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Enum SystemSettingsColor


System colors enumeration in wxWidgets.

public enum SystemSettingsColor


ActiveBorder = 10

The system-defined color of the active window's border.

ActiveCaption = 2

The system-defined color of the background of the active window's title bar.

ActiveCaptionText = 9

The system-defined color of the text in the active window's title bar.

AppWorkspace = 12

The system-defined color of the application workspace. The application workspace is the area in a multiple-document view that is not being occupied by documents.

ButtonFace = 15

The system-defined face color of a 3-D element.

ButtonHighlight = 20

The system-defined color that is the highlight color of a 3-D element. This color is applied to parts of a 3-D element that face the light source.

ButtonShadow = 16

The system-defined color that is the shadow color of a 3-D element. This color is applied to parts of a 3-D element that face away from the light source.

ControlDarkDark = 21

The system-defined color that is the dark shadow color of a 3-D element. The dark shadow color is applied to the parts of a 3-D element that are the darkest color.

ControlLight = 22

The system-defined color that is the light color of a 3-D element. The light color is applied to parts of a 3-D element that face the light source.

ControlText = 18

The system-defined color of text in a 3-D element.

Desktop = 1

The system-defined color of the desktop.

GradientActiveCaption = 27

The system-defined color of the lightest color in the color gradient of an active window's title bar.

GradientInactiveCaption = 28

The system-defined color of the lightest color in the color gradient of an inactive window's title bar.

GrayText = 17

The system-defined color of dimmed text. Items in a list that are disabled are displayed in dimmed text.

Highlight = 13

The system-defined color of the background of selected items. This includes selected menu items as well as selected text.

HighlightText = 14

The system-defined color of the text of selected items.

HotTrack = 26

The system-defined color used to designate a hot-tracked item. Single-clicking a hot-tracked item executes the item.

InactiveBorder = 11

The system-defined color of an inactive window's border.

InactiveCaption = 3

The system-defined color of the background of an inactive window's title bar.

InactiveCaptionText = 19

The system-defined color of the text in an inactive window's title bar.

Info = 24

The system-defined color of the background of a ToolTip.

InfoText = 23

The system-defined color of the text of a ToolTip.

ListBox = 25

The system-defined color.

ListBoxHighlightText = 32

The system-defined color.

ListBoxText = 31

The system-defined color.

Max = 33

Color count.

Menu = 4

The system-defined color of a menu's background.

MenuBar = 30

The system-defined color of the background of a menu bar.

MenuHighlight = 29

The system-defined color used to highlight menu items when the menu appears as a flat menu.

MenuText = 7

The system-defined color of a menu's text.

ScrollBar = 0

The system-defined color of the background of a scroll bar.

Window = 5

The system-defined color of the background in the client area of a window.

WindowFrame = 6

The system-defined color of a window frame.

WindowText = 8

The system-defined color of the text in the client area of a window.