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Enum RichTextSetStyleFlags


Enumerates flags used in set style methods of the rich text box control.

public enum RichTextSetStyleFlags


CharactersOnly = 8

Specifies that the style should only be applied to characters, and not the paragraph. This allows content styling to be preserved independently from that of e.g. a named paragraph style.

None = 0

No style flag.

Optimize = 2

Specifies that the style should not be applied if the combined style at this point is already the style in question.

ParagraphsOnly = 4

Specifies that the style should only be applied to paragraphs, and not the content. This allows content styling to be preserved independently from that of e.g. a named paragraph style.

Remove = 128

Removes the given style instead of applying it

Renumber = 16

For RichTextBox.SetListStyle only: specifies starting from the given number, otherwise deduces number from existing attributes

Reset = 64

Resets the existing style before applying the new style

SpecifyLevel = 32

For RichTextBox.SetListStyle only: specifies the list level for all paragraphs, otherwise the current indentation will be used

WithUndo = 1

Specifies that this operation should be undoable.


This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.