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Enum WxControlPainterHandler.DrawFlags


Control state flags used for control painting.

public enum WxControlPainterHandler.DrawFlags


Cell = 8

Only for item selection rect.

Checkable = 128

Menu item can be checked.

Checked = 64

Check or radio button is checked.

Current = 16

Mouse is currently over the control.

Disabled = 1

Control is disabled.

Expanded = 8

Only for the tree items.

Flat = 8

Checkboxes only: flat border.

Focused = 2

Currently has keyboard focus.

IsDefault = 8

Only for the buttons.

IsSubMenu = 8

Only for the menu items.

None = 0

Absence of any other flags.

Pressed = 4

Button is pressed.

Selected = 32

Selected item in e.g. ListBox.

SizeGrip = 8

Only for the status bar panes.

Special = 8

Control-specific bit.

Undetermined = 128

Check undetermined state.