Class ControlAndButton
Base abstract class for control with side buttons.
public abstract class ControlAndButton : ControlAndControl, IBaseObjectWithId, IDisposableObject, IBaseObject, ISupportInitialize, IFocusable, ITextProperty, IComponent, IControl, IDisposable, IWin32Window, INotifyDataErrorInfo
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
- ControlAndButton()
Initializes a new instance of the ControlAndButton class.
- ControlAndButton(Control)
Initializes a new instance of the ControlAndButton class with the specified parent control.
- DefaultBtnComboBoxImage
Gets or sets default image for the 'ComboBox' button.
- DefaultBtnComboBoxSvg
Gets or sets default svg image for 'ComboBox' button.
- DefaultBtnEllipsisImage
Gets or sets default image for the 'Ellipsis' button.
- DefaultBtnMinusImage
Gets or sets default image for the 'Minus' button.
- DefaultBtnPlusImage
Gets or sets default image for the 'Plus' button.
- IsMinusButtonFirst
Gets or sets whether minus button is shown before plus button. Default value is True.
- BtnComboBoxSvg
Gets or sets 'ComboBox' button image as SvgImage.
- ButtonOverride
Gets or sets 'ComboBox' button image as KnownButton.
- ButtonsVisible
Gets or sets visibility of the attached ToolBar control.
- HasBtnComboBox
Gets or sets whether 'ComboBox' button is visible.
- HasBtnEllipsis
Gets or sets whether 'Ellipsis' button is visible.
- HasBtnPlusMinus
Gets or sets whether 'Plus' and 'Minus' buttons are visible.
- HasErrors
Gets a value that indicates whether this control or its child controls have validation errors.
- IdButtonCombo
Gets id of the combo button.
- IdButtonEllipsis
Gets id of the ellipsis button.
- IdButtonMinus
Gets id of the minus button.
- IdButtonPlus
Gets id of the plus button.
- InnerSuggestedHeight
Gets or sets SuggestedHeight property of the main child control.
- InnerSuggestedSize
Gets or sets SuggestedSize property of the main child control.
- InnerSuggestedWidth
Gets or sets SuggestedWidth property of the main child control.
- IsBtnClickRepeated
Gets or sets 'IsClickRepeated' property of the buttons.
- IsButtonLeft
Gets or sets whether buttons are aligned to the left or to the right.
- MainControl
Gets main child control.
- CreateControl()
Creates main child control.
- GetBtnName(ObjectUniqueId?)
Gets button name for the debug purposes for the specified button id.
- GetErrors(string?)
Gets the validation errors for this control and its child controls.
- HasButton(ObjectUniqueId?)
Gets whether button with the specified id is visible.
- NeedDefaultButton()
Gets whether default button need to be created in the constructor.
- OnButtonClick(ControlAndButtonClickEventArgs)
Called when button is clicked.
- RaiseButtonClick(ControlAndButtonClickEventArgs)
Raises ButtonClick event and calls OnButtonClick(ControlAndButtonClickEventArgs) method.
- SetFocus()
Sets input focus to the control.
- UpdateComboBoxImage()
Called when combobox image needs to be updated. Assigns combobox image using different properties of the control.
- ButtonClick
Occcurs when button is clicked.
- DelayedTextChanged
Occurs when DelayedTextChanged event of the inner control is changed.
- TextChanged
Occurs when TextChanged event of the inner control is changed.