Class StringConverters
Contains properties and methods related to IObjectToString.
public class StringConverters : BaseObject, IBaseObject
- Inheritance
- Implements
- StringConverters()
Initializes a new instance of the ConversionUtils class.
- HandleTypeDescriptorRefreshed
Gets or sets whether to handle Refreshed event. Default is False.
- BooleanToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the bool type.
- ByteToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the byte type.
- CharToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the char type.
- DBNullToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the case if type is DBNull.
- DateTimeToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the DateTime type.
- DecimalToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the decimal type.
- Default
Gets or sets default ConversionUtils implementation.
- DoubleToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the double type.
- EmptyToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the case if type is Empty.
- Int16ToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the short type.
- Int32ToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the int type.
- Int64ToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the long type.
- ObjectToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the object type.
- SByteToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the sbyte type.
- SingleToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the float type.
- StringToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the string type.
- UInt16ToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the ushort type.
- UInt32ToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the uint type.
- UInt64ToString
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the ulong type.
- CreateAdapter(TypeConverter?)
Creates IObjectToString implementation for the specified type converter.
- CreateAdapterForTypeConverter(Type)
Gets IObjectToString implementation for the specified type using adapted TypeConverter which is obtained using GetTypeConverter(Type, bool?, CultureInfo?).
- GetConverter(TypeCode)
Gets default IObjectToString implementation for the specified TypeCode.
- GetTypeConverter(Type, bool?, CultureInfo?)
Gets TypeConverter object for the specified type.
- RegisterDefaultTypeConverters()
Registers default type converters. Called from the constructor.
- RegisterTypeConverter(Type, Type?)
Registers an override TypeConverter for the specified type. After override is registered, it is returned when GetTypeConverter(Type, bool?, CultureInfo?) is called. In order to unregister an override, call it with Null parameter.
- Reset()
Resets the object and removes all references to the created type converters.