Class PropertyGridItem
Default implementation of the IPropertyGridItem interface.
public class PropertyGridItem : BaseControlItem, IPropertyGridItem, IPropInfoAndInstance, IBaseObjectWithId, IBaseObject
- Inheritance
- Implements
- PropertyGridItem(IPropertyGrid, PropertyGridItemHandle?, string, string?, object?, IPropertyGridNewItemParams?)
Initializes a new instance of the PropertyGridItem class.
- CanHaveCustomEllipsis
Gets whether property editor can have ellipsis button
- Children
Gets list of children properties.
- Choices
Gets IPropertyGridChoices used in the item editor.
- DefaultLabel
Item label.
- DefaultName
Item name.
- DefaultValue
Item default value.
- GetValueFuncForReload
Gets or sets function used when property is reloaded.
- Handle
Item handle.
- HasChildren
Gets whether Children has items.
- Instance
Gets or sets objects instance in which property is contained.
- IsCategory
Item is category.
- Owner
Gets PropertyGrid instance which owns this property.
- Params
Gets IPropertyGridNewItemParams used when this item was created.
- Parent
Gets parent property.
- PropInfo
Gets or sets property information.
- PropertyEditorKind
Gets type of the property editor.
- TypeConverter
Gets or sets TypeConverter used when attached property value is converted to/from string.
- UserData
Gets or sets user data associated with this IPropertyGridItem.
- AddChildren(IEnumerable<IPropertyGridItem>)
Adds list of IPropertyGridItem to Children.
- CompareByLabel(IPropertyGridItem, IPropertyGridItem)
Compares two specified IPropertyGridItem objects by their labels and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.
- RaiseButtonClick()
Raises ButtonClick event.
- RaisePropertyChanged()
Raises PropertyChanged event.
- ButtonClick
Occurs when button is clicked in the property editor.
- PropertyChanged
Occurs when property value has been changed.