Table of Contents

Class PanelSettings


Implements panel with settings. Each settings panel item is a labeled control which allows to edit individual setting. Items are declared using logical definitions (for example, boolean setting or string setting) and are not bound to the specific controls.

public class PanelSettings : HiddenBorder, IBaseObjectWithId, IDisposableObject, IBaseObject, ISupportInitialize, IFocusable, ITextProperty, IComponent, IControl, IDisposable, IWin32Window, INotifyDataErrorInfo



Initializes a new instance of the PanelSettings class.



Gets or sets default distance between label and text.


Gets or sets default spacer size. Real spacer size equals to this value plus MinChildMargin of the container.



Gets or sets whether controls are automatically created and updated when items are changed.


AddButton(object, ItemActionDelegate?, CustomEventArgs?)

Adds item with the button.

AddButton(object, Action?, CustomEventArgs?)

Adds item with the button.

AddInput(object, object, string, CustomEventArgs?)

Adds item with the editor for the property of the specified object. Value is specified using property name and property container.

AddInput<T>(object, IValueSource<object>?, CustomEventArgs?)

Adds item with the editor for the value of the specified type. Value is specified using IValueSource<T>.

AddInput<T>(object, Func<T>, Action<T>, CustomEventArgs?)

Adds item with the editor for the value of the specified type. Value is specified using getter and setter delegates.

AddLabel(object, CustomEventArgs?)

Adds item with the generic text label.

AddLinkLabel(object, ItemActionDelegate?, CustomEventArgs?)

Adds item with the link label.

AddLinkLabel(object, Action?, CustomEventArgs?)

Adds item with the link label.

AddSelector<T>(object, IEnumerable<T>, IValueSource<object>?, CustomEventArgs?)

Adds item with the editor for the nullable value of the specified type.


Adds item with an empty space.

CreateItemCore(object, PanelSettingsItemKind, IValueSource<object>?, CustomEventArgs?)

Creates item with the specified parameters.

GetRegisteredConversion(PanelSettingsItemKind, UIPlatformKind)

Gets registered function which is called when item is converted to the control.

ItemInserted(object?, int, PanelSettingsItem)

Called when item is added to the Items collection.

ItemRemoved(object?, int, PanelSettingsItem)

Called when item is removed from the Items collection.

RegisterConversion(PanelSettingsItemKind, ItemToControlDelegate?, UIPlatformKind)

Registers function which is called when item is converted to the control.