Class Clipboard
Provides methods to place data on and retrieve data from the system clipboard.
public static class Clipboard
- Inheritance
Some platforms require using of async methods. Use AsyncRequired to check this.
- AsyncRequired
Gets whether async methods are required to use when working with the clipboard.
- Handler
Gets or sets IClipboardHandler used by the Clipboard.
- OnlyText
Gets whether only text format is supported by the clipboard.
- ContainsBitmap()
Gets a value indicating whether there is data on the Clipboard that is in the Bitmap format.
- ContainsData(string)
Indicates whether there is data on the Clipboard that is in the specified format or can be converted to that format.
- ContainsFiles()
Gets a value indicating whether there is data on the Clipboard that is in the Files format.
- ContainsText()
Gets a value indicating whether there is data on the Clipboard in the Text format.
- ContainsText(TextDataFormat)
Gets a value indicating whether there is data on the Clipboard in the specified TextDataFormat text format.
- Flush()
Flushes clipboard data so application leaves the data on the system clipboard when the application exits.
- GetBitmap()
Retrieves bitmap data from the Clipboard in the Bitmap format.
- GetData(string)
Retrieves data from the Clipboard in the specified format.
- GetDataObject()
Retrieves the data that is currently on the system clipboard, or null if there is no data on the clipboard.
- GetDataObjectAsync()
Retrieves the data that is currently on the system clipboard, or null if there is no data on the clipboard. Operation is performed asynchroniously.
- GetDataObjectAsync(Action<IDataObject?>)
Retrieves the data that is currently on the system clipboard, or null if there is no data on the clipboard. Operation is performed asynchroniously.
- GetFiles()
Retrieves an array of file names from the Clipboard in the Files format.
- HasFormat(ClipboardDataFormatId)
Indicates whether there is data on the Clipboard that is in the specified format.
- HasFormat(string)
Indicates whether there is data on the Clipboard that is in the specified format.
- SetBitmap(Image)
Adds a bitmap to the data object in the Bitmap format.
- SetData(string, object)
Clears the Clipboard and then adds data in the specified format.
- SetDataObject(IDataObject?)
Sets data to the clipboard.
- SetDataObject(IDataObject?, bool)
Places a specified data object on the system Clipboard and accepts a Boolean parameter that indicates whether the data object should be left on the Clipboard when the application exits.
- SetDataObjectAsync(IDataObject?)
Sets data to the clipboard asynchroniously.
- SetFiles(string[])
Adds an array of file names to the data object in the Files format.
- SetText(string)
Adds a text string to the data object in the Text format.