Class VirtualListControl
Advanced list control with ability to customize item painting.
public abstract class VirtualListControl : ListControl<ListControlItem>, IBaseObjectWithId, IDisposableObject, IBaseObject, ISupportInitialize, IFocusable, ITextProperty, IComponent, INotifyDataErrorInfo, IReadOnlyStrings, IListControlItemContainer, IListControlItemDefaults, ICheckListBox<ListControlItem>, ICustomListBox<ListControlItem>, IListControl<ListControlItem>, IControl, IDisposable, IWin32Window
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
- DefaultCurrentItemBorderColor
Gets or sets default border color for the current item. This is used when DefaultCurrentItemBorder is created.
- DefaultDisabledItemTextColor
Gets or sets default disabled item text color.
- DefaultItemMargin
Gets or sets default item margin.
- DefaultItemTextColor
Gets or sets default item text color.
- DefaultMinItemHeight
Gets or sets default minimal item height.
- DefaultSelectedItemBackColor
Gets or sets default selected item background color.
- DefaultSelectedItemTextColor
Gets or sets default selected item text color.
- AnchorIndex
Gets or sets anchor item index.
- AreSelectEventsSuspended
Gets whether SelectionChanged (and other events which are raised on selection change) are suspended.
- CheckBoxAllowAllStatesForUser
Gets or sets whether user can set the checkboxes to the third state by clicking.
- CheckBoxThreeState
Gets or sets a value indicating whether checkbox will allow three check states rather than two.
- CheckBoxVisible
Gets or sets whether to show checkboxes in the items.
- CheckOnClick
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the checkbox should be toggled when an item is clicked on the checkbox area.
- CheckedCount
Gets number of checked items.
- CheckedIndex
Gets or sets the zero-based index of the currently checked item in a ListBox.
- CheckedIndices
Gets a collection that contains the zero-based indexes of all currently checked items in the control.
- CheckedIndicesDescending
Gets a collection that contains the zero-based indexes of all currently checked items in the control.
- ControlKind
Returns control identifier.
- CurrentItemBorder
Gets or sets current item border. If it is
(default value), DefaultCurrentItemBorder is used.
- CurrentItemBorderVisible
Gets or sets whether current item border is visible.
- DefaultCurrentItemBorder
Gets or sets default border of the listbox's current item.
- DelayedSelectionChangedInterval
Gets or sets default timeout interval (in msec) for timer that calls DelayedSelectionChanged event. If not specified, DefaultDelayedTextChangedTimeout is used.
- DisabledItemTextColor
Gets or sets disabled item text color.
- IsSelectionModeMultiple
Gets or sets whether selection mode is Multiple
- IsSelectionModeSingle
Gets or sets whether selection mode is Single
- ItemAlignment
Gets or sets default alignment of the items.
- ItemMargin
Gets or sets item margin.
- ItemPainter
Gets or sets item painter associated with the control.
- ItemTextColor
Gets or sets item text color.
- MinItemHeight
Gets minimal height of the items. Default is DefaultMinItemHeight.
- SelectedIndex
Gets or sets the zero-based index of the currently selected item in the control.
- SelectedIndexes
Same as SelectedIndices.
- SelectedIndices
Gets a collection that contains the zero-based indexes of all currently selected items in the control.
- SelectedIndicesDescending
Gets a collection that contains the zero-based indexes of all currently selected items in the control.
- SelectedItem
Gets or sets the currently selected item in the control.
- SelectedItemBackColor
Gets or sets selected item back color.
- SelectedItemIsBold
Gets or sets whether SelectedItem has bold font.
- SelectedItemTag
Gets 'Tag' property of the selected item if it is BaseObjectWithAttr.
- SelectedItemTextColor
Gets or sets selected item text color.
- SelectedItems
Gets a collection containing the currently selected items in the control.
- SelectedItemsArray
Gets selected items as array.
- SelectionBorder
Gets or sets selection border.
- SelectionMode
Gets or sets the method in which items are selected in the control.
- SelectionUnderImage
Gets or sets whether to draw selection background under image.
- SelectionVisible
Gets or sets whether selection background is visible.
- SvgImageSize
Gets or sets default size of the svg images.
- TextVisible
Gets or sets whether item text is displayed.
- AddItemsThreadSafe<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, ListControlItem?>, Func<bool>, int, int)
Allows to set items from the IEnumerable<T> with huge number of items which is "yield" constructed. This method can be called from the another thread which is different from UI thread.
- CanRemoveSelectedItem()
Gets whether selected item can be removed.
- CheckItems(params int[])
Checks items with specified indexes.
- ClearChecked()
Unchecks all items in the control.
- ClearChecked(bool)
Unchecks all items in the control and optionally calls RaiseCheckedChanged(EventArgs).
- ClearSelected()
Unselects all items in the control.
- ClearSelectedExcept(int?)
Clears selected items except the item with the specified index.
- DefaultDrawItemBackground(ListBoxItemPaintEventArgs)
Draws default background for the item with the specified index. Used inside DrawItemBackground(ListBoxItemPaintEventArgs).
- DefaultDrawItemForeground(ListBoxItemPaintEventArgs)
Default method which draws items. Called from DrawItemForeground(ListBoxItemPaintEventArgs).
- DoInsideSuspendedSelectionEvents(Action)
Calls the specified action inside the block with suspended selection events.
- DrawItemBackground(ListBoxItemPaintEventArgs)
Draws background for the item with the specified index. If ItemPainter is assigned, uses PaintBackground(object, ListBoxItemPaintEventArgs), otherwise calls DefaultDrawItemBackground(ListBoxItemPaintEventArgs).
- DrawItemForeground(ListBoxItemPaintEventArgs)
Draws item with the specified index. If ItemPainter is assigned, uses Paint(object, ListBoxItemPaintEventArgs), otherwise calls DefaultDrawItemForeground(ListBoxItemPaintEventArgs).
- EnsureVisible(int)
Makes item with the specified index visible in the control's view.
- GetDisabledItemTextColor(int)
Gets disabled item text color.
- GetFirstSelectedIndex()
Gets index of the first selected item.
- GetItemAlignment(int)
Gets item alignment.
- GetItemAsObject(int)
Gets item as object.
- GetItemCheckBoxAllowAllStatesForUser(ListControlItem)
Gets whether user can set the checkbox of the item to the third state by clicking.
- GetItemFont(int)
Gets item font. It must not be
- GetItemImages(int, Color?)
Gets item image.
- GetItemMinHeight(int)
Gets item minimal height.
- GetItemShowCheckBox(ListControlItem)
Gets whether checkbox is shown in the item.
- GetItemTextColor(int)
Gets item text color. Default is ItemTextColor (if it is not
) or DefaultItemTextColor.
- GetLastSelectedIndexInBlock()
Gets index of the last selected item in the block.
- GetSelectedItemBackColor(int)
Gets selected item back color. Default is SelectedItemBackColor (if it is not
) or DefaultSelectedItemBackColor.
- GetSelectedItemTextColor(int)
Gets selected item text color. Default is SelectedItemTextColor (if it is not
) or DefaultSelectedItemTextColor.
- GetValidIndexes(params int[])
Gets only valid indexes from the list of indexes in the control.
- HasItems()
Gets whether control has items.
- HasSelectedItems()
Gets whether control has selected items.
- HitTest(PointD)
Returns the zero-based index of the item at the specified coordinates.
- IsCurrent(int)
Gets whether item with the specified index is current.
- IsSelected(int)
Gets whether item with the specified index is selected.
- IsValidIndex(int)
Checks whether index is valid in the control.
- OnCheckedChanged(EventArgs)
Called when when the checkbox state of the item has changed.
- OnMouseDoubleClick(MouseEventArgs)
Called when the mouse button was double-clicked.
- OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the SelectedIndex property or the SelectedIndices collection has changed.
- OnSelectionChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the SelectedIndex property or the SelectedIndices collection has changed.
- RaiseCheckedChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the CheckedChanged event and calls OnCheckedChanged(EventArgs).
- RaiseSelectionChanged(EventArgs?)
Raises the SelectionChanged event and calls OnSelectionChanged(EventArgs).
- RaiseSelectionModeChanged()
Raises SelectionModeChanged event.
- RemoveCheckedItems()
Removes checked items from the control.
- RemoveSelectedItem()
Removes selected item from the control.
- RemoveSelectedItems()
Removes selected items from the control.
- ResumeSelectionEvents()
Resumes raising of SelectionChanged and other events which are raised on selection change.
- RunSelectedItemDoubleClickAction()
Runs action specified in the DoubleClickAction property of the selected item.
- SelectAll()
Selects all items in the control.
- SelectItems(params int[])
Selects items with specified indexes in the control.
- SelectRange(int, int, bool)
Selects or unselects range of the items (inclusive).
- SelectedItemsAsText(string?)
Gets selected items as string.
- SelectedItemsToClipboard(string?)
Copies result of the SelectedItemsAsText(string?) to clipboard.
- SetAllSelected(bool)
Changes selected state for all items in the control.
- SetChecked(int, bool)
Checks or clears the check state for the specified item in a CheckListBox.
- SetColorThemeToDark()
Sets colors used in the control to the dark theme.
- SetColorThemeToDefault()
Sets colors used in the control to the default theme.
- SetItemCheckState(int, CheckState)
Changes the check state for the specified item.
- SetItemCheckStateCore(int, CheckState)
Changes the check state for the specified item.
- SetItemChecked(int, bool)
Checks or clears the check state for the specified item.
- SetItemCheckedCore(int, bool)
Checks or clears the check state for the specified item.
- SetItemsFast<TItemFrom>(IEnumerable<TItemFrom>, Action<ListControlItem, TItemFrom>, Func<ListControlItem>)
Sets items from the specified collection to the control's items as fast as possible.
- SetSelected(int, bool)
Selects or clears the selection for the specified item in a control.
- SetSelectedCore(int, bool)
Changes selected state of the item without raising events.
- SetSelectedIndex(int?, bool, bool)
Changes SelectedIndex property value and optionally clears previous selection.
- SuspendSelectionEvents()
Suspend raising of SelectionChanged and other events which are raised on selection change.
- UnselectAll()
Unselects all items in the control.
- CheckedChanged
Occurs when the checked state of an item changes.
- DelayedSelectionChanged
Occurs when the SelectedIndex, SelectedItem or the SelectedIndices have changed.
- SelectedIndexChanged
Occurs when the SelectedIndex property has changed. Same as SelectionChanged, see it for the details.
- SelectionChanged
Occurs when the SelectedIndex property or the SelectedIndices collection has changed.
- SelectionModeChanged
Occurs when the value of the SelectionMode property changes.