Interface ICustomConsole
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with custom console.
public interface ICustomConsole : IDisposable
- BackColor
Gets or sets background color of the new text.
- Height
Gets console height.
- TextColor
Gets or sets foreground color of the new text.
- Width
Gets console width.
- BeginUpdate()
Begins console updates.
- Clear()
Clears console.
- EndUpdate()
Ends console updates.
- Fill(RectI, char)
Fills rectangle region with the character.
- GetChar(int, int)
Gets character at the specified position.
- Print(int, int, string)
Writes text at the specified position. Caret position is not changed.
- SetChar(int, int, char)
Writes character at the specified position. Caret position is not changed.
- Write(string)
Writes text to console at the current caret position. After write operation is performed, caret is moved to the position after the text.
- WriteLine()
Writes an empty line to console. Caret position is changed to the beginning of the next line.
- WriteLine(string)
Writes text to console at the current caret position. After write operation is performed, caret is moved to the beginning of the next line.