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Enum PropertyGridItemFlags


Flags of the items in the property grid control.

public enum PropertyGridItemFlags


Aggregate = 1024

If set, then child properties (if any) are private, and should be "invisible" to the application.

AutoUnspecified = 262144

Property can be set to unspecified value via editor. Currently, this applies to following properties:

  • IntProperty, UIntProperty, FloatProperty, EditEnumProperty: Clear the text field This flag cannot be used with property iterators. See IPropertyGridItem.SetAutoUnspecified().
BeingDeleted = 2097152

Indicates that the property is being deleted and should be ignored.

Category = 8192

Classifies this item as a category. Used for faster item type identification.

ChildrenAreCopies = 2048

If set, then child properties (if any) are copies and should not be deleted in dtor.

ClassSpecific1 = 524288

Indicates the bit usable by derived properties.

ClassSpecific2 = 1048576

Indicates the bit usable by derived properties.

ClassSpecific3 = 4194304

Indicates the bit usable by derived properties.

Collapsed = 32

Property is collapsed, ie. its children are hidden.

ComposedValue = 65536

Property's value is composed from values of child properties. This flag cannot be used with property iterators.

CustomImage = 8

This property has custom paint image just in front of its value. If property only draws custom images into a popup list, then this flag should not be set.

Disabled = 2

Disables ('greyed' text and editor does not activate) property.

Hidden = 4

Hider button will hide this property.

InvalidValue = 64

If property is selected, then indicates that validation failed for pending value. If property is not selected, that indicates that the actual property value has failed validation (NB: this behaviour is not currently supported, but may be used in future).

MiscParent = 16384

Classifies this item as a property that has children, but is not aggregate (i.e. children are not private).

Modified = 1

Indicates bold font.

NoEditor = 16

Do not create text based editor for this property (but button-triggered dialog and choice are ok).

Property = 4096

Classifies this item as a non-category. Used for faster item type identification.

ReadOnly = 32768

Property is read-only. Editor is still created for TextBox-based property editors. For others, editor is not usually created because they do implement Readonly style or equivalent.

UsesCommonValue = 131072

Common value of property is selectable in editor. This flag cannot be used with property iterators.

WasModified = 512

Switched via SetWasModified(). Temporary flag - only used when setting/changing property value.


This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.