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Enum PropertyGridCreateStyle


Defines create options for a property grid control.

public enum PropertyGridCreateStyle


AlphabeticMode = AutoSort | HideCategories

This style combines non-categoric mode and automatic sorting.

AutoSort = 16

This will cause Sort() automatically after an item is added. When inserting a lot of items in this mode, it may make sense to use Freeze() before operations and Thaw() afterwards to increase performance.

BoldModified = 64

Modified values are shown in bold font. Changing this requires Refresh() to show changes.

DefaultStyle = 256

Default style of the property grid.

HideCategories = 32

Categories are not initially shown (even if added). IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not plan to use categories, then this style will waste resources. This flag can also be changed using wxPropertyGrid::EnableCategories method.

HideMargin = 512

Disables margin and hides all expand/collapse buttons that would appear outside the margin (for sub-properties). Toggling this style automatically expands all collapsed items.

LimitedEditing = 2048

Disables TextBox based editors for properties which can be edited in another way. Equals calling PropertyGrid.LimitPropertyEditing for all added properties.

SplitterAutoCenter = 128

When PropertyGrid is resized, splitter moves to the center. This behaviour stops once the user manually moves the splitter.

StaticLayout = HideMargin | StaticSplitter

Combination of other styles that make it impossible for user to modify the layout.

StaticSplitter = 1024

This style prevents user from moving the splitter.

Tooltips = 256

Display tooltips for cell text that cannot be shown completely.


This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.