Interface IApplicationHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to control platfrom behavior.
public interface IApplicationHandler : IDisposable
- ExitOnFrameDelete
Allows the programmer to specify whether the application will exit when the top-level frame is deleted. Returns true if the application will exit when the top-level frame is deleted.
- InUixmlPreviewerMode
Gets whether application is in Uixml previewer mode.
- InvokeRequired
Gets a value indicating whether the caller must call an invoke method when making method calls to the UI objects because the caller is not on the UI thread.
- IsActive
Gets whether the application is active, i.e. if one of its windows is currently in the foreground.
- BeginInvoke(Action)
Executes an action asynchronously on the UI thread.
- CreateActionSimulatorHandler()
Creates IActionSimulatorHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateCaretHandler(Control, int, int)
Creates ICaretHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateClipboardHandler()
Creates IClipboardHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateControlFactoryHandler()
Creates IControlFactoryHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateControlPainterHandler()
Creates IControlPainterHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateDialogFactoryHandler()
Creates IDialogFactoryHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateGraphicsFactoryHandler()
Creates IGraphicsFactoryHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateKeyboardHandler()
Creates IKeyboardHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateMemoryHandler()
Creates IMemoryHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateMouseHandler()
Creates IMouseHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateNotifyIconHandler()
Creates INotifyIconHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreatePrintingHandler()
Creates IPrintingHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateSoundFactoryHandler()
Creates ISoundFactoryHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateSystemSettingsHandler()
Creates ISystemSettingsHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateTimerHandler(Timer)
Creates ITimerHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CreateToolTipFactoryHandler()
Creates IToolTipFactoryHandler implementation specific to the platform.
- CrtSetDbgFlag(int)
Sets log debug flag of the used C++ libraries.
- Exit()
Informs all message pumps that they must terminate, and then closes all application windows after the messages have been processed.
- ExitMainLoop()
Exits application's main loop.
- GetActiveWindow()
Gets currently active window.
- GetAttributeValue(string)
Gets attribute value. Returns
if there is no such attribute.
- GetFocusedControl()
Gets currently focused control.
- HasPendingEvents()
Checks whether there are any pending events in the queue.
- ProcessPendingEvents()
Processes all pending events.
- Run(Window)
Starts an application UI event loop and makes the specified window visible. Begins running a UI event processing loop on the current thread.
- SetTopWindow(Window)
Sets the 'top' window.