Namespace Alternet.Drawing
- BaseDrawable
Base class for the drawable objects.
- Bitmap
Encapsulates a bitmap, which consists of the pixel data for a graphics image and its attributes. A Bitmap is an object used to work with images defined by pixel data.
- BorderDrawable
Implements background and border painting. Additionally it can paint image inside the rectangle.
- Brush
Defines objects used to fill the interiors of graphical shapes such as rectangles, ellipses, pies, polygons, and paths.
- BrushConverter
Converts brushes from one data type to another. Access this class through the TypeDescriptor.
- BrushOrColor
Contains brush or color.
- Brushes
Brushes for all the standard colors.
- Color
Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color.
- Color.ColorNameComparer
Implements IComparer<T> interface. Compares two colors using string compare of their names.
- Color.ColorNameLocalizedComparer
Implements IComparer<T> interface. Compares two colors using string compare of their names.
- ColorConverter
Converts colors from one data type to another. Access this class through the TypeDescriptor.
- ColorSvgImage
SvgImage descendant which works with color svg images.
- ColorTranslator
Translates colors to and from GDI+ Color objects.
- ColorUtils
Contains Color related static methods.
- ControlPaint
Provides methods used to paint common controls and their elements.
- DummyIconSetHandler
Dummy implementation of the IIconSetHandler interface.
- DummyImageContainer
Dummy implementation of the IImageContainer interface.
- DummyImageListHandler
Implements dummy IImageListHandler provider.
- Font
Defines a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style attributes. This class cannot be inherited.
- FontFactory
Provides access to the font factory.
- FontFamily
Defines a group of type faces having a similar basic design and certain variations in styles.
- GenericImage
Implements platform independent image.
- GenericImageOptionNames
Lists known image option names for use in GenericImage.
- GradientBrush
Base class for gradient brushes.
- GradientStop
Describes the location and color of a transition point in a gradient.
- Graphics
Defines a custom drawing surface.
- GraphicsFactory
Contains static methods and properties related to the graphics objects creation, convertion and handling.
- GraphicsPath
Represents a series of connected lines and curves. This class cannot be inherited.
- GraphicsUnitConverter
Contains conversion methods related to GraphicsUnit.
- HatchBrush
Defines a brush with a hatch style and a color.
- IFontHandler.FontParams
Contains font properties.
- IconSet
Allows to use icons in the application.
- IconSetConverter
Converts IconSet from one data type to another. Access this class through the TypeDescriptor.
- ImageContainer
Image container bound to the dummy handler.
- ImageContainer<T>
Base class for the image containers.
- ImageConverter
Converts Image from one data type to another. Access this class through the TypeDescriptor.
- ImageDrawable
Implements image drawing.
- ImageFormat
Specifies the file format of the image. Not inheritable.
- ImageSetConverter
Converts ImageSet from one data type to another. Access this class through the TypeDescriptor.
- InteriorDrawable
Implements control interior drawing. This includes border, background, vertical and horizontal scrollbars drawing.
- KnownColorNames
Contains methods which alllow to get name of the color specified using KnownColor.
- KnownColorTable
Allows to convert colors to ARGB.
- KnownOSColorConsts
Defines color constants for the control parts in the different operating systems.
- KnownOSColorConsts.WindowsDark
Defines color constants for the control parts under Windows when dark color scheme is selected.
- KnownOSColorConsts.WindowsLight
Defines color constants for the control parts under Windows when light color scheme is selected.
- KnownOSColorConsts.WindowsLightOrDark
Gets color constants for the control parts under Windows for light or dark theme.
- LightDarkColor
Extends Color with additional features. Implements light and dark color pair, one of them is used when argb of the LightDarkColor is requested. Returned argb depends on the value specified in IsDarkOverride and a result of IsUsingDarkBackground.
- LightDarkColors
Contains static members related to colors which have different argb in dark and light themes.
- LightDarkImage<TImage>
Contains image for the light and dark color themes.
- LinearGradientBrush
Paints an area with a linear gradient.
- ListItemDrawable
Implements ListControlItem painting.
- MessageBoxSvg
Contains known svg images for the message box dialogs.
- MonoSvgImage
SvgImage descendant which works with mono (single color) svg images.
- NamedColors
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with named colors.
- NinePatchImagePaintParams
Defines parameters for the nine patch image drawing.
- NineRects.PreviewControl
Sample preview control for the NineRects structure.
- NotImplementedGraphics
Drawing context which raises NotImplementedException exeption on every method or property call.
- Pen
Defines an object used to draw lines and curves.
- Pens
Pens for all the standard colors.
- PlessBrushHandler
Base class for platformless brushes.
- PlessFontHandler
Platformless IFontHandler implementation.
- PlessGraphics
Implements dummy drawing context which does no drawing.
- PlessHatchBrushHandler
Platformless hatch brush handler.
- PlessImageHandler
Implements abstract base class with some common methods and properties which allow to work with images.
- PlessImageSetHandler
Implements dummy IImageSetHandler provider.
- PlessLinearGradientBrushHandler
Platformless linear gradient brush handler.
- PlessPenHandler
Platformless pen handler.
- PlessRadialGradientBrushHandler
Platformless radial gradient brush handler.
- PlessSolidBrushHandler
Platformless solid brush handler.
- PlessSystemColors
Contains static methods and properties which allow to access platformless system colors.
- PlessTextureBrushHandler
Platformless texture brush handler.
- RadialGradientBrush
Paints an area with a radial gradient.
- RectangleDrawable
Implements background and border painting. Additionally it can paint image inside the rectangle.
- Region
Describes the interior of a graphics shape composed of rectangles and paths.
- ScrollBarDrawable
Implements scrollbar drawing.
- SkiaColorFilter
Helper class which works with SKColorFilter.
- SkiaFontFactoryHandler
Implements IFontFactoryHandler interface provider for SkiaSharp fonts.
- SkiaRegionHandler
Implements IRegionHandler provider for the SkiaSharp regions.
- SkiaUtils
Contains static methods and properties related to SkiaSharp drawing.
- SolidBrush
Defines a brush of a single color. Brushes are used to fill graphics shapes, such as rectangles, ellipses, pies, polygons, and paths.
- SvgImage
Impements methods and properties to work with toolbar svg images. These are rectangular images with small size. This class allows to speed up loading and getting of different states (and sizes) of the same image.
- SvgUtils
Contains static methods related to svg images handling.
- SystemColors
Each property of the SystemColors class is a Color structure that is the color of a Windows display element.
- SystemColorsLight
Contains system color values for the light theme in case when operating system doesn't provide system colors.
- TextFormat
Encapsulates text layout information (such as alignment and orientation), display manipulations (such as ellipsis insertion) and other formatting options.
- TextRenderer
Provides methods used to measure and render text.
- TextureBrush
Defines a brush of a single color. Brushes are used to fill graphics shapes, such as rectangles, ellipses, pies, polygons, and paths.
- WxControlPainterHandler
Draws control parts using native operating system visual style.
- WxControlPainterHandler.DrawItemParams
Defines additional parameters for the DrawItem(ControlPartKind, AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags, DrawItemParams?) method.
- WxControlPainterHandler.HeaderButtonParams
Defines parameters for the DrawHeaderButton(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags, HeaderSortIconType, HeaderButtonParams?).
- ARGBValue
A simple class which stores alpha, red, green and blue values as 8 bit unsigned integers in the range of 0-255.
- CachedSvgImage<TImage>
Storage for SvgImage conversions to Image for the different visual states and light/dark flags.
- ColorStruct
ColorStruct used inside the Color object in order to store color value. This structure stores color as BGRA and is compatible with SKColor.
- CoordD
Contains coordinate related properties and methods.
- FontInfo
Defines font information. This is different from Font as contains only font properties and no font handle.
- FontNameAndSize
Contains font name and size.
- Graphics.DrawElementsParams
Contains parameters for the draw elements method.
- Graphics.DrawElementsParams.ElementParams
Contains element parameters
- Graphics.DrawLabelParams
Contains parameters for the draw label method.
- HSVValue
A simple class which stores hue, saturation and value as doubles in the range 0.0-1.0.
- ImageBitsFormat
Contains properties which describe format of the image pixels.
- InteriorDrawable.HitTestsResult
Contains full hit test result, including interior part and scrollbar part.
- NineRects
Implements slicing of the rectangle into 9 parts.
- PointD
Represents an ordered pair of x and y coordinates that define a point in a two-dimensional plane.
- PointI
Represents an ordered pair of x and y coordinates that define a point in a two-dimensional plane.
- RGBAValue
A simple class which stores alpha, red, green and blue values as 8 bit unsigned integers in the range of 0-255.
- RGBValue
A simple class which stores red, green and blue values as 8 bit unsigned integers in the range of 0-255.
- RectD
Stores the location and size of a rectangular region.
- RectI
Stores the location and size of a rectangular region.
- SizeD
Represents the size of a rectangular region with an ordered pair of width and height.
- SizeI
Represents the size of a rectangular region with an ordered pair of width and height.
- SvgImageInfo
Contains properties and methods which allow to specify svg image information.
- TextAndFontStyle
Contains text and font style.
- TextFormat.Record
Contains all properties of the TextFormat.
- TransformMatrix
Encapsulates a 3-by-2 affine matrix that represents a geometric transform.
- IBaseDrawable
Provides access to methods and properties of the drawable object.
- IBrushHandler
Base interface for the brush handlers.
- IControlPainterHandler
Contains methods which can paint and measure control parts. For example, DrawCheckBox(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, CheckState, VisualControlState) method paints check box in different states.
- IFontFactoryHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to create and manage fonts.
- IFontHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with font.
- IGenericImageHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with generic platform independent image.
- IGraphics
Contains methods and properties which allow to painton the drawing context.
- IGraphicsFactoryHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to create graphics objects and to perform graphics related operations.
- IGraphicsPathHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with graphics path.
- IHatchBrushHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with hatch brush.
- IIconSetHandler
Extends IImageContainer with methods and properties specific to icon set.
- IImageContainer
Defines methods and properties which allow to perform different operations with image containers.
- IImageHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with image.
- IImageListHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with image list.
- IImageSetHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with image sets.
- IKnownColorInfo
Contains information related to KnownColor.
- ILinearGradientBrushHandler
Extends IBrushHandler with properties and methods specific to linear gradient brush.
- ILockImageBits
Contains methods and properties which allow to lock/unlock image pixels and to get pixel format.
- IPenHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to manage pen.
- IRadialGradientBrushHandler
Extends IBrushHandler with properties and methods specific to radial gradient brush.
- IRegionHandler
Contains methods and properties which allow to work with region.
- ISkiaSurface
Contains properties and methods which help to use SKCanvas over the bitmap pixels.
- ISolidBrushHandler
Extends IBrushHandler with properties and methods specific to solid brush.
- ITextureBrushHandler
Extends IBrushHandler with properties and methods specific to the texture brush.
- BrushHatchStyle
Specifies the different patterns available for the hatch brushes.
- BrushType
Defines possible brush types.
- Color.StateFlags
Enumerates color value state flags.
- CombineMode
Specifies how different regions can be combined.
- DashStyle
Gets or sets the style used for dashed lines drawn with the pen.
- DrawLabelFlags
Enumerates flags that can be used to customize label painting.
- FillMode
Specifies how the interior of a closed path is filled.
- FontStyle
Specifies style information applied to text.
- FontWeight
Refers to the density of a typeface, in terms of the lightness or heaviness of the strokes.
- GenericFontFamily
Specifies a generic font family.
- GenericImage.PixelStrategy
Enumerates known pixel strategies used in the generic images.
- GenericImageAlphaBlendMode
Enumerates constants for specifying alpha blending options.
- GenericImageLoadFlags
Enumerates image load flags.
- GenericImagePngSetFilter
Flags for PNG handling to specify which filters to use.
- GenericImagePngType
Enumerates PNG image types.
- GenericImageResizeQuality
Enumerates levels of quality for different resizing algorithms used by scaling and rescaling methods.
- GenericImageResolutionUnit
Enumerates possible values for the image resolution option.
- GenericImageTiffCompression
Enumerates Tiff compression methods.
- GenericImageTiffPhotometric
Enumerates Tiff photometric values.
- GraphicsUnit
Specifies the unit of measure for the data.
- GraphicsUnitConverter.GraphicsType
Type of the graphics.
- ImageBitsFormatKind
Enumerates known image pixel format.
- ImageLockMode
Specifies flags that are used when a portion of an image is locked so that you can read or write the pixel data.
- InteriorDrawable.HitTestResult
Enumerates possible hit test return values.
- InterpolationMode
The InterpolationMode enumeration specifies the algorithm that is used when images are scaled.
- KnownColor
Specifies the known colors.
- KnownColorCategory
Known colors categories enumeration.
- KnownSystemColor
Specifies the system known colors.
- LineCap
Specifies the available cap styles with which a pen object can end a line.
- LineJoin
Specifies how to join consecutive line or curve segments.
- PixelFormat
Specifies the format of the color data for each pixel in the image.
- RasterOperationMode
Defines logical raster operations which can be used with blit, stretch-blit and some other functions.
- RegionContain
Types of results returned from a call to 'Contains' methods of the region.
- ScrollBarDrawable.HitTestResult
Enumerates possible hit test return values.
- SvgImageDataKind
Enumerates known data parameter types for the constructor of svg image.
- SvgImageNumOfColors
Enumerates possible number of colors used in svg image.
- SystemSettingsColor
System colors enumeration in wxWidgets.
- TextFormatFlags
Specifies the display and layout information for text strings.
- TextHorizontalAlignment
Specifies the horizontal alignment of a text string relative to its layout rectangle.
- TextTrimming
Specifies how to trim characters from a string that does not completely fit into a layout shape.
- TextVerticalAlignment
Specifies the vertical alignment of a text string relative to its layout rectangle.
- TextWrapping
Specifies how to wrap characters from a string that does not completely fit into a layout shape.
- WxControlPainterHandler.ControlPartKind
Defines possible controls parts to draw.
- WxControlPainterHandler.DrawFlags
Control state flags used for control painting.
- WxControlPainterHandler.HeaderSortIconType
Defines header sort icon types.
- WxControlPainterHandler.TitleBarButtonFlags
Defines buttons that can be shown in the title bar.
- ConvertGraphicsUnit
Defines delegate for Convert handler.