Table of Contents

Enum HelpNavigator


Specifies constants indicating which elements of the Help file to display.

public enum HelpNavigator


AssociateIndex = -2147483643

The Help file opens to the index entry for the first letter of a specified topic.

Find = -2147483644

The Help file opens to the search page.

Index = -2147483645

The Help file opens to the index.

KeywordIndex = -2147483642

The Help file opens to the topic with the specified index entry, if one exists; otherwise, the index entry closest to the specified keyword is displayed.

TableOfContents = -2147483646

The Help file opens to the table of contents.

Topic = -2147483647

The Help file opens to a specified topic, if the topic exists.

TopicId = -2147483641

The Help file opens to a topic indicated by a numeric topic identifier.