Class InteriorDrawable
Implements control interior drawing. This includes border, background, vertical and horizontal scrollbars drawing.
public class InteriorDrawable : BaseDrawable, IBaseObject, IBaseDrawable
- Inheritance
- Implements
- InteriorDrawable()
Initializes a new instance of the InteriorDrawable class.
- Background
Gets or sets background element.
- Border
Gets or sets border element.
- Corner
Gets or sets corner element.
- HorzScrollBar
Gets or sets horizontal scrollbar element.
- VertScrollBar
Gets or sets vertical scrollbar element.
- BorderWidth
Gets border widths.
- BothVisible
Gets whether vertical and horizontal scrollbars are visible.
- Bounds
Gets or sets destination rectangle where to draw the object.
- CornerVisible
Gets whether corner is visible.
- HasBorder
Gets whether interior has border.
- HasCorner
Gets whether corner and both scrollbars are visible.
- HorzPosition
Gets or sets position of the horizontal scrollbar if it is created.
- HorzVisible
Gets whether horizontal scrollbar is visible.
- Notification
Gets InteriorControlActivity attached to this object.
- ScrollBarMetrics
Gets or sets scrollbar metrics.
- ScrollBarTheme
Gets theme assigned with SetThemeMetrics(KnownTheme, bool).
- VertPosition
Gets or sets position of the vertical scrollbar if it is created.
- VertVisible
Gets whether vertical scrollbar is visible.
- Draw(AbstractControl, Graphics)
Draws object on the canvas.
- GetLayoutRectangles(AbstractControl)
Performs layout of the drawable childs and returns calculated bound of the different parts of the drawable.
- GetRealMetrics(AbstractControl)
Gets real scroll bar metrics. If ScrollBarMetrics is not specified, returns DefaultMetrics(AbstractControl).
- HitTest(EnumArray<HitTestResult, RectD>, PointD)
Returns one of InteriorDrawable.HitTestResult constants.
- HitTests(AbstractControl, PointD)
Returns InteriorDrawable.HitTestsResult which contains interior hit test and scrollbar hit test.
- RaiseCornerClick(object)
Raises CornerClick event.
- RaiseElementClick(object, HitTestsResult)
Raises ElementClick event.
- RaiseScroll(object, ScrollEventArgs)
Raises Scroll event.
- SetDefaultBorder(bool)
Sets default border.
- SetThemeMetrics(KnownTheme, bool)
Initialized this drawable with default settings for the specified color theme.
- CornerClick
Occurs when the corner which is below vertical scrollbar is clicked.
- ElementClick
Occurs when the interior element is clicked.
- Scroll
Occurs when any of the attached scrollbars change their position.