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Enum RichToolTipKind


Enumerates tip kinds of the tooltip.

public enum RichToolTipKind


Auto = 7

Choose the appropriate tip shape and position automatically. This is the default and shouldn't normally need to be changed.

Bottom = 5

Show an equilateral triangle tip in the middle of the tooltip bottom side.

BottomLeft = 4

Show a right triangle tip in the bottom left corner of the tooltip.

BottomRight = 6

Show a right triangle tip in the bottom right corner of the tooltip.

None = 0

Don't show any tip, the tooltip will be (roughly) rectangular.

Top = 2

Show an equilateral triangle tip in the middle of the tooltip top side.

TopLeft = 1

Show a right triangle tip in the top left corner of the tooltip.

TopRight = 3

Show a right triangle tip in the top right corner of the tooltip.


This enum describes the kind of the tip shown which combines both the tip position and appearance because the two are related(when the tip is positioned asymmetrically, a right handed triangle is used but an equilateral one when it's in the middle of a side).