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Class ControlNotification


An empty implementation of the IControlNotification interface.

public class ControlNotification : DisposableObject, IBaseObjectWithId, IDisposableObject, IBaseObject, IControlNotification, IDisposable


AfterActivated(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the Activated event is raised.

AfterCellChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the CellChanged event is raised.

AfterChildInserted(AbstractControl, int, AbstractControl)

Called after a child control is inserted into the Children of the sender.

AfterChildRemoved(AbstractControl, AbstractControl)

Called after a AbstractControl is removed from the Children collection of the sender.

AfterClick(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the control is clicked.

AfterContainerLocationChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the native conrol location is changed.

AfterCreate(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after control is created.

AfterDeactivated(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the Deactivated event is raised.

AfterDpiChanged(AbstractControl, DpiChangedEventArgs)

Called after the DpiChanged event is raised.

AfterDragDrop(AbstractControl, DragEventArgs)

Called after the DragDrop event is raised.

AfterDragEnter(AbstractControl, DragEventArgs)

Called after the DragEnter event is raised.

AfterDragLeave(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the DragLeave event is raised.

AfterDragOver(AbstractControl, DragEventArgs)

Called after the DragOver event is raised.

AfterDragStart(AbstractControl, DragStartEventArgs)

Called after the DragStart event is raised.

AfterEnabledChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the enabled of the Enabled property changes.

AfterFontChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the value of the Font property changes.

AfterGotFocus(AbstractControl, GotFocusEventArgs)

This method is invoked when the control gets focus.

AfterHandleCreated(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the conrol's handle is created.

AfterHandleDestroyed(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the conrol's handle is destroyed.

AfterHandlerAttached(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after a new control handler is attached.

AfterHandlerDetaching(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called before the current control handler is detached.

AfterHandlerSizeChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the native conrol size is changed.

AfterHelpRequested(AbstractControl, HelpEventArgs)

Called after the HelpRequested event is raised.

AfterIdle(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called when when the application finishes processing events and is about to enter the idle state.

AfterIsMouseOverChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called when IsMouseOver property is changed.

AfterKeyDown(AbstractControl, KeyEventArgs)

Called after the KeyDown event is raised.

AfterKeyPress(AbstractControl, KeyPressEventArgs)

Called after the KeyPress event is raised.

AfterKeyUp(AbstractControl, KeyEventArgs)

Called when KeyUp event is raised.

AfterLocationChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the LocationChanged event is raised.

AfterLongTap(AbstractControl, LongTapEventArgs)

Called after the LongTap event is raised.

AfterLostFocus(AbstractControl, LostFocusEventArgs)

This method is invoked when the control lost focus.

AfterMarginChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the value of the Margin property changes.

AfterMouseCaptureLost(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the control loses mouse capture.

AfterMouseDoubleClick(AbstractControl, MouseEventArgs)

Called after the mouse button was double-clicked.

AfterMouseDown(AbstractControl, MouseEventArgs)

Called after the mouse button was pressed.

AfterMouseEnter(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the mouse pointer enters the control.

AfterMouseLeave(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the mouse pointer leaves the control.

AfterMouseLeftButtonDown(AbstractControl, MouseEventArgs)

Called after the left mouse button was pressed.

AfterMouseLeftButtonUp(AbstractControl, MouseEventArgs)

Called after the left mouse button was released.

AfterMouseMove(AbstractControl, MouseEventArgs)

Called after the mouse is moved.

AfterMouseRightButtonDown(AbstractControl, MouseEventArgs)

Called after the right mouse button was pressed.

AfterMouseRightButtonUp(AbstractControl, MouseEventArgs)

Called after the right mouse button was released.

AfterMouseUp(AbstractControl, MouseEventArgs)

Called after the mouse button was released.

AfterMouseWheel(AbstractControl, MouseEventArgs)

Called after the MouseWheel event is raised.

AfterPaddingChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the value of the Padding property changes.

AfterPaint(AbstractControl, PaintEventArgs)

Called after the control is redrawn. See Paint for details.

AfterPaintBackground(AbstractControl, PaintEventArgs)

Paints the background of the control.

AfterParentChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called when Parent property is changed.

AfterPreviewKeyDown(AbstractControl, Key, ModifierKeys, ref bool)

Called after the PreviewKeyDown event is raised.

AfterProcessException(AbstractControl, ThrowExceptionEventArgs)

Called when an exception need to be processed.

AfterQueryContinueDrag(AbstractControl, QueryContinueDragEventArgs)

Occurs during a drag-and-drop operation and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled.

AfterResize(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the Resize event is raised.

AfterScroll(AbstractControl, ScrollEventArgs)

Called after the Scroll event is raised.

AfterSetScrollBarInfo(AbstractControl, bool, ScrollBarInfo)

Called after the SetScrollBarInfo(bool, ScrollBarInfo) method is called.

AfterSizeChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the SizeChanged event.

AfterSystemColorsChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the SystemColorsChanged event is raised.

AfterTextChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the TextChanged event is raised.

AfterTitleChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the value of the Title property changes.

AfterToolTipChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Raises the ToolTipChanged event.

AfterTouch(AbstractControl, TouchEventArgs)

Called when Touch event is raised.

AfterVisibleChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called after the value of the Visible property changes.

AfterVisualStateChanged(AbstractControl, EventArgs)

Called when VisualStateChanged property is changed.