Class Color
Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color.
public class Color : IEquatable<Color>
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
Named colors are represented by using the properties of the Color structure.
The color of each pixel is represented as a 32-bit number: 8 bits each for alpha, red, green, and blue (ARGB). Each of the four components is a number from 0 through 255, with 0 representing no intensity and 255 representing full intensity. The alpha component specifies the transparency of the color: 0 is fully transparent, and 255 is fully opaque. To determine the alpha, red, green, or blue component of a color, use the A, R, G, or B property, respectively. You can create a custom color by using one of the FromArgb(int) method.
- Color(ColorStruct)
Initializes a new instance of the Color class from the ColorStruct.
- Color(KnownColor)
Initializes a new instance of the Color class from the KnownColor.
- Color(KnownSystemColor)
Initializes a new instance of the Color class from the KnownSystemColor.
- Color(byte, byte, byte)
Initializes a new instance of the Color class with the specified parameters.
- Color(byte, byte, byte, byte)
Initializes a new instance of the Color class with the specified parameters.
- ARGBAlphaMask
Bit mask for Alpha component of the color.
- ARGBAlphaShift
Shift count for Alpha component of the color.
- ARGBBlueMask
Bit mask for Blue component of the color.
- ARGBBlueShift
Shift count for Blue component of the color.
- ARGBGreenMask
Bit mask for Green component of the color.
- ARGBGreenShift
Shift count for Green component of the color.
- ARGBRedMask
Bit mask for Red component of the color.
- ARGBRedShift
Shift count for Red component of the color.
- AliceBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- AntiqueWhite
Gets a system-defined color.
- Aqua
Gets a system-defined color.
- Aquamarine
Gets a system-defined color.
- Azure
Gets a system-defined color.
- Beige
Gets a system-defined color.
- Bisque
Gets a system-defined color.
- Black
Gets a system-defined color.
- BlanchedAlmond
Gets a system-defined color.
- Blue
Gets a system-defined color.
- BlueViolet
Gets a system-defined color.
- Brown
Gets a system-defined color.
- BurlyWood
Gets a system-defined color.
- CadetBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- Chartreuse
Gets a system-defined color.
- Chocolate
Gets a system-defined color.
- Coral
Gets a system-defined color.
- CornflowerBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- Cornsilk
Gets a system-defined color.
- Crimson
Gets a system-defined color.
- Cyan
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkCyan
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkGoldenrod
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkGray
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkKhaki
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkMagenta
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkOliveGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkOrange
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkOrchid
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkRed
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkSalmon
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkSeaGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkSlateBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkSlateGray
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkTurquoise
Gets a system-defined color.
- DarkViolet
Gets a system-defined color.
- DeepPink
Gets a system-defined color.
- DeepSkyBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- DimGray
Gets a system-defined color.
- DodgerBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- Empty
Represents an empty color.
- Firebrick
Gets a system-defined color.
- FloralWhite
Gets a system-defined color.
- ForestGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- Fuchsia
Gets a system-defined color.
- Gainsboro
Gets a system-defined color.
- GhostWhite
Gets a system-defined color.
- Gold
Gets a system-defined color.
- Goldenrod
Gets a system-defined color.
- Gray
Gets a system-defined color.
- Gray100
Gets a system-defined color.
- Gray200
Gets a system-defined color.
- Gray300
Gets a system-defined color.
- Gray400
Gets a system-defined color.
- Gray500
Gets a system-defined color.
- Gray600
Gets a system-defined color.
- Gray900
Gets a system-defined color.
- Gray950
Gets a system-defined color.
- Green
Gets a system-defined color.
- GreenYellow
Gets a system-defined color.
- Honeydew
Gets a system-defined color.
- HotPink
Gets a system-defined color.
- IndianRed
Gets a system-defined color.
- Indigo
Gets a system-defined color.
- Ivory
Gets a system-defined color.
- Khaki
Gets a system-defined color.
- Lavender
Gets a system-defined color.
- LavenderBlush
Gets a system-defined color.
- LawnGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- LemonChiffon
Gets a system-defined color.
- LightBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- LightCoral
Gets a system-defined color.
- LightCyan
Gets a system-defined color.
- LightGoldenrodYellow
Gets a system-defined color.
- LightGray
Gets a system-defined color.
- LightGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- LightPink
Gets a system-defined color.
- LightSalmon
Gets a system-defined color.
- LightSeaGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- LightSkyBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- LightSlateGray
Gets a system-defined color.
- LightSteelBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- LightYellow
Gets a system-defined color.
- Lime
Gets a system-defined color.
- LimeGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- Linen
Gets a system-defined color.
- Magenta
Gets a system-defined color.
- Maroon
Gets a system-defined color.
- MediumAquamarine
Gets a system-defined color.
- MediumBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- MediumOrchid
Gets a system-defined color.
- MediumPurple
Gets a system-defined color.
- MediumSeaGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- MediumSlateBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- MediumSpringGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- MediumTurquoise
Gets a system-defined color.
- MediumVioletRed
Gets a system-defined color.
- MidnightBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- MintCream
Gets a system-defined color.
- MistyRose
Gets a system-defined color.
- Moccasin
Gets a system-defined color.
- NavajoWhite
Gets a system-defined color.
- Navy
Gets a system-defined color.
- OldLace
Gets a system-defined color.
- Olive
Gets a system-defined color.
- OliveDrab
Gets a system-defined color.
- Orange
Gets a system-defined color.
- OrangeRed
Gets a system-defined color.
- Orchid
Gets a system-defined color.
- PaleGoldenrod
Gets a system-defined color.
- PaleGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- PaleTurquoise
Gets a system-defined color.
- PaleVioletRed
Gets a system-defined color.
- PapayaWhip
Gets a system-defined color.
- PeachPuff
Gets a system-defined color.
- Peru
Gets a system-defined color.
- Pink
Gets a system-defined color.
- Plum
Gets a system-defined color.
- PowderBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- Purple
Gets a system-defined color.
- RebeccaPurple
Gets a system-defined color.
- Red
Gets a system-defined color.
- RosyBrown
Gets a system-defined color.
- RoyalBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- SaddleBrown
Gets a system-defined color.
- Salmon
Gets a system-defined color.
- SandyBrown
Gets a system-defined color.
- SeaGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- SeaShell
Gets a system-defined color.
- Sienna
Gets a system-defined color.
- Silver
Gets a system-defined color.
- SkyBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- SlateBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- SlateGray
Gets a system-defined color.
- Snow
Gets a system-defined color.
- SpringGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- SteelBlue
Gets a system-defined color.
- Tan
Gets a system-defined color.
- Teal
Gets a system-defined color.
- Thistle
Gets a system-defined color.
- Tomato
Gets a system-defined color.
- Transparent
Gets a system-defined color.
- Turquoise
Gets a system-defined color.
- Violet
Gets a system-defined color.
- Wheat
Gets a system-defined color.
- White
Gets a system-defined color.
- WhiteSmoke
Gets a system-defined color.
- Yellow
Gets a system-defined color.
- YellowGreen
Gets a system-defined color.
- AsBrush
Creates SolidBrush instance for this color.
- AsStruct
Gets this color as ColorStruct.
- DebugString
Gets color value as text the debug purposes.
- IsBlack
if this color is black.
- IsKnownColor
Gets a value indicating whether this Color structure is a predefined color. Predefined colors are represented by the elements of the KnownColor enumeration.
- IsNamedColor
Gets a value indicating whether this Color structure is a named color or a member of the KnownColor enumeration.
- IsSystemColor
Gets a value indicating whether this Color structure is a system color. A system color is a color that is used in a Windows display element. System colors are represented by elements of the KnownColor enumeration.
- NameAndARGBValue
Gets color name and ARGB.
- NameLocalized
Gets the localized name of this Color.
- RGBWeb
Gets RGB as web string in the format "rgb({R},{G},{B})". Fo example for the black color it will return "rgb(0,0,0)".
- State
Gets state flags of this object.
- AsImage(SizeI)
Creates GenericImage of the specified
filled with this color.
- AsImageSet(SizeI)
Creates ImageSet of the specified
filled with this color.
- AsImageWithBorder(SizeD, double, Color?)
Creates Image of the specified
filled with this color.
- ChangeLightness(ref RGBValue, int)
Darkens or lightens a color, based on the specified percentage ialpha of 0 would be completely black, 200 completely white an ialpha of 100 returns the same color.
- ChangeLightness(int)
Darkens or lightens a color, based on the specified percentage ialpha of 0 would be completely black, 200 completely white an ialpha of 100 returns the same color.
- Darker()
Creates a new darker color from this color.
- Darker(float)
Creates a new darker color from this color.
- DarkerDarker()
Creates a new much darker color from this color.
- EqualARGB(Color)
Indicates whether ARGB of this color is equal to ARGB of another color.
- Equals(Color?)
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
- Equals(object?)
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
- FromArgb(byte, Color)
Creates a Color structure from the specified Color structure, but with the new specified alpha value. Although this method allows a 32-bit value to be passed for the alpha value, the value is limited to 8 bits.
- FromArgb(byte, RGBValue)
Creates a Color structure from the four ARGB component (alpha, red, green, and blue) values.
- FromArgb(byte, byte, byte)
Creates a Color structure from the specified 8-bit color values (red, green, and blue). The alpha value is implicitly 255 (fully opaque). Although this method allows a 32-bit value to be passed for each color component, the value of each component is limited to 8 bits.
- FromArgb(byte, byte, byte, byte)
Creates a Color structure from the four ARGB component (alpha, red, green, and blue) values.
- FromArgb(int)
Creates a Color structure from a 32-bit ARGB value.
- FromArgb(int, int, int)
Creates a Color structure from the three RGB component (red, green, and blue) values. Although this method allows a 32-bit value to be passed for each component, the value of each component is limited to 8 bits.
- FromArgb(int, int, int, int)
Creates a Color structure from the four ARGB component (alpha, red, green, and blue) values. Although this method allows a 32-bit value to be passed for each component, the value of each component is limited to 8 bits.
- FromKnownColor(KnownColor)
Creates a Color structure from the specified predefined color.
- FromName(string)
Creates a Color structure from the specified name of a predefined color.
- FromRgb(byte, byte, byte)
Creates an opaque Color structure from the four ARGB components (255,
, andblue
) values.
- GetArgbValues(out byte, out byte, out byte, out byte)
Returns ARGB values of the Color
- GetAsPen(double)
Gets this color as Pen with the specified width.
- GetAsPen(double, DashStyle)
Gets this color as Pen with the specified width and DashStyle.
- GetBrightness()
Gets the hue-saturation-lightness (HSL) lightness value for this Color structure.
- GetHashCode()
Serves as the default hash function.
- GetKnownColors()
Enumerates colors defined in KnownColor.
- GetKnownColors(KnownColorCategory[], bool)
Enumerates colors defined in KnownColor for the specified color categories.
- GetLuminance()
Returns the perceived brightness of the color, with 0 for black and 1 for white.
- GetRgbValues(out byte, out byte, out byte)
Returns RGB values of the Color
- GetSaturation()
Gets the hue-saturation-lightness (HSL) saturation value for this Color structure.
- HSVtoRGB(HSVValue)
Converts HSVValue to RGB color.
- IsDark()
Gets whether color is dark.
- IsLight()
Gets whether color is light.
- LightDark(Color, Color)
Creates LightDarkColor with the specified two colors used in light and dark themes.
- Lighter()
Creates a new lighter color from this color.
- Lighter(float)
Creates a new lighter color from this color.
- LighterLighter()
Creates a new much lighter color from this color.
- MakeDisabled(ref RGBValue, byte)
Sets a disabled (dimmed) color for specified RGBValue.
- MakeDisabled(byte)
Makes a disabled version of this color.
- MakeGray(ref RGBValue)
Makes color gray using integer arithmetic.
- MakeGrey(ref RGBValue, double, double, double)
Creates a grey color from rgb parameters using floating point arithmetic.
- MakeMono(ref RGBValue, bool)
Assigns the same value to RGB of the color: 0 if
is false, 255 otherwise.
- MinMaxRgb(out byte, out byte)
Calculates minimal and maximal values from all RGB color components.
- MinMaxRgb(out byte, out byte, byte, byte, byte)
Calculates minimal and maximal values from
- Parse(string?)
Returns a color from the specified string.
- RGBtoHSV(RGBValue)
Converts RGB color to HSVValue.
- RequireArgb(ref ColorStruct)
This method is called each time before argb value of the color is returned to the caller.
- ToDebugString()
Gets color properties for the debug purposes.
- ToDisplayString()
Converts this color to display string.
- ToKnownColor()
Gets the KnownColor value of this Color structure.
- ToString()
Converts this Color structure to a human-readable string.
- WithAlpha(byte)
Returns a new color based on this current instance, but with the new alpha channel value.
- WithBlue(byte)
Returns a new color based on this current instance, but with the new blue channel value.
- WithGreen(byte)
Returns a new color based on this current instance, but with the new green channel value.
- WithRed(byte)
Returns a new color based on this current instance, but with the new red channel value.
- ColorToDisplayString
Occurs when Color is converted to string for the display purposes.
- operator ==(Color?, Color?)
Tests whether two specified Color structures are equivalent.
- implicit operator Color((byte, byte, byte, byte))
Implicit operator convertion from tuple with four byte values to Color. Tuple values define ARGB of the color.
- implicit operator Color((byte, byte, byte))
Implicit operator convertion from tuple with three byte values to Color. Tuple values define RGB of the color.
- operator !=(Color?, Color?)
Tests whether two specified Color structures are different.