Class FileListBox
VirtualListBox descendant which allows to browse folder contents.
public class FileListBox : VirtualListBox, IBaseObjectWithId, IDisposableObject, IBaseObject, ISupportInitialize, IFocusable, ITextProperty, IComponent, INotifyDataErrorInfo, IReadOnlyStrings, IListControlItemContainer, IListControlItemDefaults, ICheckListBox<ListControlItem>, ICustomListBox<ListControlItem>, IListControl<ListControlItem>, IListControl, IControl, IDisposable, IWin32Window
- Inheritance
- Implements
- FileListBox()
Initializes a new instance of the FileListBox class.
- FileListBox(Control)
Initializes a new instance of the FileListBox class.
- AddDrivesToRootFolder
Gets or sets whether to add all drives (c:, d:, etc.) to the list of the special folders.
- AdditionalSpecialFolders
Gets or sets list of additional special folders. If specified, these folders will be added to the list of root level folders.
- DefaultFileImage
Gets or sets default svg image used for the "file" items.
- DefaultFolderImage
Gets or sets default svg image used for the "folder" items.
- DriveItemTemplate
Gets or sets template for the drive item when it is added to the list of the special folders. Default is "{0}".
- FolderInfo
Gets or sets global FileListBox.FolderInfoItem for the file or folder. FileListBox.FolderInfoItem allows to specify icon, custom title and some other information.
- HiddenSpecialFolders
Gets or sets list of special folder which are hidden.
- VisibleSpecialFolders
Gets or sets list of visible special folders. If specified, only these folders will be visible on the root level.
- AddRootFolderItem
Gets or sets whether to add "/" item which allows to open root folder.
- AddUpperFolderItem
Gets or sets whether to add ".." item which allows to open parent folder.
- AllowGoToSubFolder
Gets or sets whether double click on folder opens its content in the control.
- IsReloading
Gets whether control is reloading and selection change events should be ingored.
- SearchPattern
Gets or sets search pattern which allows to limit files shown in the control. An example: ".uixml". Default value is "" (all files).
- SelectedFolder
Gets or sets folder which is currently opened in the control.
- SelectedItem
Gets or sets item which is currently selected.
- SelectedItemIsFile
Gets whether selected item is file.
- SelectedItemPath
Gets path of the selected item. When this property is changed, selected item is updated to the item with the specified path.
- Sorted
Gets or sets whether foder and file names are sorted.
- AddFile(NewItemInfo)
Adds file to the control.
- AddFile(string?, string, SvgImage?)
Adds file to the control.
- AddFolder(NewItemInfo)
Adds folder to the control.
- AddFolder(string?, string, SvgImage?)
Adds folder to the control.
- AddSpecialFolder(SpecialFolder, string?)
Adds special folder specified using Environment.SpecialFolder enumeration.
- AddSpecialFolders()
Adds all special folders to the control. VisibleSpecialFolders and HiddenSpecialFolders can be used to specify what folders are added.
- ItemIsFile(FileListBoxItem?)
Gets whether item is file.
- ItemIsFolder(FileListBoxItem?)
Gets whether item is folder.
- OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs)
Called when the KeyDown event is raised.
- Reload()
Reloads contents of the currently opened folder.
- AddRootFolder
Occurs when root folder items are added to the control. This event is called when SelectedFolder is assigned with