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Enum ValueValidatorTextStyle


Enumerates possible behavior styles of a value validator.

public enum ValueValidatorTextStyle


Alpha = 4

Non-alpha characters are filtered out. This is locale-dependent.

AlphaNumeric = 8

Non-alphanumeric characters are filtered out. This is locale-dependent. Equivalent to Alpha combined with Digits or XDigits, or with both of them.

Ascii = 2

Non-ASCII characters are filtered out.

Digits = 16

Non-digit characters are filtered out. This is locale-dependent.

Empty = 1

Empty strings are filtered out. If this style is not specified then empty strings are accepted only if they pass the other checks (if you use more than one validator style).

ExcludeCharList = 512

Use an exclude char list. Characters in the exclude char list won't be allowed to be in the user input.

ExcludeList = 256

Use an exclude list. The validator checks if the user input is on the list, complaining if it is.

IncludeCharList = 128

Use an include char list. Characters in the include char list will be allowed to be in the user input. If this style is set with one or more of the following styles: Ascii, Alpha, AlphaNumeric, Digits, XDigits, Numeric it just extends the character class denoted by the aforementioned styles with those specified in the include char list. If set alone, then the characters allowed to be in the user input are restricted to those, and only those, present in the include char list.

IncludeList = 64

Use an include list. The validator checks if the user input is on the list, complaining if not.

None = 0

No filtering takes place.

Numeric = 32

Non-numeric characters are filtered out. Works like Digits but allows also decimal points, minus/plus signs and the 'e' or 'E' character to input exponents.

Space = 2048

A convenience flag for use with the other flags. The space character is more often used with alphanumeric characters which makes setting a flag more easier than calling a method for that matter.

XDigits = 1024

Non-hexadecimal characters are filtered out. This is locale-dependent.


This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.