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Enum GenericDirection


Specifies content alignment or general direction.

public enum GenericDirection


All = TopLeft | BottomRight

All directions are specified.

Bottom = 128

Content is vertically aligned at the bottom. Bottom direction is specified.

BottomLeft = Left | Bottom

Content is vertically aligned at the bottom, and horizontally aligned on the left. Bottom and Left directions are specified.

BottomRight = Right | Bottom

Content is vertically aligned at the bottom, and horizontally aligned on the right. Bottom and Right directions are specified.

Default = 0

Content alignment or direction is not specified.

Left = 16

Content is horizontally aligned on the left. Left direction is specified.

None = 0

Content alignment or direction is not specified.

Right = 32

Content is horizontally aligned on the right. Right direction is specified.

Top = 64

Content is vertically aligned at the top. Top direction is specified.

TopLeft = Left | Top

Content is vertically aligned at the top, and horizontally aligned on the left. Top and Left directions are specified.

TopRight = Right | Top

Content is vertically aligned at the top, and horizontally aligned on the right. Top and Right directions are specified.


This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.