Table of Contents

Enum RasterOperationMode


Defines logical raster operations which can be used with blit, stretch-blit and some other functions.

public enum RasterOperationMode


And = 6

dst = src AND dst.

AndInvert = 7

dst = (NOT src) AND dst..

AndReverse = 4

dst = src AND (NOT dst).

Clear = 0

dst = 0.

Copy = 5

dst = src.

Equiv = 10

dst = (NOT src) XOR dst.

Invert = 2

dst = NOT dst.

Nand = 13

dst = (NOT src) OR (NOT dst).

NoOp = 8

dst = dst (no operation).

Nor = 9

dst = (NOT src) AND (NOT dst).

Or = 14

dst = src OR dst.

OrInvert = 12

dst = (NOT src) OR dst.

OrReverse = 3

dst = src OR (NOT dst).

Set = 15

dst = 1.

SrcInvert = 11

dst = (NOT src).

Xor = 1

dst = src XOR dst.


The description of the enum values refer to how a generic src source pixel and the corresponding dst destination pixel gets combined together to produce the final pixel. E.g. Clear and Set completely ignore the source and the destination pixel and always put zeroes or ones in the final surface.