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Enum PropertyGridValueFormatFlags


Misc. argument flags used in the value format methods in the property grid control.

public enum PropertyGridValueFormatFlags


CompositeFragment = 16

Used when dealing with fragments of composite string value.

EditableValue = 8

Get/Store editable value instead of displayed one (should only be different in the case of common values).

FullValue = 1

Get/Store full value instead of displayed value.

ProgrammaticValue = 128

Value is being set programmatically (i.e. not by user).

PropertySpecific = 4

Property specific flag.

ReportError = 2

Perform special action in case of unsuccessful conversion.

UneditableCompositeFragment = 32

Means property for which final string value is for cannot really be edited.

ValueIsCurrent = 64

ValueToString() called from GetValueAsString() (guarantees that input wxVariant value is current own value).


This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.