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Enum PropertyGridIteratorFlags


Flags for the iterator functions in the property grid control.

public enum PropertyGridIteratorFlags


IterateAll = IterateHidden | IterateVisible

Iterate all items.

IterateAllParents = 25600

Iterate all items that have children (not recursively).

IterateAllParentsRecursively = 1677747200

Iterate all items that have children (recursively).

IterateCategories = 536879136

Iterate categories. Note that even without this flag, children of categories are still iterated through.

IterateDefault = IterateHidden | IterateProperties

Default iterator flags.

IterateFixedChildren = 1677743136

Iterate children of parent that is an aggregate property (ie has fixed children).

IterateHidden = 2097156

Iterate children of collapsed parents, and individual items that are hidden.

IterateNormal = IterateHidden | IterateProperties

Iterate through individual properties (ie categories and children of aggregate properties are skipped).

IterateProperties = 1610634272

Iterate through 'normal' property items (does not include children of aggregate or hidden items by default).

IterateVisible = 1677751328

Combines all flags needed to iterate through visible properties (ie. hidden properties and children of collapsed parents are skipped).

IteratorFlagsAll = 29732

All iterator flags.


NOTES: At lower 16-bits, there are flags to check if item will be included. At higher 16-bits, there are same flags, but to instead check if children will be included.