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Class TextRenderer


Provides methods used to measure and render text.

public static class TextRenderer


DrawText(Graphics, string, Font, PointD, Color)

Draws the specified text at the specified location using the specified device context, font, and color.

DrawText(Graphics, string, Font, PointD, Color, Color)

Draws the specified text at the specified location, using the specified device context, font, color, and back color.

DrawText(Graphics, string, Font, PointD, Color, Color, TextFormatFlags)

Draws the specified text at the specified location using the specified device context, font, color, back color, and formatting instructions

DrawText(Graphics, string, Font, PointD, Color, TextFormatFlags)

Draws the specified text at the specified location using the specified device context, font, color, and formatting instructions.

DrawText(Graphics, string, Font, RectD, Color)

Draws the specified text within the specified bounds, using the specified device context, font, and color.

DrawText(Graphics, string, Font, RectD, Color, Color)

Draws the specified text within the specified bounds using the specified device context, font, color, and back color.

DrawText(Graphics, string, Font, RectD, Color, Color, TextFormatFlags)

Draws the specified text within the specified bounds using the specified device context, font, color, back color, and formatting instructions.

DrawText(Graphics, string, Font, RectD, Color, TextFormatFlags)

Draws the specified text within the specified bounds using the specified device context, font, color, and formatting instructions.

MeasureText(Graphics, string, Font)

Provides the size, in pixels, of the specified text drawn with the specified font in the specified device context.

MeasureText(Graphics, string, Font, SizeD)

Provides the size, in pixels, of the specified text when drawn with the specified font in the specified device context, using the specified size to create an initial bounding rectangle for the text.

MeasureText(Graphics, string, Font, SizeD, TextFormatFlags)

Provides the size, in pixels, of the specified text when drawn with the specified device context, font, and formatting instructions, using the specified size to create the initial bounding rectangle for the text.

MeasureText(string, Font)

Provides the size, in pixels, of the specified text when drawn with the specified font.

MeasureText(string, Font, SizeD)

Provides the size, in pixels, of the specified text when drawn with the specified font, using the specified size to create an initial bounding rectangle.

MeasureText(string, Font, SizeD, TextFormatFlags)

Provides the size, in pixels, of the specified text when drawn with the specified font and formatting instructions, using the specified size to create the initial bounding rectangle for the text.