Class PanelWebBrowser
Implements panel with WebBrowser and toolbar with web navigation buttons.
public class PanelWebBrowser : Control, IBaseObjectWithId, IDisposableObject, IBaseObject, ISupportInitialize, IFocusable, ITextProperty, IComponent, IControl, IDisposable, IWin32Window, INotifyDataErrorInfo
- Inheritance
- Implements
- PanelWebBrowser()
Initializes a new instance of the PanelWebBrowser class.
- PanelWebBrowser(Control)
Initializes a new instance of the PanelWebBrowser class.
- PanelWebBrowser(string)
Initializes a new instance of the PanelWebBrowser class.
- FindParams
Gets or sets find parameters.
- ActionsControl
Gets listbox with list of actions. This control is created by demand, it will be shown at the right of the browser.
- ButtonIdBack
Gets id of the 'Back' toolbar item.
- ButtonIdForward
Gets id of the 'Forward' toolbar item.
- ButtonIdGo
Gets id of the 'Go' toolbar item.
- ButtonIdMoreActions
Gets id of the 'More Actions' toolbar item.
- ButtonIdUrl
Gets id of the 'Url' toolbar item.
- ButtonIdZoomIn
Gets id of the 'Zoom In' toolbar item.
- ButtonIdZoomOut
Gets id of the 'Zoom Out' toolbar item.
- CanNavigate
Gets or sets whether navigation is allowed for the browser.
- IsIEBackend
Gets whetner IE backend is currently used.
- LogEvents
Gets or sets whether to log WebBrowser events.
- MoreActionsMenu
Gets ContextMenu with additional actions like "Find" and "Print".
- ToolBar
Gets main toolbar.
- UrlTextBox
Gets TextBox control used for url editing.
- UseBackend
Gets or sets type of WebBrowser backend used for browsing.
- WebBrowser
Gets WebBrowser control used in this panel.
- CreateToolbarItems()
Creates toolbar items.
- FindWithDialog()
Shows "Find" dialog window.
- GetNewClientData()
Generates new nint client data.
- SetBackendPathSmart(string)
Sets path for the Edge backend.
- UpdateHistoryButtons()
Updates enabled state of the "Back" and "Forward" buttons on the toolbar.
- UpdateZoomButtons()
Updates enabled state of the "Zoom In" and "Zoom Out" buttons on the toolbar.