Class ControlNotification
An empty implementation of the IControlNotification interface.
public class ControlNotification : IControlNotification
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
- AfterActivated(Control)
Called after the Activated event is raised.
- AfterCellChanged(Control)
Called after the CellChanged event is raised.
- AfterChildInserted(Control, int, Control)
Called after a child control is inserted into the Children of the
- AfterChildRemoved(Control, Control)
Called after a Control is removed from the Children collection of the
- AfterClick(Control)
Called after the control is clicked.
- AfterDeactivated(Control)
Called after the Deactivated event is raised.
- AfterDpiChanged(Control, DpiChangedEventArgs)
Called after the DpiChanged event is raised.
- AfterDragDrop(Control, DragEventArgs)
Called after the DragDrop event is raised.
- AfterDragEnter(Control, DragEventArgs)
Called after the DragEnter event is raised.
- AfterDragLeave(Control)
Called after the DragLeave event is raised.
- AfterDragOver(Control, DragEventArgs)
Called after the DragOver event is raised.
- AfterDragStart(Control, DragStartEventArgs)
Called after the DragStart event is raised.
- AfterEnabledChanged(Control)
Called after the enabled of the Enabled property changes.
- AfterFontChanged(Control)
Called after the value of the Font property changes.
- AfterGotFocus(Control)
This method is invoked when the control gets focus.
- AfterHandleCreated(Control)
Called after the conrol's handle is created.
- AfterHandleDestroyed(Control)
Called after the conrol's handle is destroyed.
- AfterHandlerAttached(Control)
Called after a new control handler is attached.
- AfterHandlerDetaching(Control)
Called before the current control handler is detached.
- AfterHandlerLocationChanged(Control)
Called after the native conrol location is changed.
- AfterHandlerSizeChanged(Control)
Called after the native conrol size is changed.
- AfterHelpRequested(Control, HelpEventArgs)
Called after the HelpRequested event is raised.
- AfterIdle(Control)
Called when when the application finishes processing events and is about to enter the idle state.
- AfterIsMouseOverChanged(Control)
Called when IsMouseOver property is changed.
- AfterKeyDown(Control, KeyEventArgs)
Called after the KeyDown event is raised.
- AfterKeyPress(Control, KeyPressEventArgs)
Called after the KeyPress event is raised.
- AfterKeyUp(Control, KeyEventArgs)
Called when KeyUp event is raised.
- AfterLocationChanged(Control)
Called after the LocationChanged event is raised.
- AfterLostFocus(Control)
This method is invoked when the control lost focus.
- AfterMarginChanged(Control)
Called after the value of the Margin property changes.
- AfterMouseCaptureLost(Control)
Called after the control loses mouse capture.
- AfterMouseDoubleClick(Control, MouseEventArgs)
Called after the mouse button was double-clicked.
- AfterMouseDown(Control, MouseEventArgs)
Called after the mouse button was pressed.
- AfterMouseEnter(Control)
Called after the mouse pointer enters the control.
- AfterMouseLeave(Control)
Called after the mouse pointer leaves the control.
- AfterMouseLeftButtonDown(Control, MouseEventArgs)
Called after the left mouse button was pressed.
- AfterMouseLeftButtonUp(Control, MouseEventArgs)
Called after the left mouse button was released.
- AfterMouseMove(Control, MouseEventArgs)
Called after the mouse is moved.
- AfterMouseRightButtonDown(Control, MouseEventArgs)
Called after the right mouse button was pressed.
- AfterMouseRightButtonUp(Control, MouseEventArgs)
Called after the right mouse button was released.
- AfterMouseUp(Control, MouseEventArgs)
Called after the mouse button was released.
- AfterMouseWheel(Control, MouseEventArgs)
Called after the MouseWheel event is raised.
- AfterPaddingChanged(Control)
Called after the value of the Padding property changes.
- AfterPaint(Control, PaintEventArgs)
Called after the control is redrawn. See Paint for details.
- AfterPaintBackground(Control, PaintEventArgs)
Paints the background of the control.
- AfterParentChanged(Control)
Called when Parent property is changed.
- AfterProcessException(Control, ThrowExceptionEventArgs)
Called when an exception need to be processed.
- AfterQueryContinueDrag(Control, QueryContinueDragEventArgs)
Occurs during a drag-and-drop operation and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled.
- AfterResize(Control)
Called after the Resize event is raised.
- AfterScroll(Control, ScrollEventArgs)
Called after the Scroll event is raised.
- AfterSetScrollBarInfo(Control, bool, ScrollBarInfo)
Called after the SetScrollBarInfo(bool, ScrollBarInfo) method is called.
- AfterSizeChanged(Control)
Called after the SizeChanged event.
- AfterSystemColorsChanged(Control)
Called after the SystemColorsChanged event is raised.
- AfterTextChanged(Control)
Called after the TextChanged event is raised.
- AfterTitleChanged(Control)
Called after the value of the Title property changes.
- AfterToolTipChanged(Control)
Raises the ToolTipChanged event.
- AfterTouch(Control, TouchEventArgs)
Called when Touch event is raised.
- AfterVisibleChanged(Control)
Called after the value of the Visible property changes.
- AfterVisualStateChanged(Control)
Called when VisualStateChanged property is changed.