Interface IControlHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with control.
public interface IControlHandler : IDisposableObject, IDisposable, IBaseObject
- AllowDrop
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can accept data that the user drags onto it.
- BackgroundColor
Gets or sets the background color for the control.
- BackgroundStyle
Gets or sets the background style of the control.
- BorderStyle
Gets or sets border style of the control.
- Bounds
Gets or sets the AbstractControl bounds relative to the parent, in device-independent units.
- BoundsI
Gets or sets bounds in pixels. You should not normally use this property unless this control is a top level window.
- CanSelect
Gets or sets value indicating whether this control accepts input or not (i.e. behaves like a static text) and so doesn't need focus.
- ClientSize
Gets or sets size of the AbstractControl's client area, in device-independent units.
- Font
Gets or sets the font of the text displayed by the control.
- ForegroundColor
Gets or sets the foreground color for the control.
- HasBorder
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control has a border.
- HorzScrollBarInfo
Gets or sets horizontal scrollbar position as ScrollBarInfo. This makes sense only for UserControl descendants.
- IntrinsicLayoutPadding
Gets intrinsic layout padding of the native control.
- IntrinsicPreferredSizePadding
Gets intrinsic preferred size padding of the native control.
- IsAttached
Gets a value indicating whether handler is attached to a Control.
- IsFocused
Gets a value indicating whether the control has input focus.
- IsHandleCreated
Gets a value indicating whether the control has a native window handle associated with it.
- IsMouseCaptured
Gets a value indicating whether the mouse is captured to this control.
- IsNativeControlCreated
Gets whether or not native control is created.
- IsScrollable
Gets or sets whether controls is scrollable. This makes sense only for UserControl descendants.
- LangDirection
Gets or sets the language direction for this control.
- MaximumSize
Gets or sets the maximum size the window can be resized to.
- MinimumSize
Gets or sets the minimum size the window can be resized to.
- ProcessIdle
Gets or sets whether Idle event is fired.
- Text
Gets or sets the text associated with this control.
- UserPaint
Gets or set a value indicating whether the control paints itself rather than the operating system doing so.
- VertScrollBarInfo
Gets or sets vertical scrollbar position as ScrollBarInfo. This makes sense only for UserControl descendants.
- Visible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control and all its child controls are displayed.
- VisibleOnScreen
Gets whether control is visible on screen.
- WantChars
Gets or sets whether control wants to get all char/key events for all keys.
- Attach(Control)
Attaches this handler to the specified Control.
- BeginInit()
Starts the initialization process for this control.
- BeginUpdate()
Maintains performance while performing slow operations on a control by preventing the control from drawing until the EndUpdate() method is called.
- CaptureMouse()
Captures the mouse to the control.
- ClientToScreen(PointD)
Converts the client-area coordinates of a specified point to screen coordinates.
- CreateDrawingContext()
Creates the Graphics for the control.
- DoDragDrop(object, DragDropEffects)
Begins a drag-and-drop operation.
- EnableTouchEvents(TouchEventsMask)
Enables or disables receiving of the touch events.
- EndInit()
Ends the initialization process for this control.
- EndUpdate()
Resumes painting the control after painting is suspended by the BeginUpdate() method.
- GetDefaultAttributesBgColor()
Gets background color from the default attributes.
- GetDefaultAttributesFgColor()
Gets foreground color from the default attributes.
- GetDefaultAttributesFont()
Gets font from the default attributes.
- GetHandle()
Gets native handler of the control. For Windows this is hWnd, for other operating systems currently returns null. You should not use this property.
- GetNativeControl()
Gets native control.
- GetPixelScaleFactor()
Gets scale factor.
- GetPreferredSize(SizeD)
Retrieves the size of a rectangular area into which a control can be fitted, in device-independent units.
- GetUpdateClientRectI()
Gets the update rectangle region bounding box in client coordinates. This method can be used in paint events. Returns rectangle in pixels.
- HandleNeeded()
Creates native control if its not already created.
- Invalidate()
Invalidates the control and causes a paint message to be sent to the control.
- InvalidateBestSize()
Resets the cached best size value so it will be recalculated the next time it is needed.
- IsTransparentBackgroundSupported()
Checks whether using transparent background might work.
- Lower()
Lowers the window to the bottom of the window hierarchy (Z-order). This function only works for top level windows.
- OnChildInserted(AbstractControl)
Called when a AbstractControl is inserted into the Children.
- OnChildRemoved(AbstractControl)
Called when a AbstractControl is removed from the Children collections.
- OnLayoutChanged()
This methods is called when the layout of the control changes.
- OpenPaintDrawingContext()
Opens drawing context. Available only in the event handler.
- Raise()
Raises the window to the top of the window hierarchy (Z-order). This function only works for top level windows.
- RecreateWindow()
Forces the re-creation of the underlying native control.
- RefreshRect(RectD, bool)
Same as Invalidate(RectD) but has additional parameter
- ReleaseMouseCapture()
Releases the mouse capture, if the control held the capture.
- ResetBackgroundColor()
Resets background color.
- ResetForegroundColor()
Resets foreground color.
- ScreenToClient(PointD)
Converts the screen coordinates of a specified point on the screen to client-area coordinates.
- SetCursor(Cursor?)
Changes Cursor property.
- SetEnabled(bool)
Same as Enabled but implemented as method.
- SetFocus()
Sets input focus to the control.
- SetToolTip(string?)
Sets tooltip text.
- UnsetToolTip()
Clears toltip text.
- Update()
Causes the control to redraw the invalidated regions.
- UpdateFocusFlags(bool, bool)
Updates focus related flags.