScriptMesageName(string)
Sets the default script message name that will be registered in all new WebBrowser instances.
- SetDefaultUserAgent(string)
Sets the default user agent that will be used for the new WebBrowser instances.
- SetLatestBackend()
Sets the best possible backend to be used for the new WebBrowser instances.
- SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping(string, string, WebBrowserHostResourceAccessKind)
Sets a mapping between a virtual host name and a folder path to make available to web sites via that host name.
- Stop()
Stops the current page loading process, if any. Cancels any pending navigation and stops any dynamic page elements, such as background sounds and animations.
- ToInvokeScriptArg(object?)
Converts the value to the JSON string.
- ToInvokeScriptArgs(object?[])
Converts the array of object values to the comma delimited JSON string.
- Undo()
Undoes the last edit operation in the control.
- ZoomIn()
Increases the zoom factor of the page.
- ZoomOut()
Decreases the zoom factor of the page.
- BeforeBrowserCreate
Occurs after backend is created, but before actual browser control creation.
- DocumentTitleChanged
Occurs when the web page title changes. Use Text to get the title.
- Error
Occurs when a navigation error occurs.
- FullScreenChanged
Occurs when the the page wants to enter or leave fullscreen.
- Loaded
Occurs when the WebBrowser control finishes loading a document.
- Navigated
Occurs when the WebBrowser control has navigated to a new web page and has begun loading it.
- Navigating
Occurs before the WebBrowser control navigates to a new web page.
- NewWindow
Occurs when a new browser window is created.
- ScriptMessageReceived
Occurs when your application receives message from JS code of the loaded web page.
- ScriptResult
Occurs when your application receives results after RunScriptAsync call.