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Enum TextBoxTextAttrBulletStyle


Defines different bullet styles.

public enum TextBoxTextAttrBulletStyle


AlignCentre = 8192

List bullet style flag "AlignCentre".

AlignLeft = 0

List bullet style flag "AlignLeft".

AlignRight = 4096

List bullet style flag "AlignRight".

Arabic = 1

List bullets are numbers.

Bitmap = 64

This style is not supported.

Continuation = 16384

List bullet style flag "Continuation".

LettersLower = 4

List bullets are letters in lower case.

LettersUpper = 2

List bullets are letters in upper case.

None = 0

List bullet style is not specified.

Outline = 2048

List bullet style flag "Outline".

Parentheses = 128

List bullet style flag "Parenthesis".

Period = 256

Adds period after list item bullet.

RightParenthesis = 1024

List bullet style flag "RightParenthesis".

RomanLower = 16

List bullets are roman digits in lower case.

RomanUpper = 8

List bullets are roman digits in upper case.

Standard = 512

List bullets are using standard style.

Symbol = 32

List bullets are symbols.


This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.