Table of Contents

Class DrawingUtils


Contains static methods related to drawing.

public static class DrawingUtils


DistanceIsLess(PointD, PointD, double)

Compares distance between two points and specified value.

DrawBorder(Control?, Graphics, RectD, BorderSettings?)

Draws border in the specified rectangle of the drawing context.

DrawCheckBox(Graphics, Control, RectD, CheckState, VisualControlState)

Draws checkbox.

DrawDoubleBorder(Graphics, RectD, Color, Color)

Draws inner and outer border with the specified colors.

DrawHorzLine(Graphics, Brush, PointD, double, double)

Draws horizontal line using FillRectangle(Brush, RectD).

DrawVertLine(Graphics, Brush, PointD, double, double)

Draws vertical line using FillRectangle(Brush, RectD).

FillBorderRectangle(Graphics, RectD, Brush?, BorderSettings?, bool, Control?)

Fills rectangle background and draws its border using the specified border settings.

FillRectangleBorder(Graphics, Brush, RectD, Thickness)

Draws rectangle border using FillRectangle(Brush, RectD).

FillRectangleBorder(Graphics, Brush, RectD, double)

Draws rectangle border using FillRectangle(Brush, RectD).

FillRectanglesBorder(Graphics, Brush, RectD[], Thickness[]?)

Draws rectangles border using FillRectangle(Brush, RectD).

GetBottomLineRect(RectD, double)

Gets rectangle of the bottom border edge with the specified width.


Gets rectangle of the horizontal center line of the rectangle.


Gets rectangle of the vertical center line of the rectangle.

GetCheckBoxSize(Control, CheckState, VisualControlState)

Gets default checkbox size.

GetDistance(PointD, PointD)

Calculates distance between two points.

GetDistanceSquared(PointD, PointD)

Gets squared distance between two points.

GetLeftLineRect(RectD, double)

Gets rectangle of the left border edge with the specified width.

GetPointOnCircle(PointD, double, double)

Gets point on circle.

GetRightLineRect(RectD, double)

Gets rectangle of the right border edge with the specified width.

GetTopLineRect(RectD, double)

Gets rectangle of the top border edge with the specified width.

IsPointInCircle(PointD, PointD, double)

Gets whether point is inside the circle.


Sets background of the control's parents to Red, Green, Blue and Yellow colors.

WrapTextToList(string, double, Font, double?)

Performs word wrapping of the text.

WrapTextToMultipleLines(string, double, Font, double?)

Performs word wrapping of the text.