Class AbstractControl
Defines the base abstract class for controls, which are components with visual representation.
public abstract class AbstractControl : FrameworkElement, IBaseObjectWithId, IDisposableObject, IBaseObject, ISupportInitialize, IFocusable, ITextProperty, IComponent, IControl, IDisposable, IWin32Window, INotifyDataErrorInfo
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
- AbstractControl()
Initializes a new instance of the AbstractControl class.
- DefaultUseParentFont
Gets or sets default value for ParentFont property.
- MinElementSize
Gets or sets min element size in device-independent units.
- RaiseActivatedForChildren
Gets or sets whether to call activated/deactivated events for all child controls recursively. Default is True. If this property is False, only top-most forms are notified.
- ShowDebugFocusRect
Gets or sets whether to draw debug rectangle around focused control.
- UseDebugBackgroundColor
Gets or sets whether DebugBackgroundColor(Color?, string?) property is used.
- UseLayoutMethod
Gets or sets which layout method is used when controls are aligned. This is for internal use only.
- AbsolutePosition
Gets absolute position of the control. Returned value is Location plus all control's parents locations.
- Alignment
Gets or sets alignment as HVAlignment. This property allows to avoid extra layout calculation when you need to set both HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment.
- AllChildren
Gets Children or an empty array if there are no child controls.
- AllChildrenInLayout
Gets all child controls which are visible and included in the layout.
- AllParents
Enumerates all parent controls.
- AllowDrop
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can accept data that the user drags onto it.
- AsFontAndColor
Gets or sets ForegroundColor, BackgroundColor and Font as single IReadOnlyFontAndColor object.
- BackColor
Gets or sets the background color for the control.
- Background
Gets or sets the background brush for the control. Usage of this property depends on the control. Not all controls support it.
- BackgroundColor
Gets or sets the background color for the control.
- BackgroundImage
Gets or sets the background image displayed in the control. Usage of this property depends on the control. Not all controls support it.
- BackgroundImages
Gets or sets background images attached to this control. Usage of this property depends on the control. Not all controls support it.
- Backgrounds
Gets or sets background brushes attached to this control. Usage of this property depends on the control. Not all controls support it.
- Borders
Gets or sets border for all visual states of the control. Usage of this property depends on the control. Not all controls support it.
- Bottom
Gets the distance, in dips, between the bottom edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area.
- Bounds
Gets or sets the AbstractControl bounds relative to the parent, in device-independent units.
- BoundsInPixels
Gets or sets bounds in pixels. You should not normally use this property unless this control is a top level window.
- BubbleKeys
Gets or sets whether key presses are sent to the parent control.
- CanFocus
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can receive focus.
- CanLongTap
Gets or sets whether LongTap event is raised.
- CanSelect
Gets or sets value indicating whether this control accepts input or not (i.e. behaves like a static text) and so doesn't need focus.
- CanUserPaint
Gets whether user paint is supported for this control.
- CaretInfo
Gets internally painted caret information. This is used on some platforms where native caret is not available.
- CharValidator
Gets or sets attacher ICustomCharValidator provider.
- ChildCount
Gets number of child controls.
- Children
Gets the collection of child controls contained within the control.
- ChildrenLayoutBounds
Gets a rectangle which describes an area inside of the AbstractControl available for positioning (layout) of its child controls, in device-independent units.
- ChildrenRecursive
Gets collection of all children recursively.
- ChildrenSet
Returns ControlSet filled with Children.
- ClientRectangle
Gets a rectangle which describes the client area inside of the AbstractControl, in device-independent units.
- ClientSize
Gets or sets size of the AbstractControl's client area, in device-independent units.
- ColumnIndex
Gets or sets column index which is used in GetColumnGroup(int, bool) and by the Grid control.
- ColumnSpan
Gets or sets a value that indicates the total number of columns this control's content spans within a container.
- ContainsFocus
Gets a value indicating whether the control, or one of its child controls, currently has the input focus.
- ContentElements
Returns a collection of content elements which is used by the UIXML loader to find content items by index.
- ContextMenuStrip
Gets or sets the ContextMenuStrip associated with this control. Usage of this property depends on the control. Not all controls support it.
- ControlKind
Returns control identifier.
- Cursor
Gets or sets the cursor that the control should normally display.
Gets the DPI of the display used by this control. Returns width property of the result of GetDPI() call.
- DefaultBackColor
Gets the default background color of the control.
- DefaultFont
Gets the default font used for controls.
- DefaultForeColor
Gets the default foreground color of the control.
- DefaultMonoFont
Gets the default fixed width font used for controls.
- Designer
Gets or sets IComponentDesigner instance which connects control with the designer.
- Dock
Gets or sets which control borders are docked to its parent control and determines how a control is resized with its parent.
- DrawClientRectangle
Returns rectangle in which custom drawing need to be performed. Useful for custom draw controls
- Enabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction.
- FileSystem
Gets or sets IFileSystem which is used in the control. If this property is
(default), Default is used as file system provider.
- FirstChild
Gets the first child of the control if it exists or
- FirstVisibleChild
Gets the first visible child of the control if it exists or
- Focused
Gets a value indicating whether the control has input focus.
- FocusedControl
Gets focused control.
- Font
Gets or sets the font of the text displayed by the control.
- FontStyleOverride
Gets or sets FontStyle override. It is used instead of the Font style when real font value is calculated. This property is ignored when it equals Regular (default value).
- ForeColor
Gets or sets the foreground color for the control.
- Foreground
Gets or sets the foreground brush for the control. Usage of this property depends on the control. Not all controls support it.
- ForegroundColor
Gets or sets the foreground color for the control.
- Foregrounds
Gets or sets foreground brushes attached to this control. Usage of this property depends on the control. Not all controls support it.
- GlobalNotifications
Gets global collection of the attached IControlNotification objects. These notifications are called for the each created control.
- GroupIndex
Gets or sets group indexes of this control. Group indexes are used in GetGroup(int, bool) method.
- GroupIndexes
Gets or sets group indexes which are assigned to this control.
- HasBorder
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control has a border.
- HasChildren
Gets whether there are any items in the Children list.
- HasDefaultFont
Gets whether control's font is not specified.
- HasErrors
Gets a value that indicates whether this control or its child controls have validation errors.
- HasInputBindings
Gets whether this object has items in the InputBindings collection.
- HasParent
Gets whether this control has parent.
- HasScaleFactor
Gets whether ScaleFactor is greater than 1.
- HasVisibleChildren
Gets whether control has visible children controls.
- Height
Gets or sets the height of the control.
- HorizontalAlignment
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment applied to this control when it is positioned within a parent control.
- HorizontalScrollbar
Gets or sets whether horizontal scrollbar is visible in the control. This makes sense only for UserControl descendants.
- HorzScrollBarInfo
Gets or sets horizontal scrollbar position as ScrollBarInfo. This makes sense only for UserControl descendants.
- HoveredControl
Gets hovered control.
- IgnoreCharValidator
Gets or sets whether CharValidator is ignored. Default is True.
- IgnoreLayout
Gets or sets whether layout rules are ignored for this control.
- IgnoreSuggestedHeight
Gets or sets whether to ignore suggested height.
- IgnoreSuggestedSize
Sets whether to ignore suggested size.
- IgnoreSuggestedWidth
Gets or sets whether to ignore suggested width.
- ImeMode
Gets or sets the Input Method Editor (IME) mode of the control.
- InUpdates
Gets whether control is performing updates.
- IndexInParent
Gets control index in the Children of the container control.
- InitAction
Executes assigned action immediately.
- InputBindings
Gets the collection of input bindings associated with this control.
- InputBindingsRecursive
Gets the collection of input bindings associated with this control and its visible child controls. Only bindings from visible and enabled controls are returned.
- InputTransparent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element responds to hit testing during user interaction.
- IntAttr
Gets attributes provider which allows to access items using integer identifiers. You can store any custom data here.
- IntrinsicLayoutPadding
Gets intrinsic layout padding of the native control.
- IntrinsicPreferredSizePadding
Gets intrinsic preferred size padding of the native control.
- IsBold
Gets or sets whether font style override is bold.
- IsDarkBackground
Returns true if control's background color is darker than foreground color.
- IsDummy
Gets whether this control is dummy control.
- IsEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction. This is the same as Enabled property. Read more information there.
- IsGraphicControl
Gets whether control is graphic control. Graphic controls can not be selected using mouse, do not accept focus and ignore keyboard.
- IsHandleCreated
Gets a value indicating whether the control has a native window handle associated with it.
- IsLayoutPerform
Gets whether layout is currently performed.
- IsLayoutSuspended
Gets whether layout is suspended.
- IsMouseCaptured
Gets a value indicating whether the mouse is captured to this control.
- IsMouseLeftButtonDown
Gets whether left mouse button is down.
- IsMouseOver
Gets a value indicating whether the mouse pointer is over the AbstractControl.
- IsParentEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether Parent of this control can respond to user interaction.
- IsParentWindowVisible
Gets whether control has visible parent window.
- IsPlatformControl
Gets whether this is control has handler to the platform control.
- IsRoot
Gets whether this control is the root control (has no parent).
- IsScrollable
Gets or sets whether controls is scrollable. This makes sense only for UserControl descendants.
- IsTextLocalized
Gets or sets whether Text property should be localizable.
- IsThisEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is intrinsically enabled.
- IsTitleLocalized
Gets or sets whether Title property should be localizable.
- IsToolTipLocalized
Gets or sets whether ToolTip property should be localizable.
- IsUnderline
Gets or sets whether font style override is underlined.
- IsVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control and all its child controls are displayed. This is the same as Visible property.
- KeyModifiers
Gets a value indicating which of the modifier keys (SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT) is in a pressed state.
- LastClickedTimestamp
Gets time when this control was last clicked.
- LastDoubleClickTimestamp
Gets last time when mouse double click was done.
- LastMouseDownPos
Gets mouse position when mouse down event was received.
- Layout
Gets or sets layout style of the child controls.
- LayoutData
Gets or sets cached data for the layout engine.
- LayoutMaxSize
Gets or sets maximal size of the layout which is used together with LayoutOffset when scrollbar position is updated. This property is used when layout of the child controls is Scroll. If this property is Null (default value), automatic calculation is performed.
- LayoutOffset
Gets or sets offset of the layout which is applied to the position of the child controls. This property is used when layout of the child controls is Scroll.
- LayoutProps
Gets or sets additional properties which are layout specific.
- Left
Gets or sets the distance between the left edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area.
- Location
Gets or sets the location of upper-left corner of the control, in device-independent units.
- LocationInPixels
Gets or sets control's location in pixels. You should not normally use this property unless this control is a top level window.
- LogicalChildrenCollection
Returns a collection of elements which can be treated as "logical children" of this element.
- Margin
Gets or sets the outer margin of a control.
- MarginBottom
Gets or sets the outer bottom margin of a control.
- MarginLeft
Gets or sets the outer left margin of a control.
- MarginRight
Gets or sets the outer right margin of a control.
- MarginTop
Gets or sets the outer top margin of a control.
- MaxHeight
Gets or sets the maximum height the window can be resized to.
- MaxWidth
Gets or sets the maximum width the window can be resized to.
- MaximumSize
Gets or sets the maximum size the window can be resized to.
- MeasureCanvas
Gets Graphics which can be used to measure text size and for other measure purposes.
- MinChildMargin
Gets or sets minimal value of the child's Margin property.
- MinHeight
Gets or sets the minimum height the window can be resized to.
- MinMargin
Gets minimal margin value.
- MinPadding
Gets minimal padding value.
- MinSizeGrowMode
Gets or sets how to increase minimal size when size is increased.
- MinWidth
Gets or sets the minimum width the window can be resized to.
- MinimumSize
Gets or sets the minimum size the window can be resized to.
- ModifierKeys
Gets a value indicating which of the modifier keys (SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT) is in a pressed state.
- NativeControl
Gets native control instance.
- NextSibling
Gets next visible sibling control.
- Notifications
Gets collection of the attached IControlNotification objects.
- OnlyVisible
Returns this control if it is visible; otherwise returns
- Padding
Gets or sets the padding inside a control.
- PaddingBottom
Gets or sets the bottom padding inside a control.
- PaddingLeft
Gets or sets the left padding inside a control.
- PaddingRight
Gets or sets the right padding inside a control.
- PaddingTop
Gets or sets the top padding inside a control.
- Parent
Gets or sets the parent container of the control.
- ParentBackColor
Gets or sets whether BackgroundColor is automatically updated when parent's BackgroundColor is changed.
- ParentFont
Gets or sets whether Font is automatically updated when parent's Font is changed.
- ParentForeColor
Gets or sets whether ForegroundColor is automatically updated when parent's ForegroundColor is changed.
- ParentWindow
Gets the parent window of the control.
- RealBackgroundColor
Gets real background color for the control.
- RealFont
Gets real font value.
- RealForegroundColor
Gets real foreground color for the control.
- RealLayout
Gets real layout style of the child controls.
- RecreatingHandle
Gets a value indicating whether the control is currently re-creating its handle.
- Right
Gets the distance, in dips, between the right edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area.
- Root
Gets the root parent control in the chain of parent controls. If parent control is null, returns this control.
- RowColumn
Gets or sets RowIndex and ColumnIndex properties as tuple with two int values.
- RowIndex
Gets or sets row index which is used in GetRowGroup(int, bool) and by the Grid control.
- RowSpan
Gets or sets a value that indicates the total number of rows this control's content spans within a container.
- RunAfterGotFocus
Gets or sets GenericControlAction which is executed when the control received focus.
- RunAfterLostFocus
Gets or sets GenericControlAction which is executed when the control lost focus.
- ScaleFactor
Gets scale factor used in device-independent units to/from pixels conversions.
- ScaleFactorOverride
Gets an override value
- Size
Gets or sets the size of the control.
- SizeInPixels
Gets or sets control's size in pixels. You should not normally use this property unless this control is a top level window.
- StateFlags
Gets control flags.
- StateObjects
Gets or sets data (images, colors, borders, pens, brushes, etc.) for different control states. Usage of this property depends on the control. Not all controls support it.
- SuggestedHeight
Gets or sets the suggested height of the control.
- SuggestedSize
Gets or sets the suggested size of the control.
- SuggestedWidth
Gets or sets the suggested width of the control.
- TabIndex
Gets or sets the tab order of the control within its container.
- TabStop
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can give the focus to this control using the TAB key.
- Text
Gets or sets the text associated with this control.
- TextBackColor
Gets or sets background color of the text.
- Title
Gets or sets the title of the control as string. There is also TitleAsObject property.
- TitleAsObject
Gets or sets the title of the control as object. There is also Title property.
- ToolTip
Gets or sets the tool-tip that is displayed for this element in the user interface.
- ToolTipProvider
Gets or sets tooltip provider.
- Top
Gets or sets the distance between the top edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area.
- TouchEventsAsMouse
Gets or sets whether to convert touch events to mouse events and to pass them to the appropriate mouse event handlers. Default is
- UserPaint
Gets or set a value indicating whether the control paints itself rather than the operating system doing so.
- ValidateKeyBinding
Gets or sets whether key bindings are validated using IsValid(Key, ModifierKeys) before they are used in ExecuteKeyBinding(Key, ModifierKeys, bool). Default is True.
- VertScrollBarInfo
Gets or sets vertical scrollbar position as ScrollBarInfo. This makes sense only for UserControl descendants.
- VerticalAlignment
Gets or sets the vertical alignment applied to this control when it is positioned within a parent control.
- VerticalScrollbar
Gets or sets whether vertical scrollbar is visible in the control. This makes sense only for UserControl descendants.
- Visible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control and all its child controls are displayed.
- VisibleChildCount
Gets number of visible child controls.
- VisibleOnScreen
Gets whether control is visible on screen.
- VisualState
Gets current VisualControlState.
- VisualStateOverride
Gets or sets override value for the VisualState property.
- VisualStates
Gets visual control states as flags enumeration.
- VisualStatesOverride
Gets or sets override value for the VisualStates property.
- WantTab
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the TAB key is received and processed by the control.
- Width
Gets or sets the width of the control.
- AddGlobalNotification(IControlNotification)
Adds IControlNotification object to the global list of notifications.
- AddNotification(IControlNotification?)
Adds IControlNotification object to the list of notifications.
- AlignHorizontal(RectD, AbstractControl, SizeD, HorizontalAlignment)
Calculates horizontal AbstractControl.AlignedPosition using align parameters.
- AlignInParent(HorizontalAlignment?, VerticalAlignment?, bool)
Aligns control in the parent using horizontal and vertical alignment options.
- AlignInRect(RectD, HorizontalAlignment?, VerticalAlignment?, bool)
Aligns control in the specified container rectangle using horizontal and vertical alignment options.
- AlignVertical(RectD, AbstractControl, SizeD, VerticalAlignment)
Calculates vertical AbstractControl.AlignedPosition using align parameters.
- AvoidException(Action)
Executes Action and calls ProcessException event if exception was raised during execution.
- BeginInit()
Starts the initialization process for this control.
- BeginPaint()
Called before painting is started.
- BeginUpdate()
Maintains performance while performing slow operations on a control by preventing the control from drawing until the EndUpdate() method is called.
- BringToFront()
Brings the control to the front of the z-order.
- BubbleDpiChanged()
Notifies all windows and their child controls about changed dpi.
- BubbleErrorsChanged(DataErrorsChangedEventArgs)
Bubbles ErrorsChanged event.
- BubbleKeyAction<T>(T, Action<AbstractControl, T>, Action<Window, T>?, Action<Window, T>?)
Bubbles specified key event action with arguments.
- BubbleKeyDown(Key, ModifierKeys, uint, out bool, char, KeyStates)
Calls BubbleKeyDown(KeyEventArgs) for the focused control with the specified parameters.
- BubbleKeyUp(Key, ModifierKeys, uint, out bool, char, KeyStates)
Calls BubbleKeyUp(KeyEventArgs) for the focused control with the specified parameters.
- BubbleKeyUpOrDown(KeyEventArgs, bool)
Bubbles RaiseKeyUp(KeyEventArgs) or RaiseKeyDown(KeyEventArgs, Action<KeyEventArgs>?).
- BubbleLongTap(AbstractControl?, LongTapEventArgs)
Bubbles long tap event with the specified argument.
- BubbleMouseDoubleClick(AbstractControl?, long, MouseButton, PointD?, out bool)
Bubbles mouse double-click event with the specified parameters.
- BubbleMouseDown(AbstractControl?, long, MouseButton, PointD?, out bool, TouchDeviceType)
Bubbles mouse down event with the specified parameters.
- BubbleMouseMove(AbstractControl?, long, PointD?, out bool)
Bubbles mouse move event with the specified parameters.
- BubbleMouseUp(AbstractControl?, long, MouseButton, PointD?, out bool, TouchDeviceType)
Bubbles mouse up event with the specified parameters.
- BubbleMouseWheel(AbstractControl?, long, int, PointD?, out bool)
Bubbles mouse wheel event with the specified parameters.
- BubbleTextInput(char, out bool, Key)
Calls BubbleKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs) for the focused control with the specified parameters.
- CanSkipInvalidate()
Gets whether Invalidate() and Refresh() can be skipped.
- CaptureMouse()
Captures the mouse to the control.
- CenterOnParent(GenericOrientation)
Centers the window.
- ChildIgnoresLayout(AbstractControl)
Gets whether child control ignores layout.
- ChildrenOfType<T>()
Gets the subset of Children collection with child controls of specific type.
- ClientToScreen(PointD)
Converts the client-area coordinates of a specified point to screen coordinates.
- CoerceTextForHandler(string)
Called to modify text before it is assigned to the handler.
- Contains(AbstractControl?)
Retrieves a value indicating whether the specified control is a child of the control.
- ContainsMouseCursor(double)
Gets whether this control contains mouse cursor.
- CreateDrawingContext()
Creates the Graphics for the control.
- CreateGraphics()
Same as CreateDrawingContext(). Added mainly for legacy code.
- DebugBackgroundColor(Color?, string?)
Sets background color if UseDebugBackgroundColor is
and DEBUG conditional is defined.
- DefaultGetPreferredSize(AbstractControl, SizeD, LayoutStyle)
Retrieves the size of a rectangular area into which a control can be fitted, in device-independent units.
- DefaultOnLayout(AbstractControl, LayoutStyle, Func<RectD>, IReadOnlyList<AbstractControl>)
Called when the control should reposition its child controls.
- DetachHandler()
Disconnects the current control handler from the control.
- DisposeManaged()
Override to dispose managed resources. Here we dispose all used object references.
- DoDragDrop(object, DragDropEffects)
Begins a drag-and-drop operation.
- DoInsideInit(Action)
between calls to BeginInit() and EndInit().
- DoInsideLayout(Action, bool)
between calls to SuspendLayout() and ResumeLayout(bool, bool).
- DoInsideUpdate(Action)
between calls to BeginUpdate() and EndUpdate().
- DockInParent(DockStyle)
Aligns control in the parent using DockStyle alignment option.
- DockInRect(RectD, DockStyle)
Aligns control in the specified container rectangle using DockStyle alignment option.
- EndInit()
Ends the initialization process for this control.
- EndPaint()
Called after painting is finished.
- EndUpdate()
Resumes painting the control after painting is suspended by the BeginUpdate() method.
- ExecuteKeyBinding(Key, ModifierKeys, bool)
Processes input bindings and calls associated commands if their key bindings are valid and equal to key specified in the
- FindChild(Func<AbstractControl, bool>, bool)
Searches for the child control that meets the specified criteria.
- FindChild(ObjectUniqueId?)
Gets child with the specified id.
- Focus()
Sets input focus to the control.
- FocusNextControl(bool, bool)
Focuses the next control.
- FocusedControlEquals(AbstractControl?)
Internal method. Do not use it.
- ForEachChild(Action<AbstractControl>, bool)
Performs some action for the each child of the control.
- ForEachChild<T>(Action<T>)
Performs some action for the each child of the control.
- ForEachParent<T>(T, Action<AbstractControl, T>)
Calls the specified action for all the parent controls.
- ForEachVisibleChild(Action<AbstractControl>, bool)
Performs some action for the each visible child of the control.
- ForEachVisibleChild<T>(T, Action<AbstractControl, T>)
Calls the specified action for all visible child controls.
- GetBackground(VisualControlState)
Gets the background brush for specified state of the control.
- GetBestSizeWithChildren(SizeD)
Gets the size of the control specified in its SuggestedWidth and SuggestedHeight properties or calculates preferred size from its children.
- GetBestSizeWithPadding(SizeD)
Gets size of the native control based on the specified available size.
- GetBestSizeWithoutPadding(SizeD)
Gets size of the native control without padding.
- GetBorderSettings(VisualControlState)
Gets the border settings for specified state of the control.
- GetChildOrNull(int)
Gets the child control at the specified index.
- GetChildren(bool)
Gets children as ControlSet.
- GetChildrenMaxPreferredSize(SizeD)
Gets the size of the area which can fit all the children of this control.
- GetChildrenMaxPreferredSizePadded(SizeD)
Returns a maximal preferred size of the children with an added padding.
- GetChildrenRecursive()
Gets all child controls recursively.
- GetChildren<T>(bool)
Gets children of the specified type as ControlSet.
- GetColumnGroup(int, bool)
Gets ControlSet with all controls which have ColumnIndex property equal to
- GetControl(int)
Gets child control at the specified index in the collection of child controls.
- GetCoordAlignment(bool)
Gets vertical or horizontal alignment as CoordAlignment depending on the
parameter value.
- GetDPI()
Returns the DPI of the display used by this control.
- GetDefaultAttributesBgColor()
Gets background color from the default attributes.
- GetDefaultAttributesFgColor()
Gets foreground color from the default attributes.
- GetDefaultAttributesFont()
Gets font from the default attributes.
- GetDefaultFontAndColor()
Gets control's default font and colors as IReadOnlyFontAndColor.
- GetDefaultLayout()
Gets default layout in case when Layout property is null.
- GetDefaults(ControlTypeId)
Gets ControlDefaults fof the specified ControlTypeId.
- GetErrors(string?)
Gets the validation errors for this control and its child controls.
- GetErrorsCollection(string?)
Gets the validation errors for this control and its child controls.
- GetFileSystem()
Gets used IFileSystem provider.
- GetFocusableChildren(bool)
Gets collection of the focusable children controls.
- GetFocusableChildren(bool, bool)
Gets collection of the focusable children controls optinally sorted by the TabIndex property.
- GetFocusedControl()
Same as FocusedControl.
- GetForeground(VisualControlState)
Gets the foreground brush for specified state of the control.
- GetGenericProperty(GenericControlProperty)
Gets the specified generic property of this control.
- GetGroup(int, bool)
Gets ControlSet with all controls which are members of the specified group.
- GetHandle()
Gets native handler of the control. For Windows this is hWnd, for other operating systems currently returns null. You should not use this property.
- GetHoveredControl()
Returns the currently hovered control, or null if no control is under the mouse.
- GetLabelBackColor(VisualControlState)
Gets Color which is used to draw background of the label text.
- GetLabelFont(VisualControlState)
Gets Font which is used to draw label's text.
- GetLabelForeColor(VisualControlState)
Gets Color which is used to draw label's text.
- GetMouseTargetControl(AbstractControl?)
Finds control which accepts mouse events (checks whether InputTransparent property is
). Returns control specified as a parameter or one of its parent controls.
- GetPaddedPreferredSize(SizeD)
Returns the size of the area which can fit all the children of this control, with an added padding.
- GetPreferredSize()
Calls GetPreferredSize(SizeD) with PositiveInfinity as a parameter value.
- GetPreferredSize(SizeD)
Retrieves the size of a rectangular area into which a control can be fitted, in device-independent units.
- GetRealToolTip()
Gets ToolTip value for use in the native control.
- GetRequiredHandlerType()
Gets required control handler type.
- GetRowGroup(int, bool)
Gets ControlSet with all controls which have RowIndex property equal to
- GetScrollBarInfo(bool)
Gets vertical or horizontal scrollbar position as ScrollBarInfo.
- GetScrollBarLargeChange(bool)
Gets system scrollbar large change value.
- GetScrollBarMaximum(bool)
Gets system scrollbar max range.
- GetScrollBarValue(bool)
Gets system scrollbar thumb position.
- GetScrollBarVisibility(bool)
Gets whether system scrollbar is visible.
- GetShortcuts()
Adds list of shortcuts associated with the control and its child controls. Only visible and enabled child controls are queried.
- GetStaticDefaultFontAndColor(ControlTypeId, ControlRenderSizeVariant)
Gets control's default font and colors as IReadOnlyFontAndColor.
- GetSvgColor(KnownSvgColor)
Gets known svg color depending on the value of IsDarkBackground property.
- GetToolTipProvider()
Gets tooltip provider from ToolTipProvider property. If is empty, gets tooltip provider from the parent control (and so on recursively). If parent's tooltip provider is empty, gets it from the application (ToolTipProvider).
- GetVisibleChildOrNull(int)
Gets the child control at the specified index in the list of visible child controls.
- GetVisibleChildren()
Returns enumeration with the list of visible child controls.
- Group(params AbstractControl[])
Creates ControlSet with the specified controls.
- Group(IReadOnlyList<AbstractControl>)
Initializes a new instance of the ControlSet class.
- GrowMinSize(WindowSizeToContentMode, double?, double?)
Increase minimal size to the specified value.
- HandleNeeded()
Creates native control if its not already created.
- HasFocusableChildren(bool)
Gets whether this control has focusable child controls.
- HasIndirectParent(AbstractControl?)
Gets whether one of this control's parents equals
- Hide()
Conceals the control from the user.
- HideToolTip()
Hides tooltip if it is visible. This method doesn't change ToolTip property.
- InternalSetColor(bool, Color?)
Sets internal color.
- Invalidate()
Invalidates the control and causes a paint message to be sent to the control.
- Invalidate(RectD)
Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control.
- Invalidate(Region?, bool)
Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. Optionally, invalidates the child controls assigned to the control.
- InvalidateBestSize()
Resets the cached best size value so it will be recalculated the next time it is needed.
- InvalidateCaret()
Invalidates internally painted caret.
- IsInputKey(Keys)
Determines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing.
- IsKeyBindingValid(Key, ModifierKeys)
Gets whether key is a valid key gesture for this control.
- IsPainting()
Gets whether painting is currently performed.
- IsTransparentBackgroundSupported()
Checks whether using transparent background might work.
- IsValidInputChar(char)
Gets whether the specified character is valid for the input. This function allows to ignore unwanted characters in the input.
- MemberOfGroup(int)
Checks whether this control is a member of the specified group.
- NewGroupIndex()
Generates new group index.
- OnActivated(EventArgs)
Called when the Activated event is raised.
- OnAfterChildKeyDown(object?, KeyEventArgs)
Called after the KeyDown event of the child control is raised.
- OnAfterParentMouseWheel(object?, MouseEventArgs)
Called after the MouseWheel event of the Parent is raised.
- OnBeforeChildKeyDown(object?, KeyEventArgs)
Called before the KeyDown event of the child control is raised.
- OnCellChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the CellChanged event is raised.
- OnChildInserted(int, AbstractControl)
Called when a AbstractControl is inserted into the Children.
- OnChildLostFocus(object?, LostFocusEventArgs)
This method is invoked when the control's child lost focus.
- OnChildMouseLeave(object?, EventArgs)
Called when the mouse pointer leaves child control.
- OnChildPropertyChanged(AbstractControl, string, bool)
Called by the child control when its property is changed.
- OnChildRemoved(AbstractControl)
Called when a AbstractControl is removed from the Children collections.
- OnClick(EventArgs)
Called when the control is clicked.
- OnCreateControl()
Called from the constructor. This method is added for the compatibility with legacy code.
- OnDeactivated(EventArgs)
Called when the Deactivated event is raised.
- OnDpiChanged(DpiChangedEventArgs)
Called when the DpiChanged event is raised.
- OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs)
Called when the DragDrop event is raised.
- OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs)
Called when the DragEnter event is raised.
- OnDragLeave(EventArgs)
Called when the DragLeave event is raised.
- OnDragOver(DragEventArgs)
Called when the DragOver event is raised.
- OnDragStart(DragStartEventArgs)
Called when the DragStart event is raised.
- OnEnabledChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the enabled of the Enabled property changes.
- OnFontChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the value of the Font property changes.
- OnGotFocus(EventArgs)
This method is invoked when the control gets focus.
- OnHandleCreated(EventArgs)
Called when the conrol's handle is created.
- OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs)
Called when the conrol's handle is destroyed.
- OnHandlerAttached(EventArgs)
Called after a new control handler is attached.
- OnHandlerDetaching(EventArgs)
Called before the current control handler is detached.
- OnHandlerLocationChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the native conrol location is changed.
- OnHandlerSizeChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the native conrol size is changed.
- OnHelpRequested(HelpEventArgs)
Called when the HelpRequested event is raised.
- OnIdle(EventArgs)
Called when when the application finishes processing events and is about to enter the idle state.
- OnInvalidated(InvalidateEventArgs)
Called when the Invalidated event is raised.
- OnIsMouseOverChanged(EventArgs)
Called when IsMouseOver property is changed.
- OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs)
Called when the KeyDown event is raised.
- OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs)
Called when the KeyPress event is raised.
- OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs)
Called when KeyUp event is raised.
- OnLayout()
Called when the control should reposition its child controls.
- OnLocationChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the LocationChanged event is raised.
- OnLongTap(LongTapEventArgs)
Called when the LongTap event is raised.
- OnLostFocus(EventArgs)
This method is invoked when the control lost focus.
- OnMarginChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the value of the Margin property changes.
- OnMouseCaptureChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the MouseCaptureChanged event is raised.
- OnMouseCaptureLost(EventArgs)
Called when the control loses mouse capture.
- OnMouseDoubleClick(MouseEventArgs)
Called when the mouse button was double-clicked.
- OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs)
Called when the mouse button was pressed.
- OnMouseEnter(EventArgs)
Called when the mouse pointer enters the control.
- OnMouseLeave(EventArgs)
Called when the mouse pointer leaves the control.
- OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseEventArgs)
Called when the left mouse button was pressed.
- OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseEventArgs)
Called when the left mouse button was released.
- OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs)
Called when the mouse is moved.
- OnMouseRightButtonDown(MouseEventArgs)
Called when the right mouse button was pressed.
- OnMouseRightButtonUp(MouseEventArgs)
Called when the right mouse button was released.
- OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs)
Called when the mouse button was released.
- OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs)
Called when the MouseWheel event is raised.
- OnPaddingChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the value of the Padding property changes.
- OnPaint(PaintEventArgs)
Called when the control is redrawn. See Paint for details.
- OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs)
Paints the background of the control.
- OnParentChanged(EventArgs)
Called when Parent property is changed.
- OnPreviewKeyDown(Key, ModifierKeys, ref bool)
Called when the PreviewKeyDown event is raised.
- OnProcessException(ThrowExceptionEventArgs)
Called when an exception need to be processed.
- OnQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEventArgs)
Occurs during a drag-and-drop operation and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled.
- OnResize(EventArgs)
Called when the Resize event is raised.
- OnScroll(ScrollEventArgs)
Called when Scroll event is raised.
- OnSizeChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the SizeChanged event.
- OnSystemColorsChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the SystemColorsChanged event is raised.
- OnTextChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the TextChanged event is raised.
- OnTitleChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the value of the Title property changes.
- OnToolTipChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the ToolTipChanged event.
- OnTouch(TouchEventArgs)
Called when Touch event is raised.
- OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs)
Called when the value of the Visible property changes.
- OnVisualStateChanged(EventArgs)
Called when VisualStateChanged property is changed.
- PaintCaret(PaintEventArgs)
Paints internal caret for user-painted controls. This method is used on some platforms when system caret is not available.
- PerformLayout(bool)
Forces the control to apply layout logic to child controls.
- PixelFromDip(PointD)
Converts device-independent units to pixels.
- PixelFromDip(RectD)
Converts device-independent units to pixels.
- PixelFromDip(SizeD)
Converts device-independent units to pixels.
- PixelFromDip(double)
Converts device-independent units to pixels.
- PixelToDip(PointI)
Converts PointI to device-independent units.
- PixelToDip(RectI)
Converts RectI to device-independent units.
- PixelToDip(SizeI)
Converts SizeI to device-independent units.
- PixelToDip(int)
Converts pixels to device-independent units.
- PointInChild(PointD)
Gets top-most visible child control which has Bounds that contains the specified point. Controls are queried starting from the last control in Children.
- PointInChilds(PointD)
Gets IEnumerable list of visible child controls which have Bounds that contains the specified point. Controls are returned starting from the last control in Children.
- PointToClient(PointD)
Computes the location of the specified screen point into client coordinates.
- PointToScreen(PointD)
Computes the location of the specified client point into screen coordinates.
- RaiseActivated(EventArgs)
Raises the Activated event and OnActivated(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseBackgroundColorChanged()
Called after background color changed.
- RaiseCellChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the CellChanged event and OnCellChanged(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseChildInserted(int, AbstractControl)
Raises the ChildInserted event and OnChildInserted(int, AbstractControl) method.
- RaiseChildLostFocus(object?, LostFocusEventArgs)
Calls OnChildLostFocus(object?, LostFocusEventArgs) method of the parent control.
- RaiseChildMouseLeave(object?, EventArgs)
Calls OnChildMouseLeave(object?, EventArgs) method of the parent control.
- RaiseChildRemoved(AbstractControl)
Raises the ChildRemoved event and OnChildRemoved(AbstractControl) method.
- RaiseClick()
Calls RaiseClick(EventArgs) with an empty arguments.
- RaiseClick(EventArgs)
Raises the Click event and calls OnClick(EventArgs). See Click event description for more details.
- RaiseContainerLocationChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the OnHandlerLocationChanged(EventArgs) and ReportBoundsChanged() methods.
- RaiseDeactivated(EventArgs)
Raises the Deactivated event and OnDeactivated(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseDpiChanged(DpiChangedEventArgs)
Raises the DpiChanged event and OnDpiChanged(DpiChangedEventArgs) method.
- RaiseDpiChanged(bool)
Notifies control and optionally it's child controls about dpi changes.
- RaiseDragDrop(DragEventArgs)
Raises the DragDrop event.
- RaiseDragEnter(DragEventArgs)
Raises the DragEnter event.
- RaiseDragLeave(EventArgs)
Raises the DragLeave event.
- RaiseDragOver(DragEventArgs)
Raises the DragOver event.
- RaiseDragStart(DragStartEventArgs)
Raises the DragStart event.
- RaiseEnabledChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the EnabledChanged event and calls OnEnabledChanged(EventArgs).
- RaiseFontChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the FontChanged event and calls OnFontChanged(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseForegroundColorChanged()
Called after foreground color changed.
- RaiseGotFocus(GotFocusEventArgs)
Raises the GotFocus event and OnGotFocus(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseHandleCreated(EventArgs)
Raises the HandleCreated event and OnHandleCreated(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseHandleDestroyed(EventArgs)
Raises the HandleDestroyed event and OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseHandlerSizeChanged(EventArgs)
Raises bounds changed events and OnHandlerSizeChanged(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseHelpRequested(HelpEventArgs)
Raises the HelpRequested event and OnHelpRequested(HelpEventArgs) method.
- RaiseIdle(EventArgs)
Raises the Idle event and calls OnIdle(EventArgs). See Idle event description for more details.
- RaiseInvalidated(InvalidateEventArgs)
Raises the Invalidated event and calls OnInvalidated(InvalidateEventArgs) method.
- RaiseIsMouseOverChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the IsMouseOverChanged event and OnIsMouseOverChanged(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseKeyDown(KeyEventArgs, Action<KeyEventArgs>?)
Raises the KeyDown event and OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs) method.
- RaiseKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs)
Raises the KeyPress event and OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs) method.
- RaiseKeyUp(KeyEventArgs)
Raises the KeyUp event and OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs) method.
- RaiseLayoutUpdated(EventArgs)
Raises LayoutUpdated event.
- RaiseLocationChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the LocationChanged event.
- RaiseLongTap(LongTapEventArgs)
Raises the LongTap event and calls OnLongTap(LongTapEventArgs) method.
- RaiseLostFocus(LostFocusEventArgs)
Raises the LostFocus event and OnLostFocus(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseMouseCaptureLost(EventArgs)
Raises the MouseCaptureLost event and OnMouseCaptureLost(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseMouseDoubleClick(MouseEventArgs)
Raises the MouseDoubleClick event and OnMouseDoubleClick(MouseEventArgs) method.
- RaiseMouseDown(MouseEventArgs)
Raises the MouseDown event and OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs) method.
- RaiseMouseEnter(EventArgs)
Raises the MouseEnter event and OnMouseEnter(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseMouseEnterOnTarget(EventArgs)
Calls RaiseMouseEnter(EventArgs) for the control under the mouse pointer.
- RaiseMouseLeave(EventArgs)
Raises the MouseLeave event and OnMouseLeave(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseMouseLeaveOnTarget(EventArgs)
Calls RaiseMouseLeave(EventArgs) for the control under the mouse pointer.
- RaiseMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseEventArgs)
Raises the MouseLeftButtonDown event and OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseEventArgs) method.
- RaiseMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseEventArgs)
Raises the MouseLeftButtonUp event and OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseEventArgs) method.
- RaiseMouseMove(MouseEventArgs)
Raises the MouseMove event and OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs) method.
- RaiseMouseRightButtonDown(MouseEventArgs)
Raises the MouseRightButtonDown event and OnMouseRightButtonDown(MouseEventArgs) method.
- RaiseMouseRightButtonUp(MouseEventArgs)
Raises the MouseRightButtonUp event and OnMouseRightButtonUp(MouseEventArgs) method.
- RaiseMouseUp(MouseEventArgs)
Raises the MouseUp event and OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs) method.
- RaiseMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs)
Raises the MouseWheel event and OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs) method.
- RaiseNotifications(Action<IControlNotification>)
Calls the specified action for all the registered notifications.
- RaisePaint(PaintEventArgs)
Raises the Paint event and OnPaint(PaintEventArgs) method.
- RaiseParentChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the ParentChangedevent and OnParentChanged(EventArgs) .
- RaisePreviewKeyDown(Key, ModifierKeys, ref bool)
Raises the PreviewKeyDown event and calls OnPreviewKeyDown(Key, ModifierKeys, ref bool) method.
- RaiseQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEventArgs)
Raises the QueryContinueDrag event and OnQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEventArgs) method.
- RaiseScroll(ScrollBarOrientation, ScrollEventType)
Raises the Scroll event and OnScroll(ScrollEventArgs) method with the specified parameters.
- RaiseScroll(ScrollEventArgs)
Raises the Scroll event and OnScroll(ScrollEventArgs) method.
- RaiseScrollCharLeft()
Raises scroll event which scrolls char left.
- RaiseScrollCharRight()
Raises scroll event which scrolls char right.
- RaiseScrollLineDown()
Raises scroll event which scrolls line down.
- RaiseScrollLineUp()
Raises scroll event which scrolls line up.
- RaiseScrollPageDown()
Raises scroll event which scrolls page down.
- RaiseScrollPageLeft()
Raises scroll event which scrolls page left.
- RaiseScrollPageRight()
Raises scroll event which scrolls page right.
- RaiseScrollPageUp()
Raises scroll event which scrolls page up.
- RaiseSizeChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the SizeChanged, Resize events and OnSizeChanged(EventArgs), OnResize(EventArgs) methods.
- RaiseSystemColorsChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the SystemColorsChanged event and OnSystemColorsChanged(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseTextChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the TextChanged event.
- RaiseTitleChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the TitleChanged event and calls OnTitleChanged(EventArgs).
- RaiseTouch(TouchEventArgs)
Raises the Touch event and calls OnTouch(TouchEventArgs) method.
- RaiseVisibleChanged(EventArgs)
Raises VisibleChanged event and OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs) method.
- RaiseVisualStateChanged(EventArgs)
Raises the VisualStateChanged event and OnVisualStateChanged(EventArgs) method.
- RecreateHandler()
Forces the re-creation of the handler for the control.
- RecreateWindow()
Forces the re-creation of the underlying native control.
- Refresh()
Forces the control to invalidate itself and immediately redraw itself and any child controls. Calls Invalidate() and Update().
- RefreshRect(RectD, bool)
Same as Invalidate(RectD) but has additional parameter
- RefreshRects(IEnumerable<RectI>, bool)
Repaints rectangles (coordinates in pixels) in the control.
- RefreshRectsUnion(IEnumerable<RectI>, bool)
Calculates bounds of the specified rectangles collection and repaints combined rectangle. Coordinates are in pixels.
- ReleaseMouseCapture()
Releases the mouse capture, if the control held the capture.
- RemoveGlobalNotification(IControlNotification)
Removes IControlNotification object from the global list of notifications.
- RemoveNotification(IControlNotification?)
Removes IControlNotification object from the list of notifications.
- ReportBoundsChanged()
Calls LocationChanged and SizeChanged events if Bounds property was changed.
- RequestScaleFactor()
Requests scale factor from the parent or other available sources.
- ResetBackgroundColor()
Resets bacgkround color to the default value.
- ResetBackgroundColor(ResetColorType)
Resets bacgkround color to the default value.
- ResetColor(bool, ResetColorType)
Resets color.
- ResetForeColor()
Resets foreground color to the default value.
- ResetForegroundColor()
Resets foreground color to the default value.
- ResetForegroundColor(ResetColorType)
Resets foreground color to the default value.
- ResetScaleFactor()
Resets cached value of the ScaleFactor property, so it will be retrieved from the handler next time it is used.
- ResetSuggestedHeight()
Resets SuggestedHeight property.
- ResetSuggestedSize()
Resets SuggestedSize property.
- ResetSuggestedWidth()
Resets SuggestedWidth property.
- ResumeLayout(bool, bool)
Resumes the usual layout logic.
- RunKnownAction(GenericControlAction)
Runs generic action.
- ScreenToClient(PointD)
Converts the screen coordinates of a specified point on the screen to client-area coordinates.
- SendToBack()
Sends the control to the back of the z-order.
- SetBackground(Brush?, VisualControlState)
Sets background brush for the specified control state.
- SetBorder(BorderSettings?, VisualControlState)
Sets border settings for the specified control state.
- SetBounds(RectD, BoundsSpecified)
Sets the specified bounds of the control to new location and size.
- SetBounds(double, double, double, double, BoundsSpecified)
Sets the specified bounds of the control to new location and size.
- SetChildIndex(AbstractControl, int)
Sets the index of the child control in the Children.
- SetChildrenBackgroundColor(Color?, bool)
Sets children background color.
- SetChildrenBackgroundColor<T>(Color?, bool)
Sets children background color.
- SetChildrenFont(Font?, bool)
Sets children font.
- SetChildrenForegroundColor(Color?, bool)
Sets children foreground color.
- SetChildrenForegroundColor<T>(Color?, bool)
Sets children foreground color.
- SetChildrenUseParentBackColor(bool, bool)
Sets 'ParentBackColor' property for all child controls.
- SetChildrenUseParentFont(bool, bool)
Sets 'ParentFont' property for all child controls.
- SetChildrenUseParentForeColor(bool, bool)
Sets 'ParentForeColor' property for all child controls.
- SetChildrenVisible(bool)
Sets Visible property value for all the children controls.
- SetCursor(Cursor?)
Changes Cursor property.
- SetEnabled(bool)
Same as Enabled but implemented as method.
- SetFocus()
Sets input focus to the control.
- SetFocusIdle()
Sets input focus to the control when all application messages are processed and application goes to the idle state.
- SetFocusIfPossible()
Sets input focus to the control if it can accept it.
- SetGenericProperty(GenericControlProperty, object)
Sets the specified generic property of this control.
- SetImage(Image?, VisualControlState)
Sets image for the specified control state.
- SetMouseCapture(bool)
Sets or releases mouse capture.
- SetRowColumn(int, int)
Sets a value that indicates which row and column control should appear in.
- SetScrollBar(bool, HiddenOrVisible, int, int, int)
Sets system scrollbar properties.
- SetScrollBarInfo(SizeD, SizeD, HiddenOrVisible?, HiddenOrVisible?)
Sets vertical and horizontal scrollbar positions using page and total size parameters.
- SetScrollBarInfo(bool, ScrollBarInfo)
Sets vertical or horizontal scrollbar position as ScrollBarInfo.
- SetSizeToContent(WindowSizeToContentMode, SizeD?)
Changes size of the control to fit the size of its content.
- SetStyle(ControlStyles, bool)
Sets a specified ControlStyles flag to either true or false.
- SetSuggestedSize(double?, double?)
Sets new suggested size value using nullable width and height values.
- SetText(object?)
Sets value of the Text property.
- SetTitle(string?)
Sets Title property.
- SetVisible(bool)
Same as Visible but implemented as method.
- SetVisibleValue(bool)
Sets visible field value. This is internal method and should not be called directly.
- Show()
Displays the control to the user.
- ShowPopupMenu(ContextMenu?, double, double)
Pops up the given menu at the specified coordinates, relative to this window, and returns control when the user has dismissed the menu.
- SuspendLayout()
Temporarily suspends the layout logic for the control.
- TouchToMouseEvents(TouchEventArgs)
Calls appropriate mouse events using specified TouchEventArgs.
- Update()
Causes the control to redraw the invalidated regions.
- UpdateFocusFlags(bool, bool)
Updates focus related flags.
- UpdateToolTip()
Updates ToolTip so it will be repainted in the screen if it is currently shown.
- Activated
Occurs when the window is activated in code or by the user.
- AfterHide
Occurs after control was hidden.
- AfterShow
Occurs after control was shown.
- BackgroundChanged
Occurs when the value of the Background property changes.
- CaretControlChanged
Occurs when control's caret is changed.
- CellChanged
Occurs when cell settings are changed.
- ChildInserted
Occurs when the child control is added to this control.
- ChildRemoved
Occurs when the child control is removed from this control.
- ChildVisibleChanged
Occurs when the child control's Visible property is changed.
- Click
Occurs when the control is clicked.
- CustomLayout
Occurs when the control needs to layout its children.
- Deactivated
Occurs when the window loses focus and is no longer the active window.
- DelayedTextChanged
Occurs when the Text property value changes.
- DoubleClick
Occurs when the control is double clicked by the mouse.
- DpiChanged
Occurs when the DPI setting changes on the display device where the form is currently displayed.
- DragDrop
Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed.
- DragEnter
Occurs when an object is dragged into the control's bounds.
- DragLeave
Occurs when an object is dragged out of the control's bounds.
- DragOver
Occurs when an object is dragged over the control's bounds.
- DragStart
Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation needs to be started.
- EnabledChanged
Occurs when the value of the Enabled property changes.
- ErrorsChanged
Occurs when the validation errors have changed for this control or its child controls.
- FocusedControlChanged
Occurs when focused control is changed.
- FontChanged
Occurs when the value of the Font property changes.
- ForegroundChanged
Occurs when the value of the Foreground property changes.
- GlobalFocusNextControl
Occurs when FocusNextControl(bool, bool) is called.
- GlobalGetPreferredSize
Occurs inside GetPreferredSize(SizeD) method.
- GlobalOnLayout
Occurs when the the control should reposition its child controls.
- GotFocus
Occurs when the contol gets focus.
- HandleCreated
Occurs when the control's handle is created.
- HandleDestroyed
Occurs when the control's handle is destroyed.
- HelpRequested
When implemented by a class, occurs when user requests help for a control
- HorizontalAlignmentChanged
Occurs when the value of the HorizontalAlignment property changes.
- HoveredControlChanged
Occurs when hovered control is changed. Control is hovered when mouse pointer is over it.
- Idle
Occurs when the application finishes processing events and is about to enter the idle state. This is the same as Idle but on the control level.
- Invalidated
Occurs when a control's display requires redrawing.
- IsMouseOverChanged
Occurs when the IsMouseOver property value changes.
- KeyDown
Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.
- KeyPress
Occurs when a character, space or backspace key is pressed while the control has focus.
- KeyUp
Occurs when a key is released while the control has focus.
- LayoutUpdated
Occurs when the layout of the various visual elements changes.
- LocationChanged
Occurs when the control's location is changed.
- LongTap
Occurs when long tap gesture is recognised.
- LostFocus
Occurs when the control lost focus.
- MarginChanged
Occurs when the value of the Margin property changes.
- MouseCaptureChanged
Same as MouseCaptureLost. This event is added for the compatibility with legacy code.
- MouseCaptureLost
Occurs when the control loses mouse capture.
- MouseDoubleClick
Occurs when the control is double clicked by the mouse.
- MouseDown
Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed.
- MouseEnter
Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control.
- MouseLeave
Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control.
- MouseLeftButtonDown
Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and left mouse button is pressed.
- MouseLeftButtonUp
Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and left mouse button is released.
- MouseMove
Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the control.
- MouseRightButtonDown
Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and right mouse button is pressed.
- MouseRightButtonUp
Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and right mouse button is released.
- MouseUp
Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is released.
- MouseWheel
Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus.
- PaddingChanged
Occurs when the value of the Padding property changes.
- Paint
Occurs when the control is redrawn.
- ParentChanged
Occurs when Parent is changed.
- PreviewKeyDown
Occurs before the KeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control.
- ProcessException
Occurs when exception is raised inside AvoidException(Action).
- QueryContinueDrag
Occurs during a drag-and-drop operation and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled.
- Resize
Occurs when the control's size is changed.
- Scroll
Occurs when the user scrolls through the control contents using scrollbars.
- SizeChanged
Occurs when the control's size is changed.
- SystemColorsChanged
Occurs when the system colors change.
- TextChanged
Occurs when the Text property value changes.
- TitleChanged
Occurs when the value of the Title property changes.
- ToolTipChanged
Occurs when the ToolTip property value changes.
- Touch
Occurs when screen is touched by the user's finger.
- VerticalAlignmentChanged
Occurs when the value of the VerticalAlignment property changes.
- VisibleChanged
Occurs when the value of the Visible property changes.
- VisualStateChanged
Occurs when the VisualState property value changes.