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Enum PropertyGridItemValueFlags


Defines flags used in different methods of the property grid control.

public enum PropertyGridItemValueFlags


DontRecurse = 0

Flag for SetProperty* functions, HideProperty(), etc. Apply changes only for the property in question.

Force = 256

Force value change.

IncAttributes = 64

Flag for GetPropertyValues(). Use this flag to include property attributes as well.

KeepStructure = 16

Use this flag to retain category structure; each sub-category will be its own VariantList of Variant.

Recurse = 32

Flag for SetProperty* functions, HideProperty(), etc. Apply changes recursively for the property and all its children.

RecurseStarts = 128

Used when first starting recursion.

SortTopLevelOnly = 512

Only sort categories and their immediate children. Sorting done by AutoSort option uses this.


This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.